D.L. Adams

D.L. Adams

  • July 23, 2010

    The Coming Nullification Non-Crisis

    The radical, and so far ineffectual but significantly costly, programs and policies of the current resident of the White House suggest that a new "Nullification Crisis" will soon be upon us -- not on account of sectional or partisan motives...

  • February 7, 2010

    War for Islamic Sharia Law

    If the mission in Afghanistan is two-fold -- the defeat of the abysmal Taliban and the creation of a stable, democratic state -- then it would appear that we are not doing well. The same could be said of "nation-building" in Iraq. The true ...

  • November 6, 2009

    Resolving the Cognitive Dissonance of Islam

    The negative spiritual and intellectual consequence of believing two mutually exclusive concepts is "cognitive dissonance." Our interaction as a society with Islam is a direct cause of cognitive dissonance, for us as individuals and as a cu...