Don Parker

Don Parker

  • May 21, 2013

    Liberal Ghouls Exploit Deaths

    1975 : Tornado Outbreaks Blamed On Global Cooling | Real Science Notice what's missing in the above article? No politician is using the death of over 300 people to try and score cheap political points of the floor of the Senate as the feckless Se...

  • November 16, 2011

    Those pipeline doomsayers

    Now comes the Keystone XL Pipeline. Same bunch of Chicken Littles, just a different version of the sky is falling. The environmental wackos that can't fathom building a new safe pipeline in the United States are the same Anthropological Glo...

  • October 18, 2011

    OWS Crime Wave

    We've all read about the poor little rich kids of OWS and their Blackberries, iPhones, iPads, designer clothes and pricey cameras whining about economic justice.  Well now they say they have been set upon be thieves at their ...

  • September 15, 2011

    Guilty until proven innocent?

    Wait a second! I thought you were considered innocent until proven guilty! What the heck! Are we now expected to prove we are innocent if wrongly convicted. Is this judge saying that if someone is convicted of murder, then subsequently the ...

  • September 9, 2011

    Precursor to Obama Care 2014?

    Couldn't happen here?  Think our bureaucrats and politicians are too smart, too brilliant, too caring to ever let this happen?  British NHC bureaucrats have told General Practitioners  to ration the use of canc...

  • April 7, 2011

    Suspicions Confirmed

    As if we needed any conformation that Californians and their propensity to vote for liberals has been due to something other than impaired capacity! USC Researchers Say Pollution May Be Harming Our Brains « CBS Los Angeles This explains so...

  • March 2, 2011

    Forbidden and permitted for teens

    The American Academy of Pediatrics and the State Legislators in Connecticut have offered up the latest bit of wisdom from our betters.The Pediatricians of course, ever vigilant regarding the health of children, want to ban the use of tanning sal...

  • November 29, 2010

    Outrage Now, Back Then, Not So Much

    At least we know the leak of 250,000 pages of sensitive documents and State Department cables weren't being used for blackmail. Of course we'll never know about the use of 700 raw data FBI files that just happened to be in the hands of the Clinton Wh...

  • November 29, 2010

    Separated at Birth?

    The Wikileaks cable about Robert Mugabe sounds eerily familiar. Robert Mugabe In an unduly optimistic 2007 cable titled "The End Is Nigh," Christopher Dell -- then America's ambassador in Harare, Zimbabwe -- predicted the dictator's imminen...

  • August 26, 2010

    Ninth Circuit Follies

    Leave it to the 9th Circuit Court to say that government keeping track of citizen's movements without a warrant is OK. If one doesn't have an expectation of privacy in a vehicle, why do authorities need a warrant in order to search a vehicle whe...

  • July 9, 2010

    This is how the brilliant one thinks?

    Speaking with Israeli television, President Obama revealed the depth of his thinking."During the interview Wednesday, when confronted with the anxiety that some Israelis feel toward him, Obama said that "some of it may just be the fact that...

  • June 17, 2010

    Liberal hypocrisy wrapped in Philanthropy

    Isn't it interesting that these liberals who think government is the answer didn't consider just leaving the money to the Treasury. Meanwhile the idea of charitable giving remains a tried and true method of protecting one's assets from the Estat...

  • September 9, 2009

    A look at the ObamaCare future?

    In England the NHS has guidelines for when medical treatment can be given to a newborn baby. A baby must be born after 23 weeks of pregnancy, according to the rules, to be entitled to medical care. This scenario played out in England this past w...

  • August 25, 2009

    What's missing in the end of life counseling

    Taken out of the classroom/off the bureaucrat's desk, this is just the step down the slippery slope of government defining what is and what isn't a worthwhile life.It's very different to ask me "end of life" questions when I'm 65 and i...

  • July 21, 2009

    Government 'counselors' on end of life treatment

    The House version of the Health Care Bill is going to require (p 425-430) mandatory counseling for all seniors at a minimum of every five years, more often if the senior is sick or in a nursing home. Just how many government trained co...

  • May 6, 2009

    Trivializing War Crimes

    Today's liberals all too often use broad strokes to make accusations against anything the Bush Administration tried to accomplish over the past eight years. From "more children will die" to Senator Specter's contention that Republican ...