Don Clyde

Don Clyde

  • April 9, 2023

    The perpetual cycle of revolution

    There is an old saying that revolutionaries never really succeed because they never stop being revolutionary.  When power changes hands to new tyrants, the revolutionaries are eliminated, and the process starts all over again.  Th...

  • March 14, 2012

    UC Berkeley studies the right wing

    The University at Berkeley has opened a center for the study of Right Wing political movements. Before we jump to the conclusion that the folks there have discovered this huge chasm in their philosophical libraries consider this give away. "And, as ...

  • August 5, 2010

    Is it a right to change the culture?

    The battle in the courts over same sex marriage is vexing. The law appears to be intruding upon society in a way that is fundamentally different from anything before. It is a demand for the right to change the culture. What a strange thing that is. I...