Deane Waldman

Deane Waldman

  • Trump’s medical price transparency EO won’t work

    March 6, 2025

    Trump’s medical price transparency EO won’t work

    Last week, the White House announced another executive order (EO), “Empowering Patients Through Radical Price Transparency.” While President Trump promises his EO will bring down healthcare costs, unfortunately, it will have little effect...

  • DOGE Can Balance Budget and Save Health Care

    February 22, 2025

    DOGE Can Balance Budget and Save Health Care

    DOGE can accomplish two triumphs with one bold act. Musk and his team can balance the U.S. budget and simultaneously fix health care. Defund the wasteful, unnecessary, illegitimate, and yet ever-expanding federal healthcare regulatory apparatus. H...

  • Biden’s Pardon Confirms Fauci Guilt

    January 24, 2025

    Biden’s Pardon Confirms Fauci Guilt

    It may initially seem over-the-top hyperbole to compare Dr. Anthony Fauci to Josef Mengele, MD, the “Angel of Death” in Auschwitz. The facts prove that Fauci is at least in his league, if not worse. Fauci harmed or killed more people. He ...

  • Fascist: Trump, Harris, both, neither?

    October 23, 2024

    Fascist: Trump, Harris, both, neither?

    The epithet “fascist” is repeatedly thrown at Donald Trump hoping it will be his epitaph. Is he a fascist? Are President Biden and V.P. Harris fascists? Might the label apply to none? By looking at the evidence, the answer becomes clear. ...

  • Fool Me Twice (Candidate Harris), Shame on Me

    August 22, 2024

    Fool Me Twice (Candidate Harris), Shame on Me

    V.P. Harris thinks that American voters, like Joe Biden, have weak memories, that we don’t remember (a) why the Soviet economy collapsed, (b) what it means to be an American citizen, and (c) how Democrats scammed the nation using CoViD. Rece...

  • The Remarkable Transformation of Kamala Harris: ‘TGINB’

    August 13, 2024

    The Remarkable Transformation of Kamala Harris: ‘TGINB’

    Until Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee, she was one of the most unpopular high-ranking politicians in recent times; on July 21, 2024, she became the apparent savior of the Democrat party ...

  • January 6, 2024

    The Case Against Progressive Utopia

    Everyone wants to live in a place where all needs are met, where there is no anxiety, discord, or strife.  Whether by legislation or brute force, those who call themselves progressives, socialists, the radical left, or simply Democrats inte...

  • October 21, 2023

    The latest wrong-headed ‘fixes’ for healthcare

    Recent proposed solutions for healthcare are what systems thinkers call fixes that fail or backfire. They are like a doctor giving opioids to a cancer patient. Painkillers mask the symptoms but never get at the root cause of illness: the maligna...

  • September 14, 2023

    Reduced drug prices have unacceptable cost

    The Biden administration recently released its list of the first ten drugs on the Health and Human Services' (HHS) price-chopping block.  Through Medicare driving prices down, President Biden promised ...

  • August 26, 2023

    Investing in real healthcare

    A July 2023 study touted a 13.4 percent return on investment for healthcare stocks, when returns on T-bills and I-bonds were 3.96 percent and 4.3 percent respectively.  According to one analyst, “Whether you...

  • November 21, 2022

    Turnabout is fair play, just not for Democrats

    Turnabout is generally considered fair play: what you do to me, I can do to you.  This form of equality is about to play out in Washington, both in legislation and investigation.  With the GOP taking control of the House of Rep...

  • November 6, 2022

    Midterms Offer Chance to Fix the CDC, and Washington

    Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) completed the case for its own dissolution.  Now is the time to do it.  This federal agency has destroyed any remaining shred of credibility with Americans, espec...

  • September 20, 2022

    The ‘Big Guy’ Resurrects Big Brother NewSpeak

    George Orwell’s 1948 dystopian novel, 1984, is eerily familiar to Americans or should be. Today, Big Brother has returned as the “big guy.” Orwell described a totalitarian ruled by Big Brother, who communicates in NewSpeak, a lan...

  • June 25, 2022

    Entitlement: Indignity, irresponsibility, enslavement, tyranny

    Progressive Democrats try to bribe the public with government handouts — entitlements — such as Obamacare ("All the care that Americans deserve"), free food ("No American should go hungry"), free education (student loa...

  • June 18, 2022

    The Dems: 'When Will They Ever Learn?'

    In 1955, Pete Seeger released the iconic song, "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?," which railed against the Vietnam War.  A line frequently reprised in the song resonates with today's Democrat party: "When will they ever ...

  • June 11, 2022

    What would it take for the White House to commit treason?

    It seems inconceivable that the Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government could be guilty of treason.  It is even difficult to write the words.  Yet the White House's latest plans indicate that it is conspiring with a fo...

  • May 11, 2022

    Why The Democrats’ Double Duplicity Will Fail

    Duplicity – deceitfulness – is fundamental to Democrats’ entire political operation. They say one thing and do another – simple hypocrisy – and then double down on their duplicity by falsely accusing others of doing what...

  • December 25, 2021

    Omicron is the final straw

    Thomas Hobbes is credited with originating the “final straw” aphorism during a theological debate in the late 1600s. Speaking of the additive effects of many small causes, “the last feather may be said to break the Horses back....

  • December 10, 2021

    To Fix Healthcare, Restore Americans’ Right to Choose

    American healthcare has lost its way. It has become a medical tyranny that takes away personal freedom. The system is focused on cutting costs; giving government insurance to everyone; and most assuredly, augmenting Washington’s power. Pat...

  • November 19, 2021

    Tools in the service of tyranny

    What do a virus, a Marxist movement, and bans on firearms have in common?  Nothing, superficially.  Delving deeper, they are tools of federal oppression. An obvious common element of the three tools is the fear they e...

  • November 15, 2021

    Beware of Infrastructure Bill signing ceremony

    When the White House holds a triumphant signing ceremony today for the Biden/Pelosi Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, H.R. 3684, keep the following facts clearly in mind.  Democrats claim that the bill will ...

  • November 1, 2021

    Perception Is Not Reality, No Matter What the Liberal Media Say

    Cynics smile before they say, "Perception is reality."  What we see must be true because we see it!  If we don't see it, then it cannot be real.  Anyone who has ever used Photoshop knows that ...

  • October 25, 2021

    The Death of Trust in US Institutions, and How to Restore It

    Few can recall the turbulent 1950s from personal memory, particularly the loss of faith and trust in American institutions.  Soviet agents ("Reds") were everywhere: schools, agencies, the military, and even Congress.  We...

  • September 18, 2021

    Who decides who gets treatment?

    Two motor vehicle accident victims are brought to an E.R.  Both are bleeding to death.  Only one doctor is available. Who gets treatment?  Who decides?  Using what criteria? These questions refer to medic...

  • June 25, 2021

    Aiming at the Wrong (Public) Option

    A recent Wall Street Journal headline read, “Democrats lower their sights on healthcare changes.” That’s inaccurate. Democrats have not lowered their sights. The target is the same: single payer, federal healthcare. R...

  • March 26, 2021

    Replacing efficient doctors with effective ones

    Everyone wants to be efficient.  We want others to be efficient as well.  Efficiency is always a good thing.  Right?  ...not so fast.  In reality, the very last thing you want is an efficient...

  • February 23, 2021

    On Medicaid: Mississippi right, Biden wrong

    A recent article by Bobby Harrison of Mississippi Today reported that "Senate Republicans [in the Miss. state legislature] Reject Plan to Expand Medicaid."  Harrison's subtitle, failing to "Provide Hea...

  • August 18, 2020

    Are our children safe to return to school?

    With the summer drawing to a close, the big question for nearly 60 million U.S. school-age children is whether they can return to school, or must they remain at home, limited to remote learning?  States and municipalities differ widely on w...

  • July 28, 2020

    COVID-19 contradictions must be resolved

    The official U.S. COVID-19 death toll is approaching 150,000, twice the number of flu deaths in 2017-2018. At least 73 percent of those who are listed as “total deaths” died with the virus not because...

  • July 4, 2020

    Will Americans Repudiate 1776 in 2020?

    Before the Revolutionary War, residents of the North American colonies were subjects of the British crown. They were entitled to whatever goods and services the aristocracy allowed. Their living conditions and daily activities were determined by gove...

  • May 1, 2020

    Seesaw effect overturns false health care 'wisdom'

    Common wisdom teaches that those who have health insurance get the care they need when they need it, and those who don't have coverage don't get care.  This false "wisdom" is used by progressives to push for government-con...

  • March 12, 2020

    Colorado Goes over the Health Care Cliff

    Supreme Court associate justice Louis Brandeis famously urged the states to become “laboratories of democracy” (New State Ice Co. v. Liebmann, 1932) by testing new, alternative ideas of governance. Colorado is heeding his advice. Under th...

  • December 27, 2019

    Health Care and Dollar Efficiency

    As U.S. healthcare slides toward collapse, Americans are looking in the wrong direction for a cure. They are trying to cut costs and save money in order to make healthcare affordable. No one is focusing what really matters: dollar efficiency. To a...

  • November 28, 2019

    When Health Care Stocks Rise, Patients Suffer

    When a stock price rises or has a better P/E ratio, this is generally considered a measure of success. Is this true for health insurance stocks? Stockholders certainly are happy, but what about the purchasers of the carriers’ policies? Are pati...

  • September 9, 2019

    Federal Complexity: The Bane of Health Care

    U.S. healthcare has become a never-ending nightmare. Our politicians blame each other for unaffordable costs and excessive spending without ever admitting that Washington itself is the culprit. Health care as two words is the patient-doctor intera...

  • July 4, 2019

    Fourth of July: Entitlement Day?

    In the United States of America, July fourth is more than a celebration of our independence as a sovereign nation.  We celebrate the independence of the individual from tyranny, a word that appears four times in the Declaration of Independe...

  • April 28, 2016

    Obama Uber Alles

    Apparently, President Obama believes it is time to move beyond the constitutional constraint called separation of powers, an idea he considers outdated, obsolete and certainly not progressive. A pillar of America’s political foundation is th...

  • April 9, 2016

    Can Bernie Sanders Sell MediCAID-for-All?

    To reform our crumbling healthcare system, presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders advocates what he calls Medicare-for-All. The name is disingenuous, a falsehood. What he is pushing is MediCAID-for-All. Medicare is a health savings account where you ...

  • October 29, 2015

    Direct-Pay USA Cures U.S. Healthcare System

    Imagine a person dying of dehydration while standing in front of an open fire hydrant. That person is a patient in the U.S. healthcare system, such as one of our veterans, dying from lack of timely care. What is pouring out of the hydrant is money. ...

  • May 9, 2015

    <em>King v. Burwell</em>: Alternative Endings

    Next month, the Supreme Court of the United States, SCOTUS, will announce its decision, clearly already made, in the case of King v. Burwell. What happens after we know which way they go, for or against the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? Either decision ...

  • March 24, 2015

    Medicare Is Doomed -- Save the Patients

    Medicare “as we know it” is doomed. It never had a chance. What was originally intended as a vital safety net for seniors has become a massive boondoggle that is collapsing under its own weight. In 1965, Medicare started as a medical s...

  • March 4, 2015

    Reality Always Wins

    We cannot simply let the public statements of magical thinkers remain unchallenged, certainly not when these wish-fulfillment flights of fancy are offered by people who might be widely read. You and I -- dwellers in the real world -- often need to br...

  • January 2, 2015

    Five Strikes Against Single-payer Healthcare

    In baseball, when you get three strikes, you’re out. There have been at least five strikes called against single payer (SP). Shouldn’t we hear from an umpire? Whether you call it single payer, socialized medicine, universal health car...

  • December 24, 2014

    Toolbars in Washington

    At the top of my personal computer screen, there is a toolbar that reads as follows. At the tops of computer screens in Washington, toolbars probably look like this.  Ambiguity Tool This tool converts clarity and simplicity into...

  • December 8, 2014

    Funding the Unfunded Mandate

    The Unfunded Mandate is a legal contradiction and humanitarian nightmare that is also anti-business. It needs a permanent fix, not a modification, adjustment, reconciliation, and most definitely not Washington style “reform.” What is t...

  • November 22, 2014

    What Happened to American Medicine?

    America once had the best healthcare system around, but no longer. We still have the best doctors and nurses, but they are stymied and frustrated by a system that hampers rather than helps them when they try to care for us. Why? Healthcare develop...

  • October 18, 2014

    TLC -- the Washington Version

    The Theft The Medicare Act was signed into Law by President Lyndon Johnson in January, 1965. It was intended as a national Health Savings Account with individual accounts called lockboxes. Each worker puts a small amount away each month during the...

  • September 23, 2014

    Healthcare: Overserved or Underserved

    Why do patients either get too much healthcare -- being “overserved” -- or do not get the care they need (being underserved), but never precisely what they need? “Overservice” refers to unnecessary medical tests, avoidable ...

  • September 13, 2014

    In the Toilet' -- British NHS Today; U.S. Healthcare Tomorrow

    A September 6, 2014 headline in Great Britain’s Daily Mail announced, “Now NHS lets you jump the queue for routine surgery... if you'll pay for treatment yourself.” The article proves that Britons are trapped in a healthcare sys...

  • August 14, 2014

    Seven Reasons why the ACA Pot keeps Boiling Over

    It has been over four years signed ACA (originally PPAHCA; colloquially ObamaCare) was signed into law. Why is there at least as much controversy and outright anger today as there was prior to March 23, 2010? There are at least seven reasons why the ...

  • June 4, 2014

    Single payer is Root Cause of VA Deaths

    General Eric Shinseki ‘falling on his sword’ won’t bring back a single veteran who died needlessly while waiting for approved medical care. Punishing specific hospitals or administrators won’t get our veterans the timely docto...

  • April 21, 2014

    Healthcare Mesmerism

    President Obama’s healthcare reform is roaring success. Dr. Mesmer tells us so.   In the late eighteenth century, a physician named Franz Mesmer proposed the existence of an energy that could pass from inanimate objects to living organi...

  • March 22, 2014

    The PPACA Is Emptying Your Wallet

    All we hear about the PPACA is process, and little about people: signup and cancelation numbers, Health Insurance Exchanges keeping people on “hold” forever, doctor shortages, deferred deadlines, hospitals closing, and insurers leaving th...

  • February 14, 2014

    Wasn't Obamacare Supposed to be Good for us?

    A recent local newspaper headline, "Obamacare tweak valuable to big companies (ABQ Journal, 2/12/14), forced me to ask myself this question, "Wasn't it -- PPAHCA -- supposed to be good for us?" The reporter indicated that the latest delayed implement...

  • February 9, 2014

    Healthcare and the Insurance Principle

    Amidst all the talk about signing up for mandatory insurance (or failing to do so) through, we probably have lost sight of what really is going on. I suspect that you, like a majority of Americans, think you buy health insurance so it ...

  • December 25, 2013

    My Christmas Gift to the Obamas

    This author is a member of the Board of Directors of the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NM HIX). I am also Adjunct Scholar (for Healthcare) for the Rio Grande Foundation, a public policy think tank. Because of these connections, three colleagu...

  • December 7, 2013

    All too soon, ObamaCare will give us 'Standing'

    Among the many blessings granted us by ObamaCare (PPAHCA), a new one will be coming soon, starting in January 2014. We will acquire "standing." Legally, the word standing refers to the "ability to initiate a lawsuit." There are three requirements fo...

  • November 21, 2013

    Obamacare's Three-Step Cancellation Program

    You may have thought that the most painful part of Obamacare was the rollout of Sadly, the worst is yet to come. Obamacare has a Three-Step Cancellation Program that ends with cancelling you.   Step One: Cancel your insurance By...

  • November 15, 2013

    Medical Ethics and Obamacare

    I am hoping someone can help me with a conundrum. I do not see how a physician can work under (frankly "for") Obamacare and remain true to accepted principles of medical ethics. Every doctor who graduates a U.S. medical school swears the Hippocratic...

  • November 3, 2013

    ObamaCare as Series Baseball

    Amidst Republican glee over, Democrat excuses and finger pointing, the inevitable Washington blame game, and a host of "I told you so's," it is easy to lose sight of what really matters. We need to keep our eyes on the prize, not the b...

  • September 7, 2013

    Magnitude and Mortality in Healthcare

    As individuals and by our nature, we humans are greedy -- some more, some less.  And the greediest of all is the bureaucracy, particularly in health care.  It is a cancer, one that is consuming the U.S. healthcare system and taking We The P...

  • June 15, 2013

    Mission Not Accomplished

    Three recent public announcements have convinced some to claim victory in the healthcare wars. Such a declaration is just as timely as the Iraq "Mission Accomplished" banner behind President Bush on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in May of ...

  • April 19, 2013

    'Should my daughter be a doctor?'

    Last weekend, after I gave a speech at a public forum about healthcare, a woman came up to the podium and privately asked me a question.  "My daughter was just accepted to medical school.  Do you think she should be a doctor?" This should...

  • February 27, 2013

    Cutting Healthcare Costs by Killing Patients

    U.N. Resolution 260 (III) -- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide -- was signed on December 9, 1948.  It memorializes a worldwide consensus against state-sanctioned killing of people by groups.  The conventio...

  • February 21, 2013

    Is the U.S. Clinically Insane?

    Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.  The British National Health Service (NHS) has a history of such "insanity."  They maintain their healthcare system without change despite r...

  • February 11, 2013

    ObamaCare Shell Game Now Apparent

    Doctors and health policy analysts have been screaming the same three-part message since 2009: 1) ObamaCare hurts (not protects) patients; 2) is impossibly expensive (not affordable); and 3) expanding health insurance will not expand care, quite the ...

  • January 27, 2013

    Malpractice by Decree

    Recently, Huffington Post published a serial panegyric in praise of ObamaCare by Drew Altman, Jeff Young, and Jeffrey Levi. As is often the case with Huffpo, fact and opinion can't be said to diverge as much as they never occupy that same space at an...

  • January 14, 2013

    No Wonder Our Horse Won't Run

    The U.S. economy is a thoroughbred racehorse that has won every past race. Now, it won't run at all. The trainers (Washington) first tried the "carrot" approach.  They tempted the horse with apples (TARP funds), but somehow, the apples never got...

  • December 24, 2012

    Please Pass the Kool-aid

    Some people never learn. This is particularly true of liberals such as E.J. Dionne quoted in the Washington Post and online at Very clearly his "real politics" are a combination of magical thinking and Kool-aid drinking. Drink...

  • November 6, 2012

    Vote for Character, Not Color

    If you vote for Barack Obama because he is black, you do not believe in a just society. Some black Americans will vote for Mr. Obama out of a sense of racial solidarity.  Racial solidarity was the bedrock of the Nazi movement.  Need I say m...

  • November 2, 2012

    ObamaCare: Antithesis of Reform

    Both policy experts and practicing doctors have been writing about the various ways that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as "ObamaCare", hurts both We The Patients and our nation as a whole. Here are eighteen together in one listing. Each...

  • October 17, 2012

    ACA: The More You Know, the More You Hate

    Everyone remembers Nancy Pelosi's famous words about the Affordable Care Act (ACA): "We have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it."  Since January 2010, when the ACA was signed into law, we have gradually discovere...

  • October 3, 2012

    The Verdict on 'Doctors' Obama and Romney

    In a recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (09/26/12), the current candidates for president enunciated their approaches to treating the ailing U.S. healthcare system.  Are these would-be "doctors" for what ails the medical system ...

  • September 9, 2012

    ObamaCare: A Shell Game With No Pea

    You know the game with three shells, or even bottle tops, that street con men use to separate you from your money?  They place a pea under one of three shells, move the shells around very rapidly, and then challenge you find the pea. ...

  • September 1, 2012

    Expand Health Care, Not Healthcare Bureaucracy

    In a recent op-ed piece, former New Mexico Lt. Governor (under Bill Richardson) Diane Denish advocated the politically correct, but medically and fiscally ludicrous party line about Medicaid expansion.  Her magical thinking and ill-founded polic...

  • August 13, 2012

    Medicare and Medicaid: RIP

    What does Washington do when one of its programs fails?  Answer: enlarge it! First, there is Medicare.  That program will go broke by 2017.  So what did Nancy Pelosi want to do?  Answer: expand it to include all Americans.  M...

  • July 27, 2012

    Meet Your New M.D.

    Forget the devious gamesmanship used to ram ACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2010) down our throats. Wipe its unpopularity from your mind. Pay no attention to the egregious Supreme Court decision on ACA and its political r...

  • June 12, 2012

    Who Will Provide My Health Care?

    Whom do you want to operate on your heart: a doctor or a bureaucrat?  This scenario is neither a joke nor an exaggeration.  Two trends happening right now make it likely that the person who will provide your health care will have a BA or MB...

  • June 3, 2012

    SCOTUS ObamaCare Decision: Both Monumental and Irrelevant

    How can anything be both earth shattering-monumental, and unimportant-irrelevant? As everyone knows, SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) will shortly announce its decision about the ACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 20...

  • May 24, 2012

    Will the Real Cultist Please Stand Up!

    When I see the charge of "cultist" leveled against Republican standard-bearer Mitt Romney, I wonder how to respond when the pot calls the kettle black? The common meaning of a cult is a group of people who accept the leader's thoughts and decisions i...

  • May 7, 2012

    Choose Your Poison!

    Personal medicine or population medicine: which will it be for you? Personal medicine starts with you and your doctor discussing what is the best care for you.  After considering long-term medical effects as well as financial costs, you and your...

  • April 29, 2012

    Single Payer Is Not the Answer

    We may want, even pray for, a quick, simple, painless answer to big, hard problems.  Our brains know that that will never happen.  Still, we let our emotions dictate our expectations.  So it was with Sarah van Gelder's panegyric for th...

  • April 15, 2012

    Is Health Care 'Commerce'?

    Behind closed doors, the U.S. Supreme Court is deliberating the fate of the ACA (an abbreviation for the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2010).  Their primary question is the constitutionality of Congressional regulation of ...

  • April 3, 2012

    A Patient, a Doctor, and Three Burly Nurses

    March 23, 2012 marked the two-year anniversary of President Obama's signing into law of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (PPAHCA, now shortened to ACA), pejoratively called ObamaCare.  On that day on local radio, I debated S...

  • January 21, 2012

    Forest Fires, Earthquakes, the Titanic, and Healthcare

    Henry David Thoreau wrote that "[a]ll perception of truth is the detection of an analogy."  Let's use analogies to comprehend the seemingly incomprehensible: healthcare in the U.S.  Below, the word "they" refers to power brokers in Washingt...

  • December 17, 2011

    We Need Not Repeat 1776

    The parallels between now and 1776 are worrisome, even frightening -- in many ways, people now living in the United States of America have returned to circumstances of our revolutionary forbears.  Hopefully, George Santayana was not stating what...

  • December 12, 2011

    Actually, Health Care Costs Are Under Control

    The PPAHCA ("Obamacare") is back as daily front-page news now that the Supreme Court will decide its fate.  It is important to recall the primary reason why the president claimed we needed this legislation: an unsupportable health scare cost spi...

  • September 21, 2011

    All Entitlements Are Not Created Equal

    Entitlement means "having a right to something."  You do not need to qualify for an entitlement or pay for one, either.  Most people lump together the major entitlements -- Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid -- believing that all entit...

  • June 11, 2011

    When Will We Ever Learn?

    In the words of Pete Seeger, "When will we ever learn?"  Washington sells us snake oil.  Oblivious fools that we are, we just keep right on buying.  A recent newspaper Letter to the Editor (6/8/11) accurately quotes the American Journa...

  • March 27, 2011

    House Calls Are Cheaper Than Hospital Beds

    All too often I am forced to describe unfortunate happenings in healthcare. Occasionally, there are good things and smart people to share. Dr. Jeffrey Brenner and his work more than qualify. We can (and must) learn a great deal from what he did. In b...

  • March 2, 2011

    Do You Have a 'Right' to the Internet?

    In response to events in Egypt, President Obama said, "I call upon the Egyptian government to reverse the actions that they've taken to interfere with access to the Internet, to cell phone service, and to social networks that do so much to conne...

  • February 12, 2011

    What's Missing from Healthcare in Rwanda?

    A recent online article posted on NY Times Live tells a great medical success story in Rwanda. The author describes the opening of a "Harvard quality" hospital in Butaro, Rwanda where they had previously had no medical facilities at all. Th...

  • January 15, 2011

    Are You Liberal, a Liberal, or a Liberalist?

    One of the left's most venerated tactics is the perversion of language -- altering the meaning of important political terms and appropriating them. A thriving democracy depends on an informed citizenry.  For the populace to be truly informed, bo...

  • January 5, 2011

    You and I Live in the 21st Century -- Health Care Is Back in the 19th

    Everyone complains about health care, but the real problem is healthcare.  As two words, health care is a service offered by trained professionals to people known as patients.  As one word, healthcare means the system in which the professio...

  • December 16, 2010

    Are We Feeling Better Yet?

    The president's reform of the U.S. health care system is in full swing.  The doctor asked, Are we feeling better yet?You should feel better since, the age limit for Medicaid has been increased to 26 years.  Now your 25-year-old can be cover...

  • November 8, 2010

    Don't Repeal ObamaCare, 'Fix' It!

    Most Americans want ObamaCare repealed and the Republicans have said they would do so. Should they try?My response is no, for three reasons: 1) The President has already promised he will veto any repeal; 2) There are a few (minor) good things, such a...

  • October 28, 2010

    The Fat Lady Remains Mute

    A recent online article opined that "It Is Over" for the Democrats in Washington: they are about to experience a crushing defeat in upcoming midterm elections. Assuming that after November 4 it is over for the Democrat majority, there still...

  • October 24, 2010

    Is U.S. Health Care Truly 'Broken'?

    There are reasonable people who question whether our health care system is, in fact, "broken," as opined by President Obama. (This is one of the few conclusions he makes with which I agree. Of course, ObamaCare is very clearly not the solut...

  • October 19, 2010

    'Tax the Rich, Not the Workers' Makes My Blood Boil!

    The bumper sticker "Tax the Rich, Not the Workers" epitomizes what is presently wrong with America. Consider what is behind these six words and see if you like it."Tax the Rich, Not the Workers," by the implied contrast, suggests ...

  • October 3, 2010

    If Obamacare Is Repealed, What Then?

    Most opponents of Obamacare (HR 3590), including its Republican detractors, offer nothing substantive as an alternative. If health care is truly "broken," and if Obamacare is so wrong, what should we do instead?The answer is surprisingly st...

  • September 23, 2010

    ObamaCare: Will Someone Please Kill It Before It Kills Us?

    Will a Republican-controlled Congress repeal HR 3590 before it destroys U.S. health care and depresses the U.S. economy even further?Coming into the midterm elections, public anger and frustration -- while generally anti-Congress and anti-Beltway -- ...

  • August 28, 2010

    You're Right, I'm Wrong, Washington Is Venal

    On July 27, 2010, I wrote here that people in Congress and the White House were magical thinkers. Readers commented that I was wrong, saying that Washington knows exactly what it is doing. I now agree: you are right and I was wrong. Washington is jus...

  • August 15, 2010

    The 'Right to Health Care' Can Be the Right to No Care

    If you read British newspapers, you know their universal health care system is cutting more and more services. There, everyone's right to health care is becoming the right to no care. Do we want that in the USA?Health care as a right means that peopl...

  • July 27, 2010

    Magical Thinkers in Washington

    Predictions of cost savings through ObamaCare, like most liberal politics, were based on magical thinking. If they want something to be true with sufficiently intensity, liberals know it must be true. Small children are natural magical thinkers. Ask ...