Eli Verschleiser

Eli Verschleiser

  • May 30, 2017

    'Public health leaders' must condemn terror

    As the world recoils from yet another atrocity, offering platitudes of "standing with Manchester" while actually doing very little to challenge terrorism, the City University of New York's School of Public Health is getting ready to sen...

  • March 28, 2017

    Repeal and replace Paul Ryan

    "Doing big things is hard," Paul Ryan said in a press conference after the defeat of the House bill to repeal and replace Obamacare. Really?  Then maybe the speaker of the House – and 2012 candidate for the second highest job ...

  • August 19, 2016

    If they gave Olympic medals for hate

    It’s a timeless image.  A young Israeli literally extending his hand to Islam, only to be rebuffed. The image was seen around the world, and with the help of Israel supporters, it will likely be seen for years to come.  Because the...