Deborah Franklin

Deborah Franklin

  • October 20, 2020

    Did the U.S. Government Hide bin Laden In Iran? Alleged Whistleblower Releases Evidence to Make His Claim

    Alan Howell Parrot is an unusual character with a flowing gray beard and wizard’s turban who looks like he popped out of a movie. Born in Maine, he followed his fascination with falcons to the Middle East, serving as Chief Falconer to the Shah ...

  • October 14, 2020

    Media vs. the People: The War over Pedophilia

    The media have been working to normalize pedophilia, but the American people keep rejecting it.  Until recently, the pedophilia-pushers suffered no serious consequences for their relentless campaign to sexualize children and groom them for ...

  • October 10, 2020

    Will America Survive the Democrats’ Arrows in Their Quiver?

    Events are hurtling towards the election with strange and disturbing developments every day. Writers are openly discussing the possibility of a violent coup and civil war. 2020 feels like an unprecedented year, and in this context, a recent threat by...

  • October 5, 2020

    Speculation mounts about the source of President Trump's illness

    The dramatic events of the last week will be studied for decades, and much information remains unknown.  In the early morning of Friday, October 2, President Trump tweeted that he and the first lady had tested positive for COVID. ...

  • September 7, 2020

    Q names pedophile politicians vulnerable to blackmail

    You are not supposed to pay attention to anything published on the website QAnon.  Avert your eyes!  Democrat politicians and their media allies are sharpening their attacks against Q to make sure as few people as possible read wh...

  • August 23, 2020

    Efforts to Tie Trump to Q Intensify as Questions Mount on China, COVID, and the Democrats

    On August 12th, Marjorie Taylor Greene was declared the victor in a Republican House primary in Georgia and is now poised to become the first self-proclaimed Q supporter in Congress. Her victory prompted increasingly frantic media attacks on Q and he...

  • July 24, 2020

    Do Global Elites Commit Crimes Against Children?

    The issue of how some of the most privileged people in the world treat children is getting more traction. After the arrests of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, millions of ordinary people are critically examining the actions of Hollywood celebr...

  • July 24, 2020

    Interest in Q surges in wake of Twitter ban

    Nothing tastes sweeter than forbidden fruit. On July 21st, Twitter announced that it was deleting 7,000 QAnon accounts, limiting the reach of 150,000 others and banning Q-related topics from trending. Immediately, interest in QAnon surged, making it ...

  • July 6, 2020

    As the crisis deepens, Q says rise or die

    Americans celebrated Independence Day this year in the most perilous state since the Civil War, uncertain if our divided house can still stand.  But beneath the terrifying screams of violence, riots, and political hysteria, a still, small v...

  • April 18, 2020

    Q Praises Shocking Out of Shadows Documentary and Millions Watch it

    On April 10, an underground documentary with no publicity landed on YouTube and amassed one million views in 24 hours. Despite YouTube’s efforts to hide it, Out of Shadows continues to attract more than a million viewers a day, lifting the mask...

  • February 17, 2020

    Q: The Silent War Continues

    We’re living in dramatic times that are difficult to understand. One way to try to interpret them is through the cryptic clues provided by Q, which appear on an anonymous online forum and imply top-secret knowledge of upcoming events. As I w...

  • January 14, 2020

    An Introduction to Q

    Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q?  Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement it’s inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis. Q first appear...