D.L. Hammack

D.L. Hammack

  • February 16, 2014

    American Cancer

    An imperial presidency? "Actions that would normally be seen in a banana republic" as Dr. Charles Krauthammer put it in a recent Fox News segment? Call it what you will, but regardless of the moniker we give it, know this: The lawless behavior of our...

  • November 6, 2013

    The Four Wall Theory

    Apathy, as defined in Webster's dictionary is described as a state of no concern; a non-caring attitude. I have come up with my own theory: I call it "four-wall complacency." In short: as long as what goes on in the world doesn't invade, affect, or a...

  • October 30, 2013

    Collateral Damage

    Collateral damage is defined by Wikipedia as "damage to things that are incidental to the intended target." This week, several million Americans who had individual health insurance policies were notified that effective January 1, their policy would...

  • May 14, 2013

    The Pinocchio Presidency

    "If you like your doctor, then you can keep your doctor under the new Health Care Act" ...at least that's what we were told. "The Benghazi incident was the result of a spontaneous uprising over an offensive anti-Muslim video that went viral" ...at le...

  • April 13, 2013

    Taking it Local

    Each and every day for the past fifteen months, I have shared a breakfast with my elderly parents. The impetus for these meals was, at least initially, to make every attempt to share as much time as possible and as much love as is possible before a t...

  • February 15, 2013

    Diming us to death

    During the State of the Union address, as well as many other speeches he's given over the past four years, this President emphatically continues to state that his programs - his investments in America - "should not add one single dime to the deficit"...

  • November 6, 2012

    Shovel Ready

    Today, arguably the most important election we will see in our lifetimes comes to a conclusion. The winner will be decided by a matter of electoral votes and tomorrow each of us will have to play the cards that have been dealt to us. Today, on my wa...

  • October 11, 2012

    Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

    October has been designated Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.  It seems only fitting that the month prior to the presidential election should be labeled as such.  One need only look at the definition of bullying to see where I'm going wi...

  • September 16, 2012

    Getting My Money's Worth

    With gas prices rising faster than I can pump the gas itself, I find myself in a different world now each time I stop at the gas station to fill 'er up.  Used to be a time when gas was cheap (last week) and I would leisurely take my time as the ...

  • August 4, 2012

    For God's Sake Mr. President...Man up!

    For the better part of this President's first term, we have been subjected to a plethora of excuses as to why things aren't better for Americans than they were a mere four years ago.  Whether it's the President, himself, telling us that the rece...

  • July 4, 2012

    A Miracle in Wyoming

    At the base of the Wind River mountain range in central Wyoming lies the tiny town of Lander, population 7,000.  A community where everybody knows virtually everyone else's name and their dogs', too. Gizmo, a young yellow Labrador retriever, run...

  • June 23, 2012

    Masked and Spurious

    Within what used to the hallowed and respected halls of Congress...there amongst the current representatives of the people, are housed the memories of past leaders - the ghosts of the founders of our great country.  While it is certain that none...

  • February 3, 2012

    The government wants you to win a free house!

    I caught my wife on the computer this past week.  She was entering a contest sponsored by the HGTV network.  Apparently, they have a grand prize drawing coming up next month that someone will win -- the prize being a $2-million package whic...

  • December 12, 2011

    The Tebow phenomenon

    From the headline on Drudge to continual coverage on ESPN, to virtually every other news broadcast, the national phenomena that is Tim Tebow has officially made its way to table banter in most American homes. Loved or despised, Tebow is now a househo...

  • December 2, 2011

    The Hall of Shame

    As Barney Frank slithers out the back door, following the likes of Anthony Weiner and so many others that one would lose count, we should pause to reflect on the many accomplishments that these representatives and their brethren have inflicted upon t...

  • September 3, 2011

    The experiment has failed

    Can we, once and for all, admit that our experiment in Obama's post-partisan politics...in post racial governance has failed?  Can we agree that elevating political correctness over substance and ability is an abject failure?    W...

  • August 4, 2011

    16,000 homes a day

    While the national debate regarding the debt limit increase has passed, and the nation has avoided what many politicians gleefully referred to as economic collapse, it's important for all Americans to recognize the true nature of our borrow and spend...

  • April 18, 2011


    For every human being, life, along with its joys and pleasures, is also full of fears and phobias.  For me, standing on a tall rock outcropping, peering between my toes at the cavernous abyss below, causes immediate panic with weak kneed, spine ...

  • April 9, 2011

    Patriots are like Salmon?

    It would appear that the older I get, the angrier I become when I consider what politicians have done to this great land.  This isn't the same country I was born into and it most certainly isn't my father's country.  To further rile my chee...

  • April 1, 2011

    Political or Practical?

    Americans, throughout our brief history, have been subjected to onerous rules and regulations imposed by the leaders we choose.  Like them or not, the law-abiding citizen was dutifully bound by the law.  It's the way our system was set up....

  • March 17, 2011

    Voting 'present' - again

    The leader of the free world built his resume in the political spectrum by voting "present" for 129 Illinois Senate votes. His courageous display of self sacrificing toil in representing his constituents in Illinois has obviously carried f...

  • March 8, 2011

    Do as I say...Not as I do

    As the water around me continues to swirl in a cyclonic fashion around the drain, I have to ask; have the President and his administration, through example, taught us that it's okay to pick and choose the laws that we wish to obey? Since his inaugura...

  • February 17, 2011

    Like sheep to slaughter

    While watching the media coverage of the President's 2012 budget, I asked myself why is it that so many Americans sit idly by while our leadership continues to "tank" our economy and our dollar? Why is it that so many buy into the notion t...

  • December 14, 2010

    When the going gets tough...the tough get a stand in?

    The past Friday, the fears of many conservatives were confirmed: This man who wears the title of President is in way over his head. The spectacle that took place in the White House, where former President Bill Clinton came to the rescue of our "...

  • November 19, 2010

    Sitting Duck Syndrome.

    With all of the hoopla regarding the new TSA security screening procedures, perhaps it would be wise for us to focus on the results of these intrusive actions? No, I am not referring to the "successes" shown by the TSA's aggressive new met...

  • October 12, 2010

    A Lesson in Liberal Finance

    Last week I had the opportunity to speak with a small businessman who devised a simple lesson in the liberal thought process as it relates to redistribution of wealth.This entrepreneur has a very small company and hires seasonal help as his work load...

  • September 18, 2010

    A Badge of Honor

    The left continues to label any and all who would oppose any of Obama's agenda items as a racist.  As I have, over the years, been called so many names, I'll happily take this brand as well if this is what it means to be a patriot. Proudly, I op...

  • September 9, 2010

    My Silent Business Partner

    I've been in business now for six years. For all six of those years, I've had a silent business partner. My partner's contribution to the enterprise has been sipping sweet cream during those years while I labored and toiled to try to make a go of thi...

  • August 27, 2010

    The young and the feckless

    This President and his entourage of advisors and administration personnel are, by all previous standards, a group of youngsters. In past administrations we could count - by decades, the level of experience of those in power. Today, it's similar to a...

  • August 14, 2010

    When the lead dog falters

    Each January, in the depths of a cold winter, our small town holds a winter festival to encourage townspeople to step outdoors, as well as bring economic activity during a slow season.  This is accomplished with a variety of events; one of which...

  • July 17, 2010

    Judicial one-upsmanship

    Several weeks ago, a very dear friend-a legal professional-was appointed to the bench in a small, rural, Wyoming community. This week, he presided over his first case-a trial involving a dog.Upon returning home, he was greeted with a congratulatory ...

  • July 8, 2010

    Folks paying more attention to LeBron than the mess the Democrats are making

    By this time tomorrow, it's a safe bet that tens of millions of Americans (conservatively speaking) will know which team LeBron James has decided to sign with.  Millions more will be up-to-speed on the jail sentence for Lindsay Lohan and what he...

  • June 22, 2010

    And so it begins

    Those of us with even a shred of common sense saw the handwriting on the wall when the health care bill was being sold and subsequently forced down our throats.  We knew that most, if not all, of the promises being given to sell the legislation ...

  • June 18, 2010

    A Beginner Behind the Wheel

    After the Tuesday Oval Office address to the nation, I was grumbling about the speech when my son asked me what was making me so angry. Desperate to find an analogy to convey my meaning in understandable terms, I brought it down to his teenage level....

  • June 15, 2010

    These boots are made for talking

    To an audience of the world at large, our President has expressed public dismay over the handling of the BP oil spill and has found an urgent need to verbalize his intent to use his size eight footwear to keep this corporate giant in line-as it attem...

  • June 4, 2010

    America's House of Cards

    The Cloward-Piven strategy, the bible for liberal progressives, teaches that to undermine the system one need only do one thing:  Overwhelm the system.  The radicals who occupy the White House, students of Alinsky, are all-too-familiar with...

  • April 23, 2010

    Stop the Bus I want to get off!

    A wise man once told me many years ago that if you want to enact change, a series of small, subtle, adjustments is far easier for people to swallow than a massive or sweeping transformation. "To avoid panic and fear," he advised me, "...

  • April 17, 2010

    A country of 'third rails'

    Since the inception of Social Security, there has been an unspoken rule in politics: When campaigning for national office or running for re-election, a candidate could never pledge to touch, cut spending for, dismantle, or otherwise look crossways a...

  • March 8, 2010

    Entitlement Obesity

    As obesity in America seems to be a topic of much concern, it is only fitting that we also make the correlation of how Americans are feasting at Uncle Sam's table like never before; Feasting, with an insatiable appetite, on the ever-expanding entitle...

  • March 7, 2010

    A 'great day' for Harry Reid; a bad day for America

    This past Friday, the not-so-honorable Senate Majority Leader proclaimed that it was a great day in America. He was, of course, referring to the fact that the BLS jobs report revealed that America "only" lost 36,000 jobs last month. A gre...

  • February 19, 2010

    Opposite Day Obama

    As kids, we played a variety of games for entertainment. I recall one such game called "opposite day." On opposite day, a pledge would be made that we would say the exact opposite of what we were feeling for the entire day. For example, if ...

  • December 3, 2009

    Putting debt into perspective

    Within the next 12 months, the US Treasury will have to refinance $2trn in short-term debt.  Our national debt currently stands at $12.06trn.  Our unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, Veterans benefits) currently top the scales ...

  • October 16, 2009

    The monster behind the mask

    Halloween takes on a new meaning as we face a monster of lies and deceit.The Baucus health care reform "plan" is finding its way to daylight just as the Halloween holiday approaches.  It would appear that the timing for this monster is...

  • September 19, 2009

    The Unhealthy State of America

    The disdain and contempt that Americans are expressing towards our government have been categorized by the left as nothing more than racist vitriol.  The facts behind our discontent are quickly ignored as liberals cohesively race to point out, i...

  • July 15, 2009

    Decline and fall

    It matters not what the label of the day is, America, in the grasps of an administration that recognizes no boundaries, is changing right before our eyes. Whether you choose to call it Corporatism, Socialism,  Fascism, or Marxism, the fact remai...

  • June 19, 2009

    Community Transformation

    In the proposed Affordable Health Choices Act bill, legislators have inserted a wide-ranging provision for what is deemed a concerted effort to reduce obesity in America and provide alternative lifestyles for Americans.  These provisions would b...

  • June 14, 2009

    Sterilizing Imperfection

    In an old episode of Star Trek, the crew of the USS Enterprise comes upon a space probe called Nomad.  The probe mistakenly refers to Captain Kirk as the "creator" and believes that its mission is to "find and sterilize imperfecti...

  • May 30, 2009

    A sign of the times

    Yesterday, I was provided with the most absolute evidence that the direction this country is being taken is one that runs afoul of so many Americans.  My father, a 75-year old non-political, white male, watched the news report regarding GM and h...

  • May 4, 2009

    It's no longer a laughing matter

    When the new administration took over Washington and our smiling, community activist, leader took the oath of office, the chuckles began as we witnessed the most expensive inauguration in US history and the start of the transformation of America....

  • March 20, 2009

    A Working President?

    Yesterday, with teleprompter at the ready, our illustrious leader spoke (I should say read) a special message to the people of Iran, espousing his understanding of their culture and promising a renewed compassion by the American people. While th...

  • January 27, 2009

    If it walks like a duck

    The 2008 election year gave rise to the phrase "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig".  This year, I will make it my personal challenge to put the phrase "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it must ...