Dean Kedenburg

Dean Kedenburg

  • November 14, 2021

    The giant climate energy ruse

    How do you know when your life is under assault?  When Obama pirates your health care.  After all, it constitutes about 18% of GDP — not only a sizable grab on your vitality but a confiscation of control over a good chunk of the natio...

  • April 7, 2020

    Public health can be hazardous to your personal health

    In the 1970s and into the '80s, we learned a lot about medical crisis management from the TV series M*A*S*H.  Dr. Hawkeye Pierce exemplified the best in battlefield surgery, artfully wielding the medical resources at his disposal w...

  • May 28, 2019

    Loretta Lynch doubles down on cover-up

    One of the central questions brewing in the investigation into the FBI anti-Trump cabal is not only how wide and deep the scandal pervades government, but how high it reaches. The ladder of suspicion was recently sawed short by a leak of former at...

  • April 17, 2018

    Bonus crumbs for the rank and file

    Senator Cory Booker recently joined former House speaker Nancy Pelosi in leading a campaign to disparage tax cut bonuses, which, as we shall see, can range to upward of $50,000, calling them "crumbs."  The coming midterm elections...

  • February 24, 2018

    Is armed security at schools really unaffordable?

    The Parklandschool shooting has left us emotionally vulnerable as we search for solutions for our children's safety.  Any ideas put forward must fight their way through partisan barriers to gain any credibility in the forum of reasonabl...

  • January 27, 2018

    Mueller’s Boomerang

    The prevailing wisdom offered by our leading political and legal risk analysts currently advises President Trump to avoid or minimize his impending meeting with Robert Mueller and his special investigation team. These risk gurus rightfully point out ...

  • January 8, 2018

    Beware of Mad Dog

    It's a safe bet that someone in the military intelligentsia of North Korea is charged with taking good measure of Kim Jong-un's enemies.  In the oft rerun movie Patton, a similar role for the German Wehrmacht was...

  • December 26, 2017

    The Natural History of Tax Cuts

    Just what is the true efficacy of tax cuts?  This is a question with a simple answer but some tortuous details. For those who argue that leaving money in the hands of the people who earn it fails to generate economic and social growth, here a...

  • October 20, 2017

    Health insurance mythology

    As the costs of health care insurance continue to rise, corporate executives also rise to the occasion to impress upon the world that the employer pays most, if not all, of the cost of employer-sponsored health care insurance.  These executive s...

  • September 26, 2017

    The 'hat police' and what it means to respect the flag

    My father was the "hat police." He loved football games for the contest of finely honed athletes vying over a virtually valueless shred of pigskin.  But the real game came before the game.  When the Stars and Stripes were unfur...

  • September 24, 2017

    Stormy economics

    Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have moved on and dissipated, but their calling cards are strewn widely across the greater Houston area and virtually the entire state of Florida.  The wind and water maelstrom may have ended, but the economic storm is...

  • August 2, 2017

    A simple case for repeal and cut

    Any time anyone describes an issue as "complicated," run, far and fast, or at least hide your wallet.  Such is the state of affairs in Washington, as the denizens of Congress tie themselves in Gordian knots over the two pressing proble...

  • April 7, 2017

    Government Health Care Outcome: Poor

    In the wake of the aborted launch of the U.S. health care overhaul, both the Congress and the usual array of Washington pundits have entangled themselves in a clash of idioms, scouring the trees while missing the forest.  News reports focus on p...

  • February 17, 2017

    Donald Trump's border tax Waterloo

    Bacon and eggs, give and take, Lucy and Desi, rock and roll, Tarzan and Jane – a handful of inseparable combinations.  What about benefits and costs?  Until a free lunch is finally invented, benefits and their attendant costs never oc...

  • July 28, 2016

    The First Sophomore

    To shamelessly plagiarize from Dickens, American education is in the best of times and the worst of times.  We turn out the world's best scholars, yet we wallow sadly behind many sister nations in the schooling of our young. The national ...

  • April 19, 2016

    The Only Way to Cut Entitlements

    Mark Twain didn’t say “everybody talks about entitlements but nobody does anything about them,” but he may as well have.  He was a keen observer of human peculiarities, an ability which turned out to be essential for fathoming ...

  • March 1, 2016

    Liberals and lifeboat politics

    A sinking ship, a dozen passengers in a crowded lifeboat, food and water for somewhere between one and eleven and a class of college sophomores.  These elements may sound like an enticing Rod Serling prologue to an old Twilight Zone episode, but...

  • November 15, 2013


    ObamaCare may prove to be the salvation of free market health care. The curious history of U.S. healthcare has gradually created an entrenched system where everyone but the patient vies to dictate choice of medical service and control of the dollar, ...