Elizabeth Weber Levy

Elizabeth Weber Levy

  • August 31, 2013

    Tales from Louisiana Bayou Country

    The other day, I had the most surreal conversation with otherwise highly intelligent individuals (for this purpose, named Brenda and Sandra), who astonishingly proved they are propagandized, LIVs (low information voters).  Sadly, at the time, I ...

  • April 25, 2011

    Crawfish Tales

    The National Popular Vote peeps are still at it.  Although I was an elector, in 2000, I tend to forget about the sneaky, persistent move to dilute the Electoral College to nothingness.  One would think I'd know better.  Apparently, how...

  • March 26, 2011

    Crawfish Tales

    Thanks to the Louisiana Legislature, Louisiana's body politic is returning to segregation, with the blessing of the US Department of Justice, particularly in terms of state house and senate seats.  The federal and state redistricting process in ...

  • February 13, 2009

    HR 1

    In a minute, -- it's now 10:01 am, CT -- the House will vote on the rule to bring HR1 to the floor for a vote.  The bill was posted for review at 11:00 last night and, given its extreme length, no one has been able to read it.  Nevertheless...

  • August 23, 2008

    McCain veepstakes (updated)

    Go here to see when Bobby Jindal is scheduled to speak at convention.  Isn't that interesting?  Two possible scenarios:  Either Bobby's McCain's VP or it's a slap at Bobby because he declined McCain's offer and meant it.  I say ...

  • February 29, 2008

    Governor Jindal Wins First Legislative Battle

    As a result, Louisiana suddenly has moved from a national ranking of 44 to among the best in the country (99 out of 100 points) regarding financial disclosure for public officials.  The ranking was done by the Center for Public Integrity.  ...

  • February 13, 2008

    Vice President Bobby Jindal?

    Friday, February 8, 2008, I nearly fainted while listening to Rush Limbaugh's radio program.  What caused the near swoon was a conversation Rush had with a caller, Kelly in Denver, about possibilities for a vice presidential candidate on a McCai...