DC Larson

DC Larson

  • Democrats smashed on the rocks

    March 18, 2025

    Democrats smashed on the rocks

    A new NBC News poll found that a scant 7% of registered voters have a “very positive” view of the donkey assemblage. Last November, real America roared back into bloom.  Voters swarmed polling sites to giv...

  • Destruction's defenders

    March 14, 2025

    Destruction's defenders

    The hush that followed President Kennedy's 1963 Dallas murder was a matter of universally shared basic decency. But today, if a conservative figure fell to a lunatic's bullets, progressive Democrats would freestyle on the coffin lid. ...

  • Jocelyn Nungaray and larger, terrible reality

    July 14, 2024

    Jocelyn Nungaray and larger, terrible reality

    We are publishing continuously today. To see more blog entries, please click here. Reports have detailed the horrific abuse, torture, and murder of 12 year-old Jocelyn Nungarary by two illegal immigrants. The sadistic, sexually perverted pair s...

  • Recalling segregationist Biden

    July 3, 2024

    Recalling segregationist Biden

    In 2013, NBC reported on a BBC Oprah Winfrey interview in which she shared her prescription for eliminating skin-color acrimony. "There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it -...

  • Facebook intensifies crushing of conservative speech

    June 6, 2024

    Facebook intensifies crushing of conservative speech

    Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook block on conservative political speech just recurred.  In the last two days, Facebook restricted my user functions. The first time, I was advised future alleged violations would engender harsher penalties; I int...

  • To Democrats, it isn’t how you play but whether you win or lose

    June 1, 2024

    To Democrats, it isn’t how you play but whether you win or lose

    During the 2012 presidential campaign, Democrat Sen. Harry Reid accused GOP nominee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney of not having paid taxes for ten years. Reid conceded he had no proof, but spread the deceitful smear anyway. Though ...

  • Thought police: USA Today thinks twice about transgender wrongthink

    May 29, 2024

    Thought police: USA Today thinks twice about transgender wrongthink

    In late May, numerous online outlets reported that USA Today editors had deleted a previously published essay by Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy, titled “Is transgender inclusion more important than women’s sports?”...

  • Soros and the Holocaust

    May 8, 2024

    Soros and the Holocaust

    Politico reported last Sunday that Biden bankroller and longtime Democrat mega-donor George Soros, who is of Hungarian Jewish ancestry, financially enables ongoing campus mass-agitations bellowing for the utter destruction of Israel, the wo...

  • Democrats Will Champion Despicable Pedophilia Within Five Years, or Less

    April 12, 2024

    Democrats Will Champion Despicable Pedophilia Within Five Years, or Less

    Rush Limbaugh warned Democrats would eventually promote pedophilia. Progressivism never stops. Its advocates never say, “This is far enough.” No sooner is one objective completed than left-wing agitators shout that a new social justice...

  • What enemies we have in 'experts'

    April 6, 2024

    What enemies we have in 'experts'

    An academic organization misleadingly titled the "American Political Science Association" recently issued its members' collective opinion of our country's presidents: The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey. I ...

  • The Associated Press-Hamas connection

    March 30, 2024

    The Associated Press-Hamas connection

    A recent scandal spotlights the AP's connection to Palestinian Hamas terrorists and also implicates Pictures of the Year International (POY), which bestows an annual photojournalism award. During the October 7, 2023 Palestinian Hamas surprise ...

  • Christianity's unchanging standards

    March 21, 2024

    Christianity's unchanging standards

    A brief philippic by writer Chris Kratzer is presently making social media rounds. "Evangelical Christian: What the hell did you expect me to do?" is premised on a foolish and blasphemous fancy.  I'm not an evangelical, but a li...

  • The Amorality of ABC's George Stephanopoulos

    March 13, 2024

    The Amorality of ABC's George Stephanopoulos

    It is probable that ABC's Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos genuinely feels he did nothing wrong in publicly assaulting rape victim Nancy Mace. His sleazy past portrays a politically obsessed hatchet-swinger without consci...

  • December 5, 2023

    Trump: Iowa MAGA will ‘never again’ support Kim

    Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses will be held next January 15.  All Americans who follow political events will be glued to their screens.  The candidates who take first in their respective contests will be well situated f...

  • October 3, 2023

    Bring back HUAC, but do it right

    The original House Un-American Activities Committee deserved the condemnation it received.  Citizens have the right to believe as they wish and belong to law-abiding political parties of their choosing.  We should never ...

  • April 1, 2023

    Trump is America's new John Doe

    It couldn't be more clear. The indictment of President Donald Trump is greater than an offense against one man and his electoral fortunes, though it certainly is that.  It constitutes an attack on the millions of regular folks who su...

  • December 3, 2022

    Trump is America's new John Doe

    "We can't win the old ballgame unless we have teamwork," said Gary Cooper as John Doe, in the 1941 Frank Capra classic Meet John Doe.  "And that's where every John Doe comes in.  It's up to him to g...

  • April 21, 2020

    Miami Herald columnist: Even if Biden sexually assaulted women, vote for him anyway

    In a 2009 Huffington Post essay, former New York Times editor Melissa Laskey mourned Democrat icon Ted Kennedy.  Laskey noted that Kennedy had once driven a car into water and left Mary Jo Kopechne to die.  Thoug...

  • May 10, 2019

    In 2017, CNN applauded harasser of women and teenage girls Brian Sims

    Rep. Brian Sims (D-Pa.) is the loud and eccentric bully who streamed via Periscope his attack on a lone Catholic woman praying across the street from a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood facility. "We can talk about your Christian fait...

  • April 14, 2019

    A Liberal's Losing Game: Fighting Racism with Racism

    Kyle Korver of the Utah Jazz spends much of his April 8 "Privileged" essay on ThePlayersTribune.com decrying racial prejudice and urging greater awareness of related issues.  Those certainly are fine admonitions.  I...

  • March 29, 2019

    Eric Holder challenges American greatness: 'Exactly when did you think America was great?'

    Obama Administration Attorney General Eric Holder was, on Wednesday, interviewed by MSNBC's Ari Melber.  Holder is reportedly considering seeking the Democrats' 2020 presidential nomination. Both disputed American greatness....

  • March 13, 2019

    Paul Begala now jumping on the Ilhan Omar Jew-hating train?

    First, Rep. Ilhan Omar spewed anti-Jew rhetoric.  Then her fellow Democrats effectively indulged her; they omitted specific mention of her from the resolution she herself inspired.  In its final, wildly general form, it meant next...

  • February 8, 2019

    MAGA message ownership

    J. Kenji Lopez-Alt wasn't the first business-owner to exploit his status to advance political bigotry.  On January 27, the proprietor of San Mateo, California's Wursthall restaurant boast-tweeted to the world his intention...

  • January 16, 2019

    Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

    In recent days, many online essays have rightly ripped apart Gillette's ugly new "We Believe" advertisement.  One online critic dubbed it "feel-bad liberalism." Carpentered by Grey Advertising for Proctor and Gamb...

  • November 29, 2018

    According to this study, you're probably the worst kind of bigot

    Fortune.com recently reported on a "Hidden Tribes" study that More In Common had conducted.  Misled by the photo Fortune used on Facebook to promote its story, I concluded that the headline claim, "The Far Right Represents On...

  • September 22, 2015

    Are the horrors of 9/11 being forgotten?

    At this writing, less than a fortnight has passed since the anniversary of radical Muslims' murders of 3000 American citizens in the Twin Towers. This mammoth atrocity left indelible imprints on the national consciousness: accounts of victims ...

  • July 14, 2015

    You are who you think

    In a television interview following the Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges decision recognizing citizens' right to marry within their sex, George Takei chose not to celebrate, but rather to give us all a picture of a sore winner. His fea...