David Yerushalmi

David Yerushalmi

  • September 24, 2011

    A Response to Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz

    Shmuly Yanklowitz, who wears the title of "Rabbi" and is a Hillel director at UCLA, has penned an essay in the Jewish Week against the anti-sharia movement.  He takes the time to mention me by name.  This is my response. The sum and substan...

  • August 11, 2011

    NYT Searches for the Leader of the Anti-Shariah Movement, Finds Me Instead

    I was featured, complete with pictures (and online video), in a 2,000 word New York Times article about the anti-sharia movement in this country, written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Andrea Elliot, which appeared in the Times' July 31st Sunda...

  • September 16, 2010

    The Shariah Threat to America

    Nine years ago, another in a decades-long assault on the U.S. and Western interests was carried out by mujahideen -- Islamic jihad warriors. September 11 didn't launch this existential threat of jihad, but it certainly exposed the underbelly of Ameri...

  • March 1, 2010

    Secretary Geithner's Got Some Explaining to Do

    While everyone, including Congress, the media, and the public, have focused on AIG's $100-million bonus payments to key employees, and most recently on AIG's stealth payments to counterparties like Chase and the French giant Société G...

  • June 27, 2007

    The Dangers of Government-Sponsored Art

    This is a tale of the danger of government sponsored art. Arguably, it is even worse than that. It is the nefariousness of government sponsored political art and it is the criminal convergence of the agenda of the PC Elite with that of the Islamic Ji...

  • September 24, 2006

    Dear Mr. Buckley

    Dear Mr. Buckley: This open letter to you is the result of your essay published September 14th of this year and entitled, 'Is Victory Possible?' In this essay, you quite ably, as we have come to expect from you, describe President Bush as a man commi...

  • September 9, 2006

    Knowing the Enemy: A Book Review

    Mary Habeck, an associate professor at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University has published a book that has been billed as an authoritative study of jihadist ideology. The book, Knowing the Enemy, published by the Ya...

  • May 2, 2006

    All the News that Fits Our Politics

    A few days ago the New York Times provided yet another lesson in how to mislead readers without actually publishing anything untrue. Journalist Jo Craven McGinty published a 1500 word statistical look at murders in New York City that is more not...