Donald Wilkie

Donald Wilkie

  • January 31, 2018

    Crossing the Rubicon

    Victor Davis Hanson’s recent article, “Hillary’s ‘Sure’ Victory Explains Most Everything,” makes some very interesting points, perhaps more than he realized. Hanson posits that had Hillary Clinton won, all those...

  • November 30, 2017

    Trump: The art of the insult

    The question most everyone had on the morning of  November 9, 2016 was, "How in the world did Trump win?" Joel Gilbert entertainingly answers that question in his new film, Trump: The Art of the Insult. The short answer is, ...

  • May 7, 2016

    Why trade is not the problem

    Mark Twain reportedly said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."  It was a caution to those who rely too much on statistics and not their own eyes and ears. Sierra Rayne (whom I greatly respect) has ag...

  • May 5, 2016

    Trade is not the problem

    Yesterday, Sierra Rayne noted that Thomas L. (even a broken clock is right twice a day) Friedman "claims that "[w]e got rich as a country through trade."  This is correct. The marketplace creates wealth, and the marketplace con...

  • October 24, 2015

    Hillary and Benghazi: Cut to the chase

    “We came, we saw, he died!” laughed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in October of 2011.  And why not?  For Hillary, Libya had been a resounding success, an important résumé-enhancer for the future first female p...