Denison Smith

Denison Smith

  • September 16, 2019

    Can Mike Lee tame the music copyright monopolies?

    At this Tuesday's antitrust oversight hearing, Senate Antitrust Subcommittee chairman Mike Lee needs to figure out what's happening with the Department of Justice's unexpected review of the antitrust oversight orders, known as consent dec...

  • September 8, 2019

    Why Are Republicans Caving to Socialist Price-Setters?

    If you look around, it's hard not to conclude that we are in an especially critical political moment. The Democrats, half driven to madness by anti-Trump rage and freed to state their true convictions by Trump's unsettling of t...

  • March 20, 2018

    Will limousine liberals fix Social Security?

    I have always been amused by liberals who consistently mire the working poor and lower middle class in all kinds of schemes that sound good in theory but have the opposite effect in reality. Life experience shows that having a positive mental atti...