Don Allen

Don Allen

  • September 14, 2017

    How to Make a Revolution

    The new leftist Revolution USA may be orchestrated by a remarkably small number of people and a little information technology.  Forget the neo-Nazis in this as they are generally stupid and love physical activity. Letter writing in any form is n...

  • August 28, 2017

    How to Make a Revolution?

    Consider this.  You have a small group of loyal participants willing to protest against any particular event, on cue from the PPA, Paid Protest Administrators.  What to do?   Yesterday.  Write letters to everyone and every n...

  • October 21, 2012

    The Politics of Age and Trust

    Whether you support either Governor Romney or President Obama, whether you have strong political views favoring one or the other, whether you don't really care who wins, there is one aspect of this political race that is missing in all of the news co...

  • October 9, 2012

    The Costs of National Friendship

    In his 1810 book Aphorisms on Man, Manners, Principles and Things*, Joseph Barlett pens the following on friendship between nations. National friendship never existed. Interest is the basis of all their connections.  So long  as any nation...

  • July 4, 2012

    Trusting Obama?

    Forget about his base.  Polls seem to indicate that while many folks want to believe in the President, their conviction is waning.  The mantra of Hope and Change, that inspired millions across the full spectrum of the voting electorate has ...