David R. Carlin

David R. Carlin

  • Is Bobby Junior guilty of betrayal?

    August 29, 2024

    Is Bobby Junior guilty of betrayal?

    When Bobby Junior endorsed Trump, a number of Bobby’s siblings released a statement saying that his endorsement of Trump was a “betrayal” of Kennedy political values.  It would horrify Uncle Jack and Bobby Senior.  ...

  • The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party

    June 23, 2024

    The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party

    Watching a cable TV network the other day (I think it was CNN), I saw a brief discussion between a liberal and one of CNN’s token conservatives regarding the question of whether or not the Democrat party is hostile to religion.  In th...

  • Condemned to freedom

    February 19, 2024

    Condemned to freedom

    When I was young (a long time ago) existentialism was a fashionable philosophy, and Jean-Paul Sartre (a Frenchman and political ultra-leftist) was its most famous practitioner.  Probably the best-known of Sartre’s doctrines was the idea th...

  • Reincarnations and Revolution

    February 1, 2024

    Reincarnations and Revolution

    People who believe in reincarnation, whether of the Hindu or non-Hindu variety, tell us the following. A human being is composed of two essential elements: body and spirit (or soul).  The two are intimately connected, the spirit controll...

  • December 16, 2023

    Barbarism, Ho!

    Decades ago, when abortion first began winning public approval in the USA, I worried that if abortion were to be generally approved, it would lead to further grim consequences.  Abortion being what it is, namely the unjust killing of a guiltless...

  • May 27, 2022

    Bad Imitations of MLK

    On a few occasions, I have ventured to make public observations about the sorry state of today’s lower-class African Americans.  It’s a large lower class -- much larger as a percentage of all blacks than lower-class whites are a perc...

  • September 23, 2016

    Why people love Trump

    For thirty or forty years, that section of the white American population that is not rich, not awfully well educated, and not liberal has been held in contempt by its opposites, affluent and well educated white liberals.  This includes those you...