Eleanor Dashwood

Eleanor Dashwood

  • For Surgeon General, we need a person of moral clarity, not a gender ding-dong

    December 14, 2024

    For Surgeon General, we need a person of moral clarity, not a gender ding-dong

    Many of President Trump’s recent picks for his administration have been inspired. He has selected reformers who are eager to repair the corrupt departments they have been asked to lead, and quite a few of them have actual skin in the game, havi...

  • August 19, 2022

    The Predatory Male Behavior Of So-Called Transgender Women

    How do you know so-called transgender women aren’t real women? Because they act just like predatory men who, rather than having sympathy for women concerned when physically intact men invade their territory, revel in the ability to impose their...

  • February 27, 2021

    Now's Our Chance To Create Public School Alternatives

    We have never had a better opportunity to create an alternative to the crumbling, corrupt public school system. Conservatives must decide how to act and then act quickly. Throughout parts of the United States, children have not been in school for ...