Elizabeth Naham

Elizabeth Naham

  • February 11, 2023

    A Therapist's Notes on the Decline of Marriage

    Many years ago, during the ancient times of the early part of this century, I provided individual psychotherapy to several adolescents. Although some stood out, one in particular, a thirteen-year-old, will remain in my mind forever.  Eve...

  • October 23, 2022

    Are there any conservatives left out there?

    Mental health professionals like me often provide services to a variety adults through the life cycle.  In my deep blue state, as I listen to their views on culture, it doesn't paint a pretty picture. I'm the confidante for many ...

  • July 10, 2022

    'Millennial sex clubs' and the decline of culture

    There's a quote in the Book of Isaiah, 5:20.  Here is the first line: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter. Sound ...

  • May 7, 2022

    The Ultimate Act of Narcissism

    In the seventies, as an adolescent, my peers and I who attended Catholic high school knew of some events surrounding the raucous sixties, but mostly we were shielded from much of the unrest and ensuing consequences. One day, sitting in our religio...

  • August 3, 2021

    A Therapist's Take on the Transgender Influx

    LinkedIn has decided to join the Woke Movement.  Recently, when I clicked on my profile, I was invited to identify my preferred pronouns.  LinkedIn could not resist being excluded by the Big Tech family.  For the most pa...

  • July 25, 2020

    How White Educated Female Liberals Are Destroying the Culture

    Malcolm X once stated that the black community’s greatest enemy was the white liberal.  If he were living now, perhaps that perspective would change and narrow to white liberal women.  Many of us recognize that white, educated, libera...

  • September 11, 2018

    Leftist women are in denial

    Denial is a powerful defense mechanism.  Much of the time, it is necessary and healthy.  For example, life is a temporary journey.  Some are more fortunate than others to live a longer and healthier life, but no one esca...

  • January 1, 2018

    The New Iranian Revolution: Is It Possible?

    Nineteen seventy-nine was a momentous year.  In my little world, college graduation was celebrated with enthusiasm and zeal.  In the world at large, the Iranian revolution occurred – and wreaked havoc and destruction in ways neither t...

  • November 20, 2017

    Will Franken be a Sacrificial Lamb?

    Al Franken, the so-called social justice warrior for women, has now been exposed.  Although some people on the left are calling for his resignation, very few are doing so in Congress.  The hyper-partisan Chuck Schumer is calling for an inve...

  • October 17, 2017

    Boys' Town and the Conspiracy of Silence

    Hollywood’s conspiracy of silence continues regarding the most vulnerable. The Left will do nothing to cut off the hand which feeds it. Many years ago, the supermodel Cindy Crawford made a movie. She had been reluctant to engage in the world...

  • October 4, 2017

    If I Were Hillary Clinton...

    Hillary Clinton is a tragic figure.  Those were my thoughts after it was safe to say Donald Trump had won the presidential election. Prior to Trump's victory, I expressed concerns to my liberal friends about Hillary Clinton's continuo...

  • August 29, 2017

    Female Genital Mutilation USA: Where Is the Outrage?

    Several years ago, when I heard about Female Genital Mutilation, FGM, I thought I had been mistaken. The idea that such an atrocity taking place in modern times could not be reconciled with my naive thinking at the time. After reading Alice Walker...

  • July 12, 2017

    The Right's Image Problem

    There are many wise quotes and phrases which originate from the Bible. Here is one from the Book of John: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” When I journeyed towards the right and began to learn fact from fic...

  • July 3, 2017

    The Abject Failure of the Left's Sexual Revolution

    A few weeks ago, prior to Father's Day, William McGurn wrote a beautiful and politically incorrect article in the Wall Street Journal.  He discussed the fact that men and women continue to be different in their approach to sexual intimacy ev...

  • May 7, 2017

    A transmission from a conservative mole in the Northeast

    A few weeks ago, prior to the latest chapter of anti-Trump hatred, I decided to attend one of my business meetings.  Being a long-term partner in a group mental health practice, I thought it was time to make the occasional token appearance....

  • February 5, 2017

    Political Persecution: And The Left Goes Marching On….

    Last Tuesday afternoon, a conservative client (I am a social worker) was discussing the college choices of a high-school cousin of hers.  She went on to say the young person was planning on attending the University of California but did not know...

  • December 17, 2016

    The Trump Effect: Unleashing the Fury of the Northeast Elites

    A few weeks before the election, I attended a gathering at a close friend’s home. When I arrived, a woman whom I will refer to as Liane was there with her husband. Liane is ideologically to the left and divides people into categories. Last summ...

  • November 26, 2016

    Why I Need Anonymity

    My name is Elizabeth Naham. Actually, the truth be told, my real name is... Well, I cannot tell you. Many of you reading this will understand, but for those who do not, let me explain. I live and work in a very deep blue state in the Northeast and am...