David Reynolds

David Reynolds

  • March 17, 2022

    Atmospheric carbon dioxide: A little perspective, please

    When President Biden was sworn into office, crude oil was selling for forty dollars a barrel or less.  The price was reasonably stable, and gasoline and diesel were affordable for most drivers.  Biden came into office preaching th...

  • March 5, 2022

    On Ukraine, Biden has painted himself into a corner

    As a retired oilfield training engineer, I have traveled to 38 different countries.  I have worked in Russia and China.  I have never been in Ukraine, but I have been in Romania, which is just across the border.  Not onc...

  • October 10, 2016

    The Best Available Choice

    If the option were on the ballot for the major parties to replace Hillary and Trump, we would be looking for new nominees, but that isn't a choice. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump, figuring that if he happens to be elected, he will need to...