Dr. Tom Barron

Dr. Tom Barron

  • May 1, 2015

    One and half cheers for Geraldo

    In a week where we've heard some pretty unbelievable statements regarding the riots in Baltimore, from the mayor's "We gave space to those who wish to destroy" to a police commander telling Fox News correspondent Leland Vittert that...

  • June 14, 2013

    Our Enemy the Administrative State

    The vague "fundamental transformation" promised by Barack Obama prior to his first inauguration is nearly complete.  America's political system has been transformed from a constitutionally limited government into a modern administrative state of...

  • March 25, 2013

    The Left's Moral Relativism

    Moral relativism, prominently on display in current events, is an anathema to the transcendent, objective moral standards necessary to distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad. President Obama's recent Mideast trip included a press conferenc...

  • March 14, 2013

    Progressivism's Equality Paradox Smothers Freedom

    With the historical record of the last century and a half of political and social experimentation behind us, the fundamental question for Western civilization has come down to this: How free do people want to be?  Partially free or completely fr...

  • March 2, 2013

    Understanding the Threat of Progressivism's Equality

    The core of progressivism is radical egalitarianism, a utopian, immature, idealistic, and impractical version of equality popularized today as "fairness." It is the Liberal/Progressive's most highly regarded ideal above all others. Quite possibly, am...