E. Calvin Beisner

E. Calvin Beisner

  • The Folly of Electrifying America’s Military Forces

    October 16, 2024

    The Folly of Electrifying America’s Military Forces

    Have you seen the viral video of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg calling for “vegan grenades,” “battery-powered fighter jets,” “biodegradable missiles”? It’s a deep-fake parody, a satire....

  • How NOAA Climate Catastrophists Mislead

    July 30, 2024

    How NOAA Climate Catastrophists Mislead

    By now practically everyone who follows news and commentary about climate change has seen graphs of global warming over the past century or more. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) produced this one in 2017, covering 1880...

  • May 20, 2022

    Must fossil fuel extraction be stopped to limit global warming?

    "Fossil Fuel Extraction Must Be Stopped to Limit Global Warming."  That's the headline of an article at Earth.com, an environmental activist website.  It purports to convey the message of a study published ...

  • September 17, 2019

    Fact-checkers who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

    Suppose I told you that Santa Claus lives in Santa Barbara.  Now suppose you reported in an article that I told you Santa Claus lives in Santa Barbara.  Now suppose some "fact-checker" slammed you for falsely saying Sant...

  • May 24, 2018

    Restoring the EPA's Scientific Integrity

    For decades, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has gotten away with creating regulations that lack sound scientific basis, costing Americans hundreds of billions of dollars without solid evidence that those costs are justified. It...