Ed Lasky and Thomas Lifson

Ed Lasky and Thomas Lifson

  • October 25, 2014

    Meet Wendy Sherman, architect of appeasement disasters in nuclear negotiations with North Korea and Iran

    The Pentagon says that North Korea likely has a nuclear weapon that can be mounted on a missile. Hats off to Wendy Sherman, architect of the 1999 nuclear deal with North Korea that was supposed to prevent this sort of thing. In return for hundreds of...

  • March 7, 2008

    Obama has an opportunity to display leadership and heal racism by Lasky and Lifson

    Barack Obama has pledged work to "rebuild what I consider to be a historic relationship between the African-American community and the Jewish community." (This is something his church and his close friend, mentor, moral compass, and inspira...

  • November 10, 2007

    Flooding the Kerik zone

    Rudy is taking some body blows over Kerik. If everything alleged is true, he tried to pull a fast one by getting some valuable freebies from a contractor that also might (or might not) have some mob ties. And didn't declare the bribe as income. That ...

  • September 24, 2005

    Muddle-headed thinking on the future of New Orleans

    Joseph Nocera, New York Times business columnist, mixes a few good ideas with some economic nonsense, including mandatory gratuitous Bush—bashing, in his column ($link) today on the future of New Orleans. He does get the biggest point correctly...

  • May 1, 2005

    Kofi Annan's Jewish gambit

    Kofi Annan is desperate. The cover—up of the massive Oil—for—Food scandal, the biggest financial fraud in history, is starting to come apart at the seams. Investigators have resigned and will be subpoenaed to testify before the Unit...