Edward L. Daley

Edward L. Daley

  • November 12, 2005

    Where do we go from here?

    Perhaps the most important question on the minds of "undecided" American voters these days is: who should I entrust the security of the United States to in the coming years, liberals or conservatives? Although I must admit that conservatives have mad...

  • October 5, 2005

    It ain't just a big river in Egypt

    On the 26th of September, former Meet the Press moderator  Marvin Kalb interviewed Dan (I stick by the story — the story is true) Rather before the National Press Club in a manner which can only be described as shamefully obsequious. Durin...

  • August 4, 2005

    Federal funding of embryonic stem cell research

    Ever since last Friday, when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced that he would support loosening restrictions on the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, the mainstream media has become absolutely giddy over the prospect of George...

  • March 31, 2005

    How low can Krugman go?

    Every once in a while I stumble across an opinion article that's so irrational, hate—filled and hypocritical that I feel compelled to comment on it. New York Times op—ed writer Paul Krugman's most recent column is no exception. Titled "Wh...

  • March 25, 2005

    Our living, breathing Constitution

    Many judges these days like to refer to the Constitution of the United States as a "living, breathing document", implying that its text is designed to be flexible. It is not. The Constitution is a set of rules, and like any other set of rules, it is ...

  • March 14, 2005

    Oh the humanity!

    Is there any doubt that there's something seriously wrong with a judicial process which leads to the prohibition of the care and feeding, by her own parents, of a brain damaged woman? Of course, the woman to whom I refer is Terri Schiavo. We've all b...

  • February 3, 2005

    The Jennings mentality

    Do you consider all Americans of Italian descent to be affiliated with the mob, simply because they share the same heritage as the members of La Cosa Nostra? Thankfully, most people don't. However, ABC News anchor Peter Jennings apparently wouldn't h...

  • January 25, 2005

    Bush's Inaugural Address - in other words

    If you haven't heard the President's second inaugural speech, or at least read the transcribed version of it by now, chances are you're not very interested in American politics. Either that or you have a very short attention span, and just haven't ma...

  • January 14, 2005

    Time to privatize social security

    One of the most important political issues that will be debated this year is how to prevent the inevitable insolvency of our Social Security system. Although it is difficult to know which "experts" to believe when it comes to applying a date to the e...

  • January 6, 2005

    Of Advice And Consent

    Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution relates that "He [The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by an...

  • December 31, 2004

    In no uncertain terms

    I'm getting damned tired of being made to feel like I have to defend the United States of America against accusations made by people from other countries who consistently prove themselves to be lacking in any respectability or honor whatsoever, and I...

  • December 10, 2004

    Thank-you, ACLU

    Now that December has finally rolled around again, the time has come for all of us to take a few moments out of our busy, workaday lives and thank the American Civil Liberties Union for all it does throughout the year on behalf of each and every U.S....

  • November 30, 2004

    Bill's Talking Points

    I used to enjoy watching Bill O'Reilly on his primetime news/opinion program The O'Reilly Factor. In spite of his somewhat pompous demeanor (now that I think about it, I actually like that in a person) he seemed to be genuinely concerned with being f...

  • November 5, 2004

    My fellow conservatives,

    Following the remarkable victory in virtually every important respect by Republicans Tuesday night, many of the people I've talked to on the right are now saying that it's time to show liberals how conservatives win an election... by being forgiving ...

  • October 21, 2004

    All in the name of enfranchisement

    By now most Americans have heard that John Kerry plans to undertake a "preemptive" legal strike against Republicans during this election cycle. His justification for flooding every key battleground state in the union with thousands of lawyers, is to ...

  • July 30, 2004

    A word to the unwise

    The Founders of this nation wrote the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." in order to prevent the federal government from creating a state sponsored religion like the...

  • July 28, 2004

    At the old ball game

    Even with a couple of  cheater's steps off the pitcher's rubber working in his favor, John F. Kerry,  in front of a sold—out crowd at Fenway Park, couldn't manage to throw the first pitch of Sunday's Red Sox/Yankees game across home p...

  • July 22, 2004

    The growing tyranny of the judiciary

    A few weeks ago, Queens Superior Court Justice, Laura Blackburne, a notoriously anti—police judge, was reassigned to civil court for helping a robbery suspect, Derek Sterling, evade an NYPD detective who was in the courthouse to arrest the conv...