Debbie Georgatos

Debbie Georgatos

  • November 25, 2020

    Election Fraud You Can See

    Mainstream media, elected officials, and popular culture are attempting to steamroll America into surrendering to the pronouncement that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. The election certification train is leaving the station and joining...

  • May 10, 2020

    How to move past 'The Great Mistake'

    America’s Great Shutdown started with The Great Mistake.  Vital lessons must emerge from both, and propel the reopening of America, rooted in the “only normal” for America, the promise of liberty. Not many weeks ago, a small...

  • April 24, 2020

    Coronavirus Immunity Cards? Kill the Idea Right Now

    Imagine if in September of 2019, a government official had told you that America was going to launch a new database, into which you would be required to enter your vaccine status and other personal health history, and that this would be used to deter...

  • March 8, 2020

    Trump chooses Mark Meadows for chief of staff, strikes blow against Deep State

    President Trump's surprise announcement that outgoing congressman Mark Meadows will become his new White House chief of staff is a shot across the bow against the Deep State Obama holdovers who've worked to undermine the Trump administration ...