Douglas O'Brien

Douglas O'Brien

  • June 30, 2009

    Dancing to a new tune in Latin America

    Standing unified with his amigo Hugo Chavez, President Obama appears ready to engage in a spirited defense of another leftist head of state, Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who was tossed out of power and out of the country over the weekend.While i...

  • June 16, 2009

    Health reform is all downside for most Americans

    In his campaign to persuade Americans to go along with, if not support, a government takeover of the 18% of the economy that is the health care sector, President Obama keeps making a claim that is intended to soothe fears among the general public....

  • March 28, 2009

    Labor's Agenda Undermines its Members' Livelihoods

    Organized labor has accelerated its metamorphosis in recent years away from a movement committed to improving the lot of workers towards becoming a vast policy advocacy effort devoting a disproportionate share of its efforts to political operations....

  • March 16, 2009

    Will the Administration's Census Policy Put Politics above Science?

    The Obama administration stood tall last week asserting the preeminence of science over politics in reversing policies that limited federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.  At least, that was their rationalization for the decision ...

  • February 25, 2009

    Paying for Government Health care, Madoff style

    You have to hand it to the new administration: when they promised change, they meant it.  Unfortunately, the change they promised is not the change they are focused on implementing.  In his appeal to voters, candidate Obama promised to chan...

  • February 14, 2009

    Charm is not an economic policy

    We heard it over and over on the campaign trail, “experience doesn’t matter,” “experience got us in this mess,” “what we need now is leadership,” and so on, ad nauseum.  And a healthy portion of independ...

  • February 4, 2009

    How the Stimulus Bill Could Kill You

    When you read through the nearly seven hundred pages of the House stimulus bill it is easy to begin dozing off after a few hundred billion dollars worth of run-of-the-mill wasteful government spending.  One has to keep a keen eye out for the com...

  • January 30, 2009

    Blago's shattered immunity

    Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's remake of "Dead Man Walking" before the state's senators was a remarkable performance.  The passion was there, the focus, the sense that this man possessed an absolute certainty about the validity of...

  • December 17, 2008

    Insiders still own Illinois' Senate seat

    At first it seemed that the outrageous acts of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich had resulted in an epiphany of transparency among some of the most reflexive stalwarts of the state's Democratic junta.Close on the heels of the Governor's arrest for, i...

  • August 26, 2008

    Thy brother's keeper?

    As America has gotten to know Barack Obama many have noted his apparent disconnection from many fundamental elements of his own life.  In describing his life experiences one analysis concluded he is "in" them, but not "o...