D.F. Mulder

D.F. Mulder

  • December 10, 2022

    A Foundation of Sand

    The FBI and the rest of the Deep State’s witch hunts against innocent Trump supporters and associates are well documented. If you do not know that our governmental institutions are perfectly partisan and corrupt, no quantity or quality of ...

  • May 19, 2022

    The New Racial Hatred

    America has truly reached Soviet levels of mass delusion and absurdity. The official lines on the most important subjects of the day are not just inconsistent with reality, they are the complete inversion of it. Last week, NPR published an article...

  • April 14, 2022

    The Left Did This to Itself

    The standard for “free speech” these days is basically: if it offends someone it can and should be censored. After all, feelings come first. If it is witty, if it is offensive, if -- god forbid -- it is “hateful,...

  • October 11, 2021

    The Left's Psychiatric Weapon

    It was from the 1940s through the 1970s, the height of the Cold War, that Soviet authorities notoriously politicized the field of psychiatry. One should always be very suspicious of any government official appealing directly to the “science....