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Doug Powers
April 21, 2009
How long could he take it?After reading about President Obama sitting patiently and attentively through a 50-minute anti-American diatribe by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, two speculative questions came to mind: 1) How long into a 50-minute...
April 18, 2009
A question for Garofalo (updated)There's a very simple question that, should someone in the media should ask Janeane Garofalo the next time she's a guest on their program. I'd gladly donate to their favorite charity if they do.Here's that question:"Ms. Garofalo, if somebod...
March 26, 2009
Baracktionary: New shiny happy names for bad stuffAs Rick Moran reported earlier here on the AT blog, a Pentagon directive asks employees to substitute the term "War on Terror" with "Overseas Contingency Operation."Rick also mentioned that a few days ago, Janet Napolitano, P...
March 22, 2009
Who's 'Hitler' now?President Obama's crack about his bowling acumen being worthy of the Special Olympics has raised a few hackles. Normally I'd say "lighten up," but this time some examination is in order.George W. Bush was called "Hitler" virtually...
March 6, 2009
DTV and the 'Couch Potato Law of Motion'After an expensive, money-wasting delay in so-called DTV Transition, many are still unprepared:With about three months to go, U.S. regulators say some consumers are still unprepared for the television industry switch to digital broadcasting, which wi...
March 3, 2009
Blagojevich gets book deal worth at least 1/4 Senate seatRod Blagojevich’s publicist announced that the former Illinois Governor has signed a six-figure book deal—making Blago's cut worth anywhere between a quarter and a full senate seat.Strap on your helmet hair, because things are about ...
February 24, 2009
Rocket carrying global warming satellite plunges into Pacific: UPDATEDAt about 1:30 this morning, a Taurus XL rocket equipped with NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite, which was set to record world-wide carbon emissions, lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Shortly after liftoff a...
February 18, 2009
'Fairness' for fun and mostly profitNewsbusters has a telling quote from Bill Press during his appearance on the Steve Malzberg Show on WOR radio.This from Press concerning why he's for a return to the Fairness Doctrine for talk radio:I know why I'm interested in it because I...
February 13, 2009
Is this what they mean by 'transparent' government?Senator Dianne Feinstein apparently never heard the old World War II slogan, "Loose lips sink ships": A senior U.S. lawmaker said Thursday that unmanned CIA Predator aircraft operating in Pakistan are flown from an air base in t...
February 4, 2009
President's Council on Faith?King Obama has decreed that CEOs of company that accept bailout cash can no longer be paid more than $500,000 per year, and now it looks like The One is going after God's salary:CBN News has learned that President Obama will create a President's Coun...
January 26, 2009
Deal or no deal?In light of President Obama telling Republicans that they need to "quit listening to Rush Limbaugh" if they want to get things done, Republicans can certainly agree to do so... with a certain stipulation.Republicans need to respond to Obama...
January 24, 2009
Will the real imperialist please stand up?The U.S. Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba may be closing soon, with some of the "detainees" brought to mainland U.S., where they will no doubt be afforded the same constitutional protections that citizens have.It's clear that there...
January 23, 2009
'Unskilled' Stimulus Windfall: Where's the Union Outrage?Given the fact that a lot of skilled workers are union members, and given the fact that a lot of union members are white men, and given the fact that labor unions overwhelmingly if not entirely endorsed Barack Obama for president, where is the union ...
January 21, 2009
Innauguration aftermath: healing the earthHurricane Latrina: A picture is worth a thousand metaphors. This picture is up on Drudge right now, featuring the aftermath of "Hurricane Latrina."Obama supporters are, of course, the environmental-minded folks who are going to "clean ...
January 13, 2009
Government Incompetence Presented in High-DefWe'll find no greater example of what happens when the government runs any non-military operation that requires coordination, business acumen, technical skill, financial management and inventory control than we've seen in the "digital transition...
January 11, 2009
Obama to eat Lincoln's lunchLate last month, when I wrote a column entitled "Abe and Mary Todd Obama," I speculated about how many Lincoln references Barabraham Lincobama (the politician formerly knows as Barack Obama) would force into his inauguration....
January 10, 2009
After the Feds Bail Out the Porn IndustryEver wonder what it might be like if the government ran the porn industry? We may soon find out.Sleezeballs, smut peddlers, hustlers and those who make a living by profiting from the scummy underbelly of society -- I'm of course referring to Congress...
January 9, 2009
Fleeing MichiganIt’s about time my state got some recognition! Once again, we’re number one… on the list of states that people are fleeing:Michigan saw the nation’s most outbound migration in 2008, with 67.1 percent of interstate moves headi...
January 6, 2009
In semi-defense of ScientologyAfter perusing the ‘net and reading some of the completely uninformed and agenda-driven "guesses" as to what caused the death of the son of John Travolta and Kelly Preston (and, very often, accusations that the death was a direct resu...
December 24, 2008
Branch Gorevidians Explain Harsh WinterThis time of year, especially under the conditions much of the country is experiencing, we see people who are digging out from under tons of snow who are mocking "global warming." This ticks off global warming bureaucrats for two reasons: 1...
December 20, 2008
Come One, Come All: 'Global Orgasm for Peace Day' ReminderJust a quick reminder that tomorrow is "Global Orgasm for Peace" day. I'm not quite sure how this will bring about peace (maybe terrorists, despots and warmongers will be intimidated into hiding by our fiery red ears, crossed eyes and prima...
December 18, 2008
'Out' Rage: Obama Marches Off to WarrenBarack Obama continues sink into the political waves and befuddle those who thought he could walk on water. Obama chose Pastor Rick Warren to perform some inaugural duties, and the left isn’t thrilled in the least: Gay activists furious with Ob...
December 16, 2008
Lee Harvey Florsheim: Unwitting Example of U.S. Success in IraqThe infamous “Shoe-na-bomber,” Muntadar al-Zaidi, who threw two shoes at President Bush during a press conference in Iraq, is being lauded as a brave hero in many parts of the Middle East and in America’s “Berkeley Corrid...
December 15, 2008
The GOP needs a Colin-cleansingAs Jack Nicholson's "Joker" said in the movie Batman, "This town needs an enema!" So does the Republican Party. Previous tests have proven that the GOP has some, shall we say "matter," in there that's poisoning the syste...
November 11, 2008
Obama's Presidential Retreat?Most presidents have had a favorite expansive getaway -- an escape from the pressures of the presidency. Nixon had Yorba Linda. Carter had Plains. Reagan had Rancho del Cielo near Santa Barbara. Bush I had Kennebunkport. Clinton had... whoever lent h...
November 8, 2008
It's the stupid, economy!They say that laughter is the best medicine, and apparently that's what President-Elect Obama plans to use to cure the ailing economy:Gov. Jennifer Granholm and former U.S. Rep. David Bonior will serve on a panel of financial luminaries and corporate...
November 6, 2008
I Can See McCain Scapegoats From My HouseI’ve changed my position on drilling in Alaska because I’ve come to the conclusion that it might disturb or displace the scapegoats who inhabit the area.On October 19th, a piece I wrote entitled “Sarah Palin: GOP Fall Girl?” a...
October 28, 2008
McCain, Obama and dependencyAccording to Rasmussen, half of all voters believe that the William Ayers issue has harmed the campaign… the McCain campaign. Many Republicans are asking McCain to strike harder at Obama’s past association with Reverend Wright, but I hav...
October 19, 2008
Sarah Palin: GOP Fall Girl?There have been plenty of Republicans — the latest being Peggy Noonan — who are saying that McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as a running-mate has been a bust. They say Palin doesn’t possess the tools for higher office, that she...
July 27, 2008
Savage misguidance?Radio talk show host Michael Savage has made some people mad.The previous sentence could be written almost every day, but since the recent controversy hits close to home for my family, I thought I'd throw in my two cents.On a recent broadcast, Savage...
September 9, 2007
Leadership through tears?"... this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall gather 'round for a hug and a good cry." -The Gettysburg Address as it might have been ...