Deanna Chadwell

Deanna Chadwell

  • June 18, 2023

    How Women Have Robbed Themselves

    Women in our society have traditionally been treated with a unique honor and respect. Were we always treated fairly? Not entirely -- there was a time when we couldn’t vote. There was a time when women couldn’t own property. True. But sinc...

  • June 2, 2023

    Lies We Shouldn’t Have Told Our Children

    Well, Santa Claus for one -- the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, the Great Pumpkin, etc., but none of those are as damaging as others that we have consistently pounded into our kids’ thinking. Let’s look at some of them: 1) You can...

  • May 2, 2023

    It Takes a Village?

    Hillary’s famous book title may have some truth to it in that a village is a close-knit tiny community where everyone knows everyone and has a stake in each other’s well-being. But Hillary wasn’t talking about a village; she was tal...

  • January 15, 2023

    Wind, Wolves, and Wrath

    My husband and I once got lost in Montana, which is a thing not to do; Montana miles are extra long and one must cover so very many of them to ask directions. It was a Twilight Zone experience. I’m sure that it’s obvious to all thinking A...

  • June 30, 2021

    The Top Ten Pending Eruptions

    It’s shaping up to be a long, hot summer, one filled -- like Yellowstone Park -- with geysers and hot springs ready to blow at any moment. But these are political eruptions, not nature's fury.  If I didn’t know that God has thing...

  • September 20, 2020

    What Has 2020 Taught Us?

    This has been quite a year and it shows no signs of letting up. Given my belief that 1. God controls history, and 2. He has a reason for allowing the things He allows, I look for His purpose. Usually, His purpose is tied to our enlightenment, so I...

  • July 2, 2020

    Never Give an Inch

    The lawless events of the last few weeks (months, counting the overreach of many state governments in the COVID panic) have left me acutely aware of my own human desire for order, and I have to take a deep breath whenever I find myself wishing Trump ...

  • June 10, 2020

    'We Need to Have a Conversation'

    Continually the left treats us to a whine about, well, about everything, and the complaint du jour always includes the phrase, “We need to have a national conversation,” as if just talking about a problem will fix whatever it is, and as i...

  • September 3, 2019

    Getting to the Waterhole

    I once had a bizarre college professor named Cater Chambly -- a biker and a proud descendent of either the Hatfields or the McCoys; can’t remember which. Chambly bequeathed to his students a simple yet inclusive definition of the word “cu...

  • September 24, 2018

    The Burning of Brett Kavanaugh

    Any thinking person today is hearing alarms going off in all directions over the Kavanaugh accusations. It’s obvious that this is all dirty politics; we can see that in the timing, in the fussiness about Ford testifying, in the nasty rhetoric t...