Douglas Herz

Douglas Herz

  • October 3, 2023

    How conservatives can use DIE to improve America

    DIE, among its other more poisonous precepts, teaches that America is a structurally racist country that must be fundamentally changed.  The reason that I, as a solid conservative, have never been much troubled by this element of DIE is bec...

  • September 14, 2023

    Is Joe preparing to run his wife for 2024?

    Wednesday's Cabinet meeting was most interesting. After a minute of introduction, President Biden turned the meeting over to his wife Jill, who continued to run it.  This allows us a glimpse into the Democrat presidential strategy for 2...

  • March 12, 2022

    Would Americans stay to fight for their nation the way the Ukrainians are doing? Poll shows...

    An attack on the U.S. would bring out the patriotism of many Americans, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday, but a surprising number of our fellow citizens would also cut and run. Here's the Washington Times story about it: ...

  • December 16, 2021

    COVID vaccines pose 7 times higher death risk than COVID for young people, Japanese experts warn

    Japan is adding heart inflammation warnings to COVID vaccine labels.  Authorities there approved a plan to print a list of "serious side effects," including myocarditis, on COVID-19 vaccine labels.  The decision was...

  • December 4, 2021

    Japan warns of cardiac health risks from COVID vaccines

    In a Friday press release by the Kyodo News Service, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare warned of myocarditis and pericarditis issues related to the mRNA COVID vaccines. The Kyodo News Service is the Japanese equivalent of the AP o...

  • August 19, 2021

    Why was Bagram Air Base closed?

    Biden closed Bagram Air Base on July 5, opening the way for the Taliban to take over Afghanistan. The Taliban respect American airpower.  They know all too well that a U.S. aircraft killed Qassem Soleimani, the "Shadow Commander...

  • August 13, 2021

    How much more obviously could Democrats show their racism?

    Vermont Democrat party chair Bruce Olsson recently published a commentary proclaiming yet again that Republicans are racists.  Perhaps Mr. Olsson does not yet realize that Democrats totally own the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory, whi...

  • August 11, 2021

    COVID hysteria, vaccine passports: Where it's all leading

    To those of you scratching your heads about what is going on in America today, what with violence in the streets aided by local politicians, quitters like Naomi Osaka treated as hero(ine)s, woke corporations insulting their customers, China apologist...

  • January 3, 2021

    If the Supremes don't act soon, John Roberts will end up the scapegoat

    The numbers simply do not add up.  In the 2000 general election, Al Gore had two chances to make his case before the Supreme Court for voter fraud in one state — Florida — on the flimsiest of evidence (hanging chads and the like...

  • December 29, 2020

    How Democrats are sneakily destroying the Electoral College

    Add the Electoral College to the list of American institutions that the Democrats have destroyed (along with education, media, entertainment, Silicon Valley, sports, big cities, the justice system, the family, the FBI-CIA, the Supreme Court, etc.)....

  • December 17, 2020

    A crafty old turtle?

    According to Politico, as noted in the Dec. 16 American Thinker , Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and his lieutenants are warning Republicans not to object when the electors are certified on Jan. 6. ... McCon...

  • December 14, 2020

    Researchers declare liberalism a personality disorder

    We all know that liberals are self-centered, entitled snobs who look down on average Americans as "bitter clingers" and "deplorables" and who see themselves as victims justified in silencing and even physically attacking those who...

  • December 9, 2020

    Is it fear?

    When it comes right down to it, people are just plain scared to support Donald Trump's efforts to prove voter fraud.  Republican legislators in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin are scared to use their powe...

  • December 1, 2020

    Who are the split-ticket voters?

    What America wants to know is, who and where are the split ticket voters: those unicorns who hated Donald Trump so much that they voted for Joe Biden and gave him the presidency (so far) but loved their local Republican representative so much that th...

  • November 28, 2020

    Trump's re-election fight separates the wheat from the chaff

    Here we are again, in the winter of our country, huddled in the tiny huts that are our lives, awaiting the thaw of the coming year. The summer soldiers of the right have abandoned us — the supporters of Donald Trump — for the enticing ...

  • November 27, 2020

    AG Barr, MIA

    Someone please correct me.  I thought the attorney general of the United States swore an oath to uphold the Constitution.  It seems to me, small-minded though I am, that rampant voter fraud, substantial enough to overturn the appa...

  • July 20, 2020


    If we are going to cancel everything so it doesn't offend anyone, as we are doing with statues, buildings, schools, and roads currently honoring presidents, Civil War heroes, Founding Fathers, etc., let's do it right!  We should als...

  • July 19, 2020

    Deferred disease disaster dawning on Democrats

    A huge problem is coming soon.  Authoritarian blue-state governors and mayors thought they could conduct lockdowns without dire consequences.  But all that these fools have done is deferred disaster.  That disaster is the reduction in ...

  • July 16, 2020

    Students defending cancel culture raise alarms

    The online Wall Street Journal opinion section has a feature called "Future View," where the opinions of college students are aired on the issues of the day.  The subject Wednesday was "cancel culture." The WSJ...

  • July 13, 2020

    The woke white woman: America's latest casualty in the culture wars

    Stella Morabito over at the Federalist has just written a masterful piece describing a bizarre new phenomenon in America: the woke white woman.  The article is called "Why Do So Many White Women Hate Themselves?" Why,...

  • July 12, 2020

    List of crimes, 2040

    Today, leftists are playing the "cancel history" game to destroy statues of those who owned slaves in the past, when slavery was legal.  But what will our descendents say about us in the future — say in the year 2040, when w...

  • July 5, 2020

    Dems need another seasonal virus to sink Trump's re-election

    The communists in our country (Big Media, Democrat Party, etc.) are working overtime to make our virus lockdowns permanent in order to destroy our economy and to blame President Trump, elect Old Joe Biden, and flip the Senate.  Their plan t...

  • July 4, 2020

    It's Michelle Obama and always has been

    Whenever the news cycle runs a bit slow, pundits from left and right become atwitter over the possibilities for Joe Biden's female and preferably minority running mate.  We have seen the analyses ad nauseam: too-old-too-white Elizabeth ...

  • July 1, 2020

    Fauci guns for relevance again, predicts 100K COVID cases a day

    The online Wall Street Journal yesterday trumpeted at the top of its home page: "Fauci Warns of Potential 100,000 Virus Cases a Day."  The subheading lays out his threat: "Anthony Fauci said the U.S. is now recording abo...

  • July 1, 2020

    How to fight using viral jujitsu

    Jujitsu means to turn a situation to one's own advantage by exploiting one's weaknesses or another's strengths.  That is exactly what the left intends with its plan to crash our economy in the fall as an October surprise at elec...

  • June 28, 2020

    The riots are about the suffocating lack of opportunity in the Welfare State

    The riots are not about race, slavery, history, or culture.  The riots are about lack of opportunity in the Welfare State.  And they are right to be about that. What if I, as a government representative, had a wonderful deal fo...

  • June 23, 2020

    Democrats' fear-based strategy to win in November

    A new visitor has come to America.  That visitor is called fear.  After the killing of George Floyd, the Democrats took advantage of the situation to enable their militant arm, the communist cadres of BLM and Antifa, to riot and d...

  • June 19, 2020

    Let them secede

    The breakup of America that we all knew was coming has finally begun.  Today, it is six communist community blocks in Seattle plus a gaggle of socialist cities that have decided to disband or alienate their police forces.  Tomorro...

  • June 11, 2020

    Where is the FBI?

    Today's Federal Bureau of Investigation is "an intelligence-driven and threat-focused national security organization ... to protect the U.S. from terrorism, espionage, cyber attacks, and major criminal threats" (FBI website). ...

  • June 8, 2020

    Dress rehearsal for revolution

    To those who believe that the riots following the tragic death of George Floyd were unscripted, do I have a bridge for you!  The mayhem perpetrated by radical left-wing groups such as BLM and Antifa (per A.G. Barr) were well planned and wel...

  • January 5, 2020

    Huge double standard when Trump and Obama kill terrorist leaders

    Hypocrisy was at its worst on Friday as liberals, leftists, and Democrat apparatchiks exploded in a paroxysm of hatred toward America, our values, our troops, our allies, and our president upon the announcement that Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani...

  • October 21, 2018

    Just in time for Halloween: Democrat-led voter intimidation!

    If we have learned anything about liberals, it is that they will do nearly anything to gain power.  This election season their strategy is all about enhancing turnout by ginning up their base with hateful negative messaging, divisive identi...

  • September 30, 2018

    Government by the madding crowd

    On Friday, Arizona's Senator Jeffrey Lane Flake was accosted by a coven of screaming harpies in a U.S. Capitol Building elevator, so unnerving him that he decided to throw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh under the bus by agreeing to Democra...

  • August 15, 2018

    NFL obsessed with protesting? Try this

    The NFL clearly wants to have it both ways in order to keep its grievance-obsessed players and its patriotic fans delighted with the game of football.  Sadly, in the contest of ideas between the "take a knee" National Anthem prote...

  • July 4, 2018

    Media hypocrisy and children's lives

    The utter hypocrisy of the left could not be on more blatant display.  On Friday, June 23, President Trump held a meeting with the group called Angel Families, the families of people who have been killed, mostly murdered, by illegal aliens....

  • September 30, 2017

    The real 'repeal and replace'

    Anyone who follows current events like the NFL kneelers must be asking what the endgame is.  Bill O'Reilly brilliantly produced the answer on Hannity's show this past Tuesday night.  He connected the dots for Hannity's...

  • January 11, 2017

    Think of what we could do with $11.6 billion in useless 'climate change' spending

    The U.S. government spent some $11.6 billion in 2014 on climate change research, technology, international assistance, and adaptation, according to the GAO (General Accountability Office).  This useless research actually harms Americans by advan...

  • January 11, 2017

    USA to be a net energy exporter in 2017

    The unbelievable has just happened: the U.S. government has projected that we will become a net energy exporter this year, in 2017. The eight cases considered in the Energy Information Administration (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2017 (AEO...

  • January 6, 2017

    Have Democrats hacked your mind?

    Over the past few weeks, the left has expertly hacked the right by putting out the fake "The Russians Did It" narrative, referring to the reputed source of the 30,000 Clinton campaign emails published by WikiLeaks.  The right is off ba...

  • December 9, 2016

    Soldiers vs. shysters

    That high-pitched whine you hear these days is not coming from the family dog begging to come inside from the record-setting cold being recorded across the country this week.  Rather, it is the fake news-generating mainstream media sobbing ...

  • November 24, 2016

    History's abyss for the Clinton miss

    Donald Trump recently signaled that he will not pursue prosecution of Hillary Clinton for her email and Clinton Foundation crimes.  Many of Trump's supporters were upset because, first, The Donald had promised to name a special prosecutor an...

  • November 19, 2016

    Synthetic news

    The shrill, desperate hunt by liberals for dirt on the flourishing Trump administration continues unabated.  Today the lying liberal mainstream media is reporting breathlessly on “fake news” that may have assisted the Trump president...

  • November 10, 2016

    Breaking: Palin wins presidency

    The roots of Donald Trump's historic presidential victory go back eight years to the 2008 presidential contest and the V.P. candidacy of Sarah Palin.  Palin, or more properly Palinism, had many of the same characteristics as the Trump ascend...

  • October 30, 2016

    Two wrongs make a right

    FBI director James F. Comey has recently and arguably pulled off two of the most idiotic blunders a public official could possibly make. First, on July 5, he refused to send a recommendation to the Justice Department to prosecute Hillary Clinton f...

  • October 27, 2016

    Trump Is Correct: 30 to 40 Million Illegals Can Be Deported

    Donald Trump's plan to deport the 30 to 40 million illegal alien invaders living in America was met with howls of anguish from the left and legacy right.  But the plan is eminently doable. The first thing to recognize is that the illegal ...

  • September 3, 2016

    Kaepernicking the NFL

    The San Francisco 49ers' second (or third or fourth) string quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, recently created an uproar by refusing to stand for the National Anthem during several recent pre-season football games.  In Kaepernick's own word...

  • February 23, 2016

    Why do the GOPe and the liberals want illegals?

    The White House just reported that robots will soon replace humans for jobs that pay $20 an hour or less.  As reported by MarketWatch, in the recently released annual economic report of the president, "[t]here's an 83% chance that autom...

  • January 15, 2016

    Is the Endangered Species Act endangered?

    Perhaps by now you have heard about CRISPR, the new genetic engineering technology, which, as reported, could be used to correct DNA disorders that affect children and adults, perhaps even create “designer babies,” or even grow human orga...

  • January 14, 2016

    Liberals desperately seeking self-suffering

    We know that liberals desperately pursue those things that cause them to hate themselves.  Who knows why?  Perhaps it is some kind of sick reason to justify their miserable existence, a sort of mental self-flagellation, to join the endless ...

  • March 7, 2015

    Increasing the Minimum Wage: a Modest Proposal

    Liberals are constantly whining about the need to increase the minimum wage, which even the most left-wing economist knows will eliminate jobs. But it's too great a temptation for weak politicians and self-absorbed, preening leftist presidential ...

  • October 30, 2014

    A Party of One

    In today's era of hyperpartisan, uber-racialized, 24/7/365 campaign-mode politics, Barack Hussein Obama has so alienated the electorate with his politicized, racialized, and disorganized policies that few in America support or even understand the...

  • August 3, 2014

    The Obama Endgame Emerges

    The events of the past few weeks on America’s southern border bring into clearer focus the Obama pledge to fundamentally transform America. By opening our borders to illegal immigrants, and pardoning those illegals already here as he plans thro...

  • December 1, 2013

    U.N. Repudiates Global Warming

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations (U.N.) is regarded by the believers in anthropogenic global warming (warmists) as a definitive authority on climate change.  That the reports issued by the IPCC are ...

  • July 5, 2013

    Obama Loves Anti-Israel Tyrants, Hates Pro-Israel Strongmen

    American President Barack Obama showed his true stripes yesterday, meeting with members of his national security team to discuss the situation in Egypt where Islamist Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi was relieved of his office by the Egypt...

  • August 8, 2012

    More Questions Raised by 'You Didn't Build That'

    Some perspectives on Obama's ridiculous "If you've got a business-you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen" statement. If I owe others for my success, don't they owe me? Doesn't everyone owe everyone else? Wouldn't all this ju...

  • April 2, 2012

    If Israel Attacks Iran, Obama Loses Presidency

    Much controversy has arisen recently about the Obama administration leaking details of Israel's planned raid on Iranian nuclear sites by using Azerbaijan as a staging area. The reason for the leaks is simple: if Israel attacks Iran, Obama will lose t...

  • May 2, 2011

    The Racism Racists

    Is it racist to question hyper-secretive President Obama about his birth, education, religion, finances, associates, work experience or paper trail as the U.S. Constitution provides, tradition dictates, and common sense requires? The Left seems to th...