Don Boys

Don Boys

  • April 18, 2020

    Would you obey these requirements during a pandemic?

    Governments are taking control of our very personal lives during this pandemic --for our own good, of course. It has always happened during such times.  During the London plague in 1665, city officials took control of most aspects of the peo...

  • January 1, 2020

    New Year's Resolution: Be Kind

    Why not be kind?  After all, it doesn't cost anything! For a few years, I have tried to say or do something each day for someone who has no way to be a benefit to me.  That usually happens in restaurants, motels, airports, ...

  • December 23, 2019

    True to their roots, Christianity Today attacks Trump

    Christianity Today (CT), the mouthpiece for watered-down Christianity, has attacked President Trump, demanding he be removed from office. The editor, Mark Galli, suggested the president’s immorality, lying, and other egregious actions dema...

  • October 2, 2019

    Slavery Is Alive and Well

    Multiculturalists, being devoid of convincing arguments, use black slavery as a club to beat white people into submission. After clubbing by academia, media, and others, many whites have capitulated to the progressives’ guilt-preaching tha...

  • September 22, 2019

    Maybe the US should let Muslim nations tend to their own affairs

    The BBC headline on September 15 was "US blames Iran for drone strikes on two sites," and Saudi Arabia's energy minister reported that the attack affected about half their oil production.  The bad guys, the...

  • September 13, 2019

    USA Today's 1619 Series Is Racist, Radical, and Not Responsible

    Like the New York Times' series, USA Today's major feel-good series "1619: Searching for Answers" could produce more white guilt than any revelations about slavery.  Both series were a sh...

  • August 18, 2019

    Hatred Is Hatred, whether from the Left or Right

    The Reverend Not So Sharpton is not considered a hater.  He was much sought after by 12 of the Democrat presidential candidates, who made the pilgrimage to his humble abode to kiss his ring. When it was time to renew his television ...

  • July 29, 2019

    Pete Buttigieg: Wrong about Religion, Homosexuality, and Abortion

    Politicians have a constitutional right to be stupid, but Pete Buttigieg is taking advantage of that right.  Pete is wrong about religion, abortion, and homosexuality.  I don't want someone with three major failures in the Whi...

  • July 17, 2019

    Is Trump's Pandering to the LGBTQ Crowd a Political Ploy?

    President Trump knows better than to pander to the LGBTQ crowd, but listening to advisers, he has chosen to throw the homosexual lobby a bone, not realizing they will never be satisfied.  They are not interested in a "bone...

  • July 5, 2019

    Christian University Caves in to the LGBTQ Crowd

    You don't win battles when there is an abundance of white flags in your arsenal.  Christian universities haven't grasped that concept.  One after the other, Christian schools have hoisted the white flag of surrender regard...

  • June 8, 2019

    Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Bombshell the Media Refuse to Handle

    The world media, except in the U.S., are awash in the depressing, deplorable, and disturbing revelations about Martin Luther King, Jr.  David J. Garrow, King's friendly and liberal official biographer, revealed up to 45 sexual...

  • May 25, 2019

    South Africa Rife with Politicians Lying about Their Qualifications

    The speeches are over, the marches have ended, the votes have been counted, and South Africa is in the same condition it was before the national election on May 8.  It is unlikely to continue another four years in its present condition....

  • May 19, 2019

    A Reasonable Definition of 'Pro-Choice'

    I'm a definite, determined, and devoted pro-choice fundamental Baptist!  I believe that a woman has a right, responsibility, and requirement to choose: a choice to keep her knees together or rear a child.  That personal, pract...

  • May 3, 2019

    Yet More Corruption in Horrifyingly Corrupt South Africa

    South Africa has been bleeding money in recent years, but it's also lost professionals and the wealthy whites who have kept the nation running.  The fleeing whites have been running to the safety of other nations because of poor working...

  • April 22, 2019

    Pete Buttigieg Is Wrong about Homosexuality

    Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the media, and academia are all fouled up about what perversion is! Since the mayor is an admitted homosexual, with a "husband," no less, he obviously feels he must justify his choice of walking in the dar...

  • April 18, 2019

    Politicians, Fearful and Ashamed of Truth, Rewrite History!

    Current politicians' dishonorable commitment to fake news, false accusations, and fraudulent posturing for the cameras is a fulfillment of Orwell's fiction of decades ago.  George Orwell's declaration in his 1949 classic, N...

  • April 8, 2019

    Amateur Night: the Democratic Primary Campaign

    Running the most powerful nation in the world is not for amateurs, agitators, or airheads, but the Democrat Primary race has a good assortment of all three.  It is serious business being a U.S. President, yet the current roster of Democrats...

  • April 3, 2019

    Amateur Hour in the Democrat Primaries

    The Original Amateur Hour was an American radio and television program in the 1940s that had similarities to the Democrat Primary. It was a popular show as its copycat television shows such as American Idol have been in recen...

  • March 29, 2019

    Stop the Politically Correct Renaming of Airports!

    Leftists in southern California have their knickers in a knot after a recent Los Angeles Times opinion piece resurfaced of John Wayne’s Playboy interview of 1971.  Most people only read the Times article ...

  • March 24, 2019

    The Deadly Truth about South Africa

    The corruption in South Africa is so bad, it’s like a noxious fog that has settled on a once peaceful, prosperous, and prejudiced nation. South African’s President Cyril Ramaphosa is being pilloried, pulled, and pushed from...