Dawn Merrill

Dawn Merrill

  • When Trump makes you cry

    September 13, 2024

    When Trump makes you cry

    A new video circulating on X is causing a massive confluence of dust and onions.  Happy 8th birthday, Liam!  Meet Liam. A New York boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency. Who got a very spec...

  •  It’s time to unite on the Trump Train

    September 2, 2024

    It’s time to unite on the Trump Train

    Nicole Shanahan has released a brilliant ad -- emotional, impactful, and just a bit over the top for RFK., Jr. and a little light on Trump. But brilliant nonetheless. I have never been a big fan of JFK or RFK. I was born a little late for tha...

  • In this election, it's now or never

    August 27, 2024

    In this election, it's now or never

    Once upon a time there was a dam.  It was a fine dam.  It held back all floods and provided a reservoir of life and energy for the populace.  Everyone loved it.  At first.  Then a few people decided it was a problem,  a stain on the landscape,  an...

  • The RFK, Jr. shift upends the landscape of the election

    August 24, 2024

    The RFK, Jr. shift upends the landscape of the election

    He did it. He went and did it. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. suspended his campaign and threw his support to Donald Trump.   It really kind of came out of the blue, I didn’t have it on my bingo card.  But here we are.  ...

  • Old Joe is out

    July 22, 2024

    Old Joe is out

    Well, well, well -- they went and did it. Joe Biden is out of the race. Of course, he’s keeping the office (for now). In the initial statement, Joe didn’t endorse Kamala Harris, but has now done so, and it appears that the Democrats ar...

  • Trump is going to win. But...

    July 20, 2024

    Trump is going to win. But...

    On July 13, 2024, the United States of America witnessed an attempted assassination of a former and likely future president. It has taken these last few days for that reality to set in.  It’s not different from when you yourself ha...

  • The trip I did take

    July 10, 2024

    The trip I did take

    That one was in the works for months between me and my best friend of nearly 44 years.  We are on the same page politically, culturally, and economically, meaning both of us are happy.  Both of us are lower-middle-class at best....

  • A cancelled trip

    July 1, 2024

    A cancelled trip

    Well, I didn’t actually cancel the trip, but I will cancel my request for the vacation time (which had been approved).  You see, I told another family member about my AT article and she promptly forwarded it to the relative who had...

  • Who they think we are

    June 25, 2024

    Who they think we are

    I had an interesting conversation with a die-hard liberal today, a member of my extended family.  I’m in my late 50s, and he’s in his early 70s, and there couldn’t possibly be a more ideological disconnect between us.  ...

  • <em>Devastated</em>: Whom will you blame?

    May 24, 2024

    Devastated: Whom will you blame?

    Recently, a movie named Devastated was made.  It appeared in a small number of theaters but is freely available online. Please give it a viewing.  It encapsulates the horrid state of drug use and addiction, and the tolerance fo...

  • A legal loophole everyone should know about

    April 2, 2024

    A legal loophole everyone should know about

    It was dark.  It was early — 6:20 A.M., in fact.  Seventy miles per hour — a bit over the speed limit, yes, but nothing unusual for a rural highway at that time of day.  Or an interstate at any time of day, f...

  • The hidden takeaway from the Baltimore bridge disaster

    March 27, 2024

    The hidden takeaway from the Baltimore bridge disaster

    As of this writing the catastrophic bridge collapse in Baltimore, Md. is still unfolding.  Facts on the ground are thus far that a container ship collided with a support pylon on the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.  The bridg...

  • January 7, 2024

    The inconvenience of snow

    In my small corner of the world, very much the Midwest, fairly rural, very conservative, we are watching out for a major winter weather event to occur next week.  Monday we are supposed to start with rain, ending Tuesday with snow, accompan...

  • December 14, 2023

    Why are Americans so lonely?

    My boss is a lovely Filipino woman.  She is in the prime of her life, has three beautiful daughters, and became an American citizen the legal way in 2013.  There is a thriving Filipino community in my area, and in 2023, they threw...

  • November 15, 2023

    Americans are tired

    This author is tired.  Tired of spending $100 at the grocery store for a sparse basket of goods.  Tired of the cost of gasoline.  Tired of budgeting down to the last dollar, with nothing to spare.  Tired....

  • October 10, 2023

    Not all angels have wings

    Not all angels are endowed with wings.  Some exist among us.  Last night, this author met two of them.  Driving home from work, I was afflicted with a flat tire.  Pulling off the road at the first opportunity (th...

  • October 5, 2023

    What Democrats (and everyone else) don't get about the supply chain

    Supply chains are not something most of us think about on a day-to-day basis.  Or they weren't, until the last few years, when we've been exposed, at least on the right, to the fragility and susceptibility of said supply chains....

  • July 5, 2023

    God's children are not for sale: A review of Sound of Freedom

    Go see it.  You truly must.  Sound of Freedom is pure perfection.  Gripping, chilling, evocative, it will seize your soul and break your heart.  It will lift you up and give you hope.  It will op...

  • June 30, 2023

    Americans, it’s time to believe in ourselves again

    Human beings are hardwired for a belief system.  You, as a human being, are pre-programmed to believe in something.  Why do so many people today believe in things that are, objectively, untrue?  And how do we get our Nat...

  • June 5, 2023

    If you want to take action, take language back first

    Every day there is an avalanche of news that most people never see.  Only we, the news junkies who frequent sites like American Thinker are engaged and informed, sadly.  We watch, appalled and despondent, as our country,...

  • May 31, 2023

    You Asked for a Rebuttal, Dad

    So my Dad sent me an article in Vanity Fair titled "The GOP is Escalating its War on Ideas" jumping all over the GOP for “banning books.”  I knew what was coming before I ever clicked the link. In fact, I didn...

  • February 15, 2023

    Conservatives shouldn't boycott the NFL

    Born and raised in Kansas City, I wasn't a football fan until I was in my late twenties.  Because I didn't understand the game, I had no interest.  Then a chance meeting with a business associate changed all that, the rule...

  • May 9, 2022

    The power of no

    I am a 56-year-old woman who has had two abortions and zero living children.  I have never celebrated this and have rarely admitted it.  I have been pro-choice most of my adult life.  Like all women my age, I grew up in the ...

  • February 17, 2020

    Waiting for the dominos to fall — in Trump's second term

    Have you ever seen one of those elaborate domino displays, where an intricate pattern of upright dominos has been patiently constructed over days, or even weeks, only to fall in seconds, or minutes, by the lightest touch at any juncture?  T...

  • February 8, 2020

    Thank you, Nancy!

    Nancy Pelosi, we conservatives would like to thank you.  You have shown yourself to be an amazing patriot.  By your words and your actions, you have singlehandedly given this great nation many gifts, all beyond measure. ...

  • March 8, 2018

    Should She Have Been Able to Buy a Gun?

    In January of 2017, a severely mentally ill woman was able to buy a gun, legally.  She had no record – nothing on a background check would have raised a red flag.  She told her ex-husband she'd bought it, and he inferred...

  • January 5, 2018

    Scorning the Left

    Have you ever been laughed at publicly?  Mocked?  Ridiculed?  Shown scorn in a social or professional setting? It doesn't matter what the reason may have been – if you answered yes to any of the above questions, you didn...

  • November 13, 2015

    Tigers and Royals and Chiefs, Oh My!

    An odd thing is happening in Missouri, and as a native Missourian and resident, born and raised in Kansas City but no longer living there, it is a terrible thing to witness.  Sports are revered in Missouri, as in many places, and that is not a b...