Donald P. Nielsen

Donald P. Nielsen

  • Union contracts are keeping kids from learning

    June 13, 2024

    Union contracts are keeping kids from learning

    Last year, only five percent of Detroit Public Schools Community District students scored proficient, even as 99% of teachers were rated “highly effective” or “effective.” Baltimore Public Schools had a similar story: in 23 sc...

  • January 21, 2023

    A New K-12 System

    The American public education system is failing our children. That fact is revealed by the recent National Assessment of Educational Progress exam scores. The reality is that 77% of high school seniors are not proficient in the core subjects after 13...

  • September 24, 2022

    The monopolies of education

    Monopolies are seldom efficient or effective. With three monopolies built into our current K-12 public education system, it's not hard to understand why the system is failing the majority of children. K-12 Government Schools The first monop...

  • April 16, 2022

    Challenging the Educational Establishment

    A discussion is sweeping the country about the role of parents in both the education of their children and what their children’s schools should teach. Frankly, it is high time this conversation took place. Over the decades, since the advent ...