Donald Finley

Donald Finley

  • December 14, 2020

    Two wrongs

    Much has already been written about the Supreme Court's refusal to hear the Texas suit.  The sharpest legal minds in the country can't agree on whether Texas has "standing," which isn't much of a surprise since disagre...

  • December 9, 2020

    How to Steal an Entire Country

    It's been over a month since the election, and all is not well in Mudville.  The home team fights round the clock to prove that the challenger cheated, and the challenger makes no effort to calm fears or address concerns — just co...

  • December 6, 2019

    House Judiciary Committee irony

    We've all heard that Democrats always accuse the Republicans of doing exactly what they are doing themselves.  That will likely become very obvious over the next few weeks as the DOJ investigation reports are released, and we discover e...

  • October 1, 2019

    How Trump wins

    The Democrats cannot allow a Trump victory, no matter what.  They know they won't beat him in 2020 because there isn't a serious and sane candidate among their party to oppose him.  His victory means a firmly right-leaning...