Don Feder

Don Feder

  • November 6, 2016

    Memo from an old soldier: Trump can't save America by himself. Clinton can destroy it.

    Increasingly, I feel like the old soldier of General Douglas MacArthur's 1962 West Point speech.  In a poetic passage, the man who led American forces in the Pacific during World War II confessed: The shadows are lengthening for me. The...

  • August 23, 2016

    A Clinton Presidency Would Be the Political Equivalent of an Extinction-Level Event

    Forget the arrogance and corruption -- $153 million in Clinton family speaking fees from 2001, mainly bribes during her State Department years. Forget the lies, the lies about lies, and the perjury. Forget the security breaches. Forget enabling Ameri...

  • March 14, 2016

    Bogie Gives Bernie a Lesson in Economics

    What a young Ingrid Bergman was to feminine beauty Bernie Sanders is to muddled thinking. One of his favorite catchphrases is “In a country as rich as ours…” fill in the blank.  “In a country as rich as ours, there sh...

  • March 7, 2016

    Republican Establishment the Next Whig Party

    Donald Trump’s popularity is a response to decades of arrogance and betrayal by the Republican establishment. After giving us lackluster centrist candidates in election after election, the elite is amazed that the rank and file are so f...

  • February 17, 2016

    All Aboard Starship Bernie!

    The chattering class is amazed at the rise of avowed socialist Bernard Sanders, running against hyper-welfarist Hillary Clinton. But Sanders’s campaign is just the latest chapter in the Democratic Party’s leftward lurch -- from Woodrow Wi...

  • October 6, 2015

    Bad China, Good China

    China is a totalitarian state. China is a fully functioning democracy. China is one of the world’s worst human rights abusers. China has one of the best human rights records in Asia. China is an aggressive military power, which is one of ...

  • January 9, 2015

    The Paris Attack and Western Elites

    Pop quiz. Savages go on a shooting spree at the offices of a satirical magazine. While they're murdering journalists, the killers shout: Hail Mary full of grace… John 14:6 Shema Yisrael Allahu akbar A captive is beheade...

  • November 7, 2014

    Spin, Merrily Spin: Democrats Struggle to Explain What Happened In The 2014 Election

    Control of the Senate was still in doubt on election night when Democrats and their media minions went into whirling-dervish mode. They had five talking points to try to explain away a massive defeat for the Party of Plunder (and an utter repudiat...

  • October 6, 2014

    Taiwanese Fly Declines Chinese Spider's Invitation

    Since Beijing stopped rattling its saber more than a decade ago, most Americans have forgotten about Taiwan. That’s unfortunate, because the drama now unfolding in Hong Kong shows the importance of Taiwan as a model for Chinese democracy. Ho...

  • March 5, 2014

    Putin Doesn't Threaten Our National Security, Obama Does

    Vladimir Putin isn’t the Easter Bunny. On the other hand, he isn’t Joseph Stalin. It takes a truly fevered imagination to see Russian forces in the Crimea as a prelude to Russian tanks rolling across Europe toward Berlin and Paris. Put...

  • December 30, 2011

    To Get Ron Paul's Insanity, You Have To Understand Libertarianism

    To "get" Ron Paul you have to understand libertarianism -- an ism every bit as delusional as Marxism. The National Libertarian Party, which first ran a presidential candidate in 1972, hasn't had many wins -- electing 4 state legislators in as many de...

  • November 25, 2009

    Anti-Defamation League Runs Interference for Anti-Israel Obama

    Is there any doubt that the ADL has become an adjunct of the DNC? The Anti-Defamation League pushes a leftist agenda in the guise of fighting anti-Semitism and bigotry.The ADL and the establishment left have a Vulcan mind-meld. The left thinks a wave...

  • November 12, 2009

    Academic Freedom for Thee, but Not for Me

    Of all the sins of the campus left, the worst is hypocrisy. Academic freedom is a spigot they turn on and off at their convenience.This evening, Ray Luc Levasseur, a convicted terrorist who served 18 years of a 45-year sentence, will participate in a...