David S. Whitley

David S. Whitley

  • July 20, 2015

    Jihad Strikes the Bible Belt

    Qur’an 3:32 - “Obey Allah and His Messenger; But if they turn back, then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers.” Jihad came to Chattanooga, Tennessee --- the heart of the Bible belt. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the son of a...

  • August 23, 2014

    Darren Wilson is a Hero!

    As morality wanes in modern America, so too does clear thinking on the sensational issues of the day that distract us from what is truly important in the lives of a free people. I'm seriously concerned for my country when my fellow conservativ...

  • March 17, 2014

    The Jihad of Liberalism

    In Islamic countries we often hear of the three choices offered the non-Muslim, the kafir, the infidel.   Three choices beginning with convert, pay the jizya poll tax and become a third class citizen or die.   Liberals often emplo...

  • September 8, 2013

    An Absence of Light

    A Christian couple that operates a family-owned bakery, Sweet Cakes By Melissa, in Gresham, OR has been forced to close due to the moblike tactics of the LGBT community, who relentlessly protested and boycotted their little store. The protestors...

  • July 12, 2013

    The FBI Caves to Politically Correct Muslim Propaganda

    KIRO Television in Seattle ran a story on how a tiny clique has once again pushed truth off the train and replaced it with a smoke and mirrors. Jeff Siddiqui of American Muslims of Puget Sound first blames the American government then stereotypes the...

  • December 1, 2012

    Will We Ever Get Our America Back?

    Ever watch one of those chase scenes in a cartoon where the one in the lead heads over the cliff and lands in a devastating crash at the bottom -- only to find whatever he was carrying (adding insult to injury) comes tumbling down on top of him? Wel...