David Lawrence

David Lawrence

  • February 18, 2017

    Three cheers for Ivanka

    I don't want to shake the hand of anyone who refuses to buy Ivanka Trump's brand.  I feel he  wouldn't understand that a handshake is a handshake, and he might blame my hand for the fraying of the cuff, the irritation of the cuf...

  • January 31, 2017

    Shame on Bill de Blasio

    Progressives emphasize the progress of their own fortunes rather than the good of the middle and lower classes.  They use lesser people to build their bankrolls.  They get their votes by promising irrelevancies.  Progress?  Thy...

  • November 27, 2016

    Obama's presidency is a parade of betrayals

    How did we allow our president  to forgive radical Muslims for all their atrocities and murders?  Thousands of dead sprinkled around our country, and Obama feels we are unfair to killer Muslims.  Obama is worried about prejudice agains...

  • November 22, 2016

    Liberals hate me for voting for Trump

    In Brooklyn, if you say you like Trump, the liberal crowd laughs and then turns bitter.  They feel that you are an idiot.  They feel superior to you. It startles me that such bigoted people could dislike me.  What makes them think t...

  • November 17, 2016

    America's date with Obama

    In 2008, America had a date with Barack Obama.  He was beautiful, exotic (half- black).  Our citizens went out with him as if they were homely Americans who had the chance to date a rock star. He was the answer to their loneliness. ...

  • November 1, 2016

    The false comparison of Weiner and Trump

    I spoke to a Jewish lawyer liberal friend of mine, and he compared Donald Trump's picking up women twenty years ago to Anthony Weiner's recent texting his privates to a fifteen-year-old girl. What is wrong with liberals that they can't...

  • October 19, 2016

    The world was wrong about Obama

    The world is so desirous of proving it is not prejudiced that 49 percent of the people applauded the election of Obama. I train in an international boxing gym – Gleason's.  All the foreigners felt that Obama' s election would im...

  • September 29, 2016

    Colin Kaepernick: Who's the real racist?

    Colin Kaepernick is obsessed with race.  That does not mean he is against racists; rather, he is himself a racist who measures people according to his prejudices. He alienated everyone when he said about Clinton and Trump: "Both are...

  • September 20, 2016

    North Korea: Obama refuses to stop evil...again

    America has allowed a North Korean fireworks display of self-destruction.  But instead of sparklers and harmless firecrackers, Obama has allowed North Korea to detonate its fifth atomic weapon. Like his  mini-me, Hillary, Obama lies and ...

  • September 10, 2016

    Two stupids: Kaepernick and Nessa Diab

    Colin Kaepernick is a stupid man who uses his football helmet to butt up against peace and love for his brothers.  He endangers the black community by spreading antagonism and bitterness between blacks and cops. Look at Baltimore and Ferguson...

  • September 1, 2016

    A word about Beyoncé from someone who saw her up close once

    About ten years ago, Beyoncé did a music video at Gleason's Gym, where I was a coach.  She was beautiful and exciting.   Then again, she didn't exactly float like Audrey Hepburn.  She sank. At the MTV Video Music...

  • July 21, 2016

    Jews loyal to Democrat disloyalty

    See also: Jews for Trump grassroots movement launches website Many American Jews are more loyal to the Democratic Party than to their religion.  Their historical opposition, the Muslims, are totally committed to the Muslim religion....

  • June 26, 2016

    E.E. Cummings understood liberalism

    The liberal mind pretends it is intelligent by being open-minded.  But open-minded is empty-headed, and the failure to see distinctions when lines are drawn in the sand of consciousness is reminiscent of Obama drawing a false red line in Syria. ...

  • June 21, 2016

    Liberal self-hating Jews find a standard-bearer in Bernie Sanders

    I don't know where and when we Jews learned to hate ourselves.  I guess it's that so many millions of people hate us that we feel it's easier to go along with them.  We assume we must have deserved it if we were almost wiped out...

  • June 4, 2016

    I'm a former rapper, and I don't mind being called a thug

    Well, Tamika Mallory, an angry, ideology-driven activist tied to Al Sharpton’s dull umbilical cord, rallied against gun violence with New York politicians Jumaane Williams and Vanessa Gibson. It was another useless rally that would prob...

  • May 22, 2016

    Noted scholar George Clooney spouts off on Americans 'scared of Muslims'

    Well, cowardly, mousey, he-of-small-intellect George Clooney is at it again.  At the tough man contest, the caviar-and-champagne Cannes film festival, gladiator Clooney has slurped and pontificated, "There's not going to be a President ...

  • May 14, 2016

    A little tirade against bringing bikes on the New York subway

    I got on the 4 train at Fulton Street.  At Astor Place, a short, muscular guy in tight black Lycra shorts pushed his stupid peeling, white bike into the car next to me. He almost hit me but didn't.  I wondered if I should punch him i...

  • April 17, 2016

    There is just so much wrong with Hillary

    In 2008, Hillary hated Obama, bad-mouthed him, and ran against him in the primaries.  She failed.  Now she praises Obama and says what a wonderful president he is and has been from day one.  Was she phony when she attacked him, or is s...

  • April 12, 2016

    Radical Islamists kill not because of food stamps

    Jihadists kill on religious principle and because of frustrated sexual energy, not because they are deprived or jealous of the Western civilizations they look down upon. Radical Muslims hate women, and when they are not beating, circumcising, ston...

  • April 6, 2016

    Anti-Semitism strong in Hillary's campaign

    Huma Abedin used to be a journalist who worked at a magazine that favored Islamic supremacist ideology.  This is just what we need as the right-hand woman for Hillary Clinton. Huma is a genealogical anti-Semite who is close to Hilla...

  • March 23, 2016

    Obama is no healer when it comes to Cuba

    Is President Obama some kind of naïve schoolboy, hoping to wear a Che t-shirt?  Is that why he is standing in front of the cold-blooded killer, Che, on the wall of the Ministry of the Interior building in Havana? Has Obama opened relatio...

  • February 20, 2016

    Who's the real recruiting tool for jihadists: Gitmo or Obama?

    Obama thinks that letting prisoners go from Guantanamo Bay will prove  what a kind, considerate person  he is to our enemies. An indication of being bad is the desire to promenade your putative goodness.  Obama wants to be loved bec...

  • February 9, 2016

    New York is falling down

    Tonight I walked onto the subway and saw the car was half-empty because a stinking bum was lying on a seat, and no one wanted to smell him. Rome fell.  New York is falling down.  It is filled with illegalities and filth as a result of th...

  • February 5, 2016

    On mosques, Obama following in Bloomberg's footsteps

    When Bloomberg wanted to allow building a mosque on sacred ground at the graveyard of the World Trade Towers, I wanted to cry at his lack of respect for the three thousand dead at Ground Zero.  Bones are not just bones; they are the remnants of ...

  • January 27, 2016

    Arguing capital punishment in the boxing ring

    I'm giving a boxing lesson to my student Tim.  He came over from England a few years ago and runs a public relations firm. Tim is an amusing chap who cracks me up.  He's a chipper bloke.  I've been to England many times,...

  • January 24, 2016

    Obama, the accidental racist

    It's ironic that America has grown up enough to distance itself from racism while electing its first black racially divisive president – Barack Hussein Obama. His election should have been the first presidency where race no longer matter...

  • January 2, 2016

    Louis Farrakhan has the nerve to lecture whites about Donald Trump

    Louis Farrakhan is a hardcore bigot who dresses neatly to hide the disorder of his antagonistic soul.  I have no love for bitter Malcolm X, but the rumors that Farrakhan was involved in his execution would sure make me, if I were black, abandon ...

  • December 15, 2015

    Thinking about Muslims on the subway

    I left Gleason's Gym and got on the F train.  These days, I am wary of terrorists and give every Muslim or Muslim lookalike the eyeball.  I am not afraid of Muslims.  I once boxed a few rounds with the world champion,  Must...

  • November 19, 2015

    My introduction to Muslim migration to Germany in the '70s

    When my newlywed wife and I took a bus from Istanbul to Munich in 1972, we were surprised to see that almost all of our fellow travelers were Turkish workmen.  We discovered that Germans were looking for cheap labor, and the Turks were filling t...

  • October 25, 2015

    Democrats jump the shark rejecting Kate's Law

    Only the self-destructive Democrats could disagree with mandatory minimum sentencing for illegal immigrants who re-enter the U.S. Do Democrats feel that they are being noble by allowing criminal aliens to re-enter the U.S.?  Do they hate them...

  • October 17, 2015

    How is Hillary still in the game?

    I remember pulling up to my office in 1993 in my chauffeured Rolls Royce.  Two FBI ladies came over to me and asked, "Are you David Lawrence?" "Yes." "Then you're under arrest." "I'm already un...

  • October 1, 2015

    Biden and the Democrats are embarrassing

    It’s embarrassing to see that the best the Democrats can put forth as candidates for president are gaffe-ridden Joe Biden, felony-ensconced Hillary Clinton, and socialist Bernie Sanders. I used to think that Biden was okay until I saw his sm...

  • September 18, 2015

    Fighting an Englishman's prejudices at Gleason's

    My boxing student Tim moved to Brooklyn the other year from London.  He is one of those fun bald guys who has an infectious smile.  He is in some part of the publishing industry. One thing I particularly like about Tim is that he has out...

  • September 12, 2015

    Columbia University: One eye open

    My son graduated from Columbia University in 2001.  I am proud of his achievement, but I am embarrassed that he went to such a monolithically entitled progressive school.  Columbia sees things only its own way.  It's one eye is ...

  • September 1, 2015

    Obama, Bush, and Trump

    Obama is a GQ slick type of guy.  He is a Harvard liberal elite.  His only connection to the poor is his half-black skin.  Can’t trust him – no way. He pretends that he is transparent, but his lies are legion. ...

  • August 26, 2015

    The ridiculousness of 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2'

    On The Kelly File on August 18, 2015, it was suggested by  the Tennessee Courts that "mother" and "father"  be renamed "Parent 1" and "Parent 2." I loved my mother.  I loved my fathe...

  • August 4, 2015

    Kill Dylann Roof

    Dylann Roof entered not guilty pleas on 33 federal charges for his killing spree in the black church in Charleston. The angelic families of the dead in Charleston  want to forgive Dylann.  They are holy people.  They don’t und...

  • July 31, 2015

    Give us back Jimmy Carter!

    The day Reagan took over office from Jimmy Carter, our hostages in Iran were released.  Iran manipulated it so that Carter looked like a fool.  True.  He was humiliated. Carter had been feckless.  He turned the most powerful na...

  • July 14, 2015

    The horror of Bernie Sanders

    Bernie Sanders is packing in the crowds.  I know Sanders as a type – I was a hippy during the sixties, and Sanders was the stereotype of my friends.  The type promises good while getting high on clichés and imagining that the f...

  • July 10, 2015

    Obama the triple-loser

    Obama is delusional.  He told a group from the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative that he is proudest of three accomplishments: 1) the economic recovery, 2) Obamacare, and 3) his foreign policy. Narcissism is narcissism.  It’...

  • May 24, 2015

    Bill de Blasio: The Boring Progressive

    I am so sick of de Blasio promoting his Progressive agenda.  The job of a politician is to pragmatically play among various ideologies and to satisfy the majority of his constituents rather than to dogmatically stick to his opinions. De Blasi...

  • March 10, 2015

    Obama and Selma

    President Obama, who never suffered a smidgeon of prejudice in his spoiled, private-school life, is trying to bite a piece out of the suffering of the march in Selma, Alabama.  Fifty years ago it was called Bloody Sunday.  But although i...

  • February 24, 2015

    John Legend's Spoiled Academy Award Speech

    The song “Glory” featuring John Legend and Common roused the sympathies of the liberals at the Academy Awards. John Legend received love for his speech comparing the slaves of the 19th century to modern-day African Americans in the cri...

  • February 18, 2015

    Beheadings don't Correlate to Parking Rage

    Isis is an organized religious, militaristic group that kills like priests of carnage. They are pornographic in their violence and show it off to the world the way a flasher opens his raincoat. They get off on killing westerners. In Liby...

  • February 16, 2015

    Kayla Mueller and the Failure of Perspective

    Kayla Mueller is dead in Syria where life is not worth a dime.  Perspective is the truth of intellect not the distortion of ideology. Flip a coin.  Who is Mueller?  A possible anti-Semite who was a member of the International Solida...

  • February 14, 2015

    Begging the Question on Scott Walker's Education

    Howard “prone-to-hysterics” Dean has pointed out that Scott Walker may be ignorant because he doesn’t have a college degree.  I have a Ph.D. in literature and I consider myself politically stupid compared to Scott Walker, wh...

  • February 11, 2015

    Levels of Thinking

    With so many liberals going to Ivy League Schools or teaching there it is hard to say that they are stupid.  But I must say that Liberals are stupid. They specialize in going against the grain of traditional values and institutions, so their...

  • February 9, 2015

    Chris Kyle is no Racist

    Ayman Mohyeldin, a guest on the “Morning Joe” show on MSNBC, called Chris Kyle a racist. He accused him of going on a killing spree, which would be the equivalent of being a mass murderer, like Adam Lanza, at Sandy Hook. Somehow...

  • January 6, 2015

    Soft-on-crime judges and judging politicians let dangerous criminals go

    Mayor de Blasio reappointed Brooklyn Judge Laura Johnson after she released without bail two men who threatened cops.  I thought he was going to apologize to the cops for contributing to the mood that engendered the killing of Ramos and Liu. ...

  • December 31, 2014

    There is no love in a beheading

    I do not understand what liberals mean when they say that not all Muslims are killers.  I understand that not all killers are Muslims.  But whether all Muslims are or are not  killers is irrelevant.  Studies vary, but one Pew r...

  • December 26, 2014

    The If and Why of Democrats

    Murderers don’t want to die.  If the death penalty doesn’t discourage murder, why is everyone on Death Row appealing his sentence? If torture elicits false answers, how did waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed lead us to ...

  • December 17, 2014

    Sharpton as the Maltese Falcon

    Al Sharpton reminds me of the Maltese Falcon.  At every tragedy, he shows up on a shelf of tears next to the serious grievers, the family members, looking like an imitation of the real bird.  But all the suckers are happy to have him the...

  • December 13, 2014

    My Transportation Problems

    When Dinkins was mayor, he failed to police New York.  I had to deal with windshield-wiper bums and broken windows.  Dinkins dug a hole of moral lassitude, and New York fell into it like urine into a sewer. Now his Shrek-like disciple, M...

  • December 10, 2014

    Theocratic Communism

    It’s amusing that atheists despise the religions sprinkled throughout a democratic society but embrace a theocratic government that is modeled on the verticality of dictatorial communism.  Their leader is their God.  Their big-governm...

  • November 29, 2014

    NY councilman Jumaane Williams wants to prioritize traffic tickets

    When I was a teenager I used to get frisked by the cops.  I was a bit of a greaser and looked like a troublemaker.  I didn’t complain.  I was proud that the cops saw me as a problem.  I was rebellious.  I liked that. ...

  • November 27, 2014

    If Michael Brown were my black brother...

    So let’s pretend that a cop named Wilson shot my black brother (Brown), who had just robbed cigars from a store and smacked around an innocent old Korean man.  Obviously, my brother has no respect for his elders.  Nor does he have res...

  • November 12, 2014

    A word on bullying

    Suddenly bullying has gone from an isolated act to a campaign. When I was in high school in the early sixties, bullying was not some big cause like anti-racism or anti-homophobia.  A degenerate kid would pick on me or wouldn’t....

  • October 14, 2014

    Stop West African Flights!

    Our president does not like panic.  The only time he panics is when he can’t make it to a fundraiser or a golf course. So he has one of his flunkies, Thomas Frieden, head of the Centers for Disease Control,  tell us that ...

  • October 3, 2014

    Terrorism or Workplace Violence?

    Cleveland D.A. Greg Mashburn says that Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen is not a terrorist, but an angry man who committed first-degree murder. Collen Hufford was decapitated on the spot, and the D.A. is threatening Nolen with a relatively p...

  • September 28, 2014

    Spoiled Biden Attacks CEOs

    Joe Biden is smugly wrong about everything.  He says, “We’re asking all the wrong questions. … We should be asking the question why CEO’s make 333 times more than their average employee.” Well, Joe, what...

  • September 14, 2014

    Degrade and Destroy?

    Obama speechified about how he will “degrade and destroy” ISIS.  Words, words, words are not a strategy.  They are an obfuscation from the reality of doing nothing, of not crossing the red line in Syria, of not stopping the behe...

  • September 7, 2014

    Something is rotten in America

    Obama is rotten in America.  He has caused the country to go from the class of Audrey Hepburn to the clumsiness of Anna Nicole Smith.  He needs a triple-E bra to contain his ego.  He was supposed to unite red and blue, white and bla...

  • July 15, 2014

    Bigoted Eric Holder

    Eric Holder said that “racial animosity is driving some of the political opposition against him and President Obama.” Has he ever considered that what’s driving the animosity is their arrogance, their wrecking the economy, their ...

  • June 20, 2014

    Rules of Engagement in the Boxing Ring

    Scott is my apolitical boxing student who was in the Marines and is now in the reserves.  He has every right to be political, considering he put his life on the line for us.  But no, he does not pontificate on politics while our weakling be...

  • June 12, 2014

    Scott, My Old Marine Student

    A tall Marine-looking kid walked into Gleason’s Gym and said hello to me. He looked familiar, but I don’t really remember who he is.  I used to be a pro boxer, and my memory is not grand.  It’s spotty. I got a little da...

  • June 5, 2014

    Bergdahl: Obama's 'Rapid Response' to VA Scandal

    Obama had to do something fast.  He was guilty of numerous deaths in the Veterans’ Administration hospitals.  He looked like a heartless beast as soldiers died waiting for appointments. People became fearful about the big bu...

  • May 27, 2014

    Emma Thompson Takes a Break

    Emma Thompson recently stirred a lot of supercilious defensiveness when she said, “You can’t be a great mum and keep working all the time.” The programmatic limited minds of the go-along women’s movement are offended by mot...

  • May 3, 2014

    Let 'The Rise of Al-Qaeda' Roll

    An imam and a panel disagree with the documentary The Rise of Al-Qaeda, which will play at the 9/11 museum.  They feel that it places unnecessary blame on Muslims for 9/11.  Are they kidding?  Do they want to blame it on the North Amer...

  • April 9, 2014

    Caesar vs. Obama in the Ring

    The other day, a boxing student of mine, Phil – who also happens to be a judge and an amateur scholar of Shakespeare – recited to me a line by Calpurnia in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: “Alas, my lord, / Your wisdom is con...

  • April 5, 2014

    The Pruning of America

    There is no joy in communism.  The Russian boxers in Gleason’s Gym never smile.  They all box alike.  They are automatons, like Drago in Rocky IV, shoveled out by the assembly line of big government.  They left Russia to tra...

  • March 14, 2014

    Against Social Liberalism

    My conservative liberal friends brag that they are fiscally conservative but socially liberal.  Like being socially liberal is a sign of enlightenment, of liberal wisdom.  They do not realize that being socially liberal is not a mark of ...

  • March 8, 2014

    Mayor de Blasio has a Twisted need to Punish the Rich

    Mayor de Blasio is not interested in children’s getting a better education.  If he were, he would endorse the charter schools and allow Cuomo to fund them.  But he couldn't care less about quality education – other...

  • February 23, 2014

    Talking Health Care at Gleason's Gym

    A left-wing liberal boxing student of mine, Irene, complained to me that her health insurance went up from eighty dollars a month to three hundred dollars. I told her, "What did you expect with ObamaCare?"  "Let's not discuss it," she said....

  • February 19, 2014

    Obama Signs an Executive Order to Raise the Federal Minimum Wage

    Does Obama really think that raising federal employees' meager salaries from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour will change their lives?  He is doing nothing for them and masquerading like the queen of generosity. Most federal employees earn far abo...

  • February 13, 2014

    Illegal Aliens vs. Undocumented Immigrants

    Some Americans think that America is so good that it's their moral obligation to let everyone in to share in the joyous holiday of being American.  They assume that anyone who becomes American is lucky.  Wow, what a big break for ...

  • January 23, 2014

    Cuomo's Twisted Words

    In an attempt to become supreme controller of thought, of demographics, and of freedom, rigid, plastic-faced New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on the radio  that if "extreme conservatives" are "right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay," th...

  • January 20, 2014

    Liberalism in Brooklyn

    I am watching them take my country from me -- the Obamas, the de Blasios, the Holders, the generic Democrats with their imaginary sincerity and their simplistic complaints about income inequality.  As if excellence and the ability to earn a...

  • January 13, 2014

    The Thug Cycle Video

    On 1-09-2014, I saw a video on the internet called "Thug Cycle."  It was about a black toddler being taught to curse.  The parents thought it was a big joke.  It reminded me of the early nineties, when I was in a cab with a...

  • December 29, 2013

    Why I am no longer much of an atheist

    I used to be an agnostic-atheist.  Now atheists make me want to be religious. I hate their disrespect for others' beliefs.  It makes me want to embrace the Lord.  But I don't.  Because it's not in my genetics...

  • December 5, 2013

    Why Obama Never Fires Anyone

    Why isn't Obama firing anyone for the failed health care website?  Could it be that if he fires someone, that someone will spill the beans on how large a part Obama himself played in the incompetent roll-out of the plan? Obama is too vuln...

  • December 4, 2013

    The Silliness of Obama's and de Blasio's Progressivism

    Obama and his ideological son, New York mayor Bill de Blasio, constantly use the word "progressive."  It seems that "progressive" among the radical left has become synonymous with "good."   Obama and de Blasio use "progressive" ...

  • November 21, 2013

    Bill de Blasio and Lee Harvey Oswald

    On Saturday night, I watched "As It Happened: John F. Kennedy" on Channel 2.  Dan Rather said that Lee Harvey Oswald, an admirer of Russia and Fidel Castro's Cuba, killed Kennedy. Well, look whom New Yorkers have voted in now.  ...

  • November 17, 2013

    The New York Times Never Sides with the Jews

    Most minorities hate Jews because they want to feel superior to the tiniest minority.  There are few repercussions to squashing us like ants.  Look at Nazi Germany.  Look at Ahmadinejad saying that he will throw Israel i...

  • November 7, 2013

    ObamaCare Destroys Bill Clinton's Legacy

    The Affordable Health Care Act is not insurance, but welfare.  When you cover guaranteed losses under pre-existing conditions, you are not gambling on possible losses; you are assuming real losses, and amassing money from the taxpayers to p...

  • November 4, 2013

    De Blasio Is Looking the Other Way on Crime

    Bill de Blasio is running for mayor of New York City.  He wants to improve kindergarten.  Wow.  That's quite the ambition. Joe Lhota, his opponent, wants to keep our streets safe.  He is the opposite of ...

  • October 11, 2013

    Bill de Blasio's Failure to fight Anti-Semitism

    Ronald Radosh in the New York Post points out that Bill de Blasio was a big fan of the Sandinistas when they were practicing anti-Semitism.  In the eighties, there were only 50 Jews in Nicaragua, and de Blasio was more interested in promoting co...

  • October 2, 2013

    For Our Own Good: Not Bill de Blasio

    New York's candidate for mayor, Bill de Blasio, wants the general good -- which is to say diluted socialism.  He voted for a dump in the East Nineties even though it was flooded during Hurricane Sandy.  It is near a playground.  Has De...

  • September 28, 2013

    De Blasio really is a 'Radical without a Clue'

    When New York mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio was called a "radical without a clue," he answered that that phrase was "a right-wing tactic."  De Blasio name-calls like his boss, Obama, who insults Republicans daily.  They do it to not have...

  • September 27, 2013

    The Ice Caps Are Flourishing

    Max is a big fan of Al Gore and believes in global warming.  I tell him that global warming is an unproven science put out by hysterical liberals to profit and sell devices related to others' fears.  Academics at East Anglia University...

  • September 13, 2013

    A Personal Example of ObamaCare's Failure

    A free society involves competition.  The reason communism failed is because that form of government didn't give the latitude for people to experiment and do what they wanted.  Our new health care is bound to get strangled by its own regula...

  • September 7, 2013

    Regarding Ecstasy at the Electric Zoo

    I haven't touched drugs in thirty years, but there was a time where I had some bad experiences.  I mourn the childish kids who died of ecstasy at the Electric Zoo music festival on Randall's Island. All the cornballs who are afraid of jail wan...

  • August 23, 2013

    When I was a rich kid, we were all pro-communist

    When I was a rich kid living in Great Neck, NY, I remember standing on the lawn of my girlfriend's house and listening to her parents talk about how my girlfriend's grandfather fought for the communists in Spain.  They were proud of him.  W...

  • August 13, 2013

    New York Mayor Bloomberg Right for Once?

    I've published many negative articles on Michael Bloomberg.  I feel that he is a dictatorial twit who knows what is good for everyone else but has failed to discover himself, because he insists on what is right even when it is wrong or at least ...

  • July 30, 2013

    O'Reilly Is Right about Black-on-Black Crime

    Kudos to Bill O'Reilly for pointing out the dangers of black-on-black crime and the simplistic focus of Obama, Sharpton and the race-baiters on Zimmerman's atypical and idiosyncratic shooting of Trayvon Martin. In telling the truth, O'Reilly runs t...

  • July 23, 2013

    Pretty-Boy Dzhokhar

    Rolling Stone's turning Dzhokhar Tsarnaev into a dreamy-eyed cover boy is an indication of the liberal societal tendency to turn evil into good.  Twenty years ago, the hip-hop culture redefined bad as cool. Left-wing philosophy suspends all va...

  • June 30, 2013

    Don't Slash Our Nuclear Weapons

    I used to be a professional boxer.  Would I have shown up at a fight with eighteen-ounce gloves while my opponent was wearing cement tape? Obama wants us to come to his resurrection of the Cold War without nuclear weapons.  As Korea, Iran, ...

  • June 7, 2013

    Michael Douglas's Rejection of Liberace?

    Back in the eighties, my son went to school at Birch Wathen with Michael Douglas's son Cameron.  Cameron would often play at our apartment, and his dad would sometimes come over to pick him up. He was a friendly kid, and we had no idea that he'd...

  • May 30, 2013

    I've Seen an Elephant Fly

    Obama often announces that America is not at war with Islam.  Gee, I guess the great narcissist empathizer didn't notice the legs that could no longer run lying around the Boston marathon, the headless soldier in London, the dead ambassador in L...

  • May 22, 2013

    Jon Stewart Is Criticizing Obama Too Late

    Sure of himself, holier than thou, without a dent in his smooth fabrications, Jon Stewart has come out of his firm gait to gallop onto the other side of the debate, to run with the Obama doubters.  It didn't bother him that Obama drove us mo...

  • May 14, 2013

    Premeditated Rape by Ariel Castro

    When you enslave someone and repeatedly rape her, the fact that you kept her captive assumes premeditation in each rape.  The rapes are not moments of uncontrolled passion.  They are successively planned out assaults. Ariel Castro committ...

  • May 1, 2013

    Tamerlan Tsarnaev Defames the Boxing Community

    It's ironic that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a terrorist.  It defames boxers.  As a group, boxers give and we take.  We stand up to the punishment.  I've fought with a badly broken nose and wouldn't take one step back. ...

  • April 20, 2013

    You Can't Discount the Horror

    Thomas Friedman writes in the Times that "after all the terrorism the world has seen in the last decade, what the right reaction is: wash the sidewalk, wipe away the blood, and let whoever did it know that while they have sickeningly maimed...

  • April 17, 2013

    Obama Bullies Seniors and Babies

    ObamaCare has a feud with seniors and babies.  The Affordable Protection Act was prophesied as this great, egalitarian fix-me-up for all people.  It had the "fair share" advertising of communism or socialism.  It was going to...

  • April 14, 2013

    Should John Walker Lindh Pray Five Times a Day?

    John Walker Lindh, a traitor to his country, is not joyous about his conditions in federal prison.  Despite his national betrayals, he wants to be able to pray together five times a day with his Muslim brothers.  The prison has al...

  • April 6, 2013

    The New Climate Deniers?

    Rich Lowry in the New York Post accuses the liberals of being the new climate deniers, considering that they don't recognize that there's been no global warming for the last fifteen years.  This shouldn't surprise Lowry.  When the liberals ...

  • April 1, 2013

    No Paid Sick Days for City Workers

    City Council Speaker Christine Quinn has agreed to a bill that gives a million New York City workers five paid sick days.  Why?  Is it too much of a hardship for a city worker to take a couple of days off and pay for it himself? Why ...

  • March 16, 2013

    Bloomberg's Folly

    Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling said in the NY Post that Bloomberg's soda law was "discriminatory because it would apply only to businesses regulated by the city and would not treat all sugary drinks equally." Tingling is correct in...

  • February 25, 2013

    Cuomo's Too Eager to Abort

    At the State of the State speech, Andrew Cuomo shouted three times, "Because it's her body, and it's her choice."  His dramatic presentation was a little frightening.  He made Obama look tame.  I think Democrats are taki...

  • February 24, 2013

    Chatting about Gays at Gleason's

    My old friend visits me at Gleason's Gym.  I've known Kenny for forty-seven years -- longer than I've known my wife.  Back in the sixties we used to go to clubs together and hang out with the Warhol crowd at Max's Kansas City. ...

  • February 15, 2013

    Be Afraid of Obama's Climate Change

    When you look too far into the future, you hop, skip, and jump over the present.  This is a college sophomore trick.  And so our regal pontificating sophomore, Obama, is all squishy and immature about climate change.  It...

  • February 6, 2013

    I've Been a Limousine Liberal...Twice

    As an adolescent, I was a limousine liberal in my dad's house in Great Neck.  I felt compassion for all the needy of the world and admired the communists who were trying to spread the wealth in equal, fair shares to people of unequal talent...

  • January 29, 2013

    Obama Cloaks Himself in Magical Ideology

    Obama is a sort of mushy president.  He tries to emasculate the military by encouraging gays to serve openly.  He disallows enhanced interrogation because it is too masculine, which is ipso facto too cruel.  And he whispers secrets to ...

  • January 10, 2013

    A Coterie of Dunces

    Community Education Council 31 in Staten Island voted to put armed retired police officers in city schools. This made knee-jerk liberal Bloomberg react, "I think it's a terrible idea." Bloomberg is such a consistent, monolithic ideologue that he...

  • January 6, 2013

    Chris Christie Bloviates

    Every time there is a tragedy, a politician stands on his desk and bloviates.  He does not necessarily offer reasonable solutions to the problems.  He offers speeches and rhetoric meant to cover himself in a veil of empathy and a patina of ...

  • January 4, 2013

    Abandon the Constitution?

    See also: An Appeal for Dictatorship Comes Out of the Closet at the New York Times Professor Louis Michael Seidman wrote an op-ed in the New York Times stating that we should give up the Constitution.  What he writes, Obama intends. There is a c...

  • December 28, 2012

    Give Self-Defense a Chance

    After Sandy Hook, Wayne LaPierre, the head of the NRA, wants to offer an armed guard at any school that wants one.  A guard might have saved twenty children's and six adults' lives in Newtown.  Isn't that worth the risk?  If John Lenno...

  • December 24, 2012

    John Kerry: Another Mistake

    Obama keeps picking traitors or misguided, anti-military malcontents to run our government.  John Kerry accused American soldiers of violent acts while not even mentioning the atrocities committed by the North Vietnamese.  He stood up again...

  • December 19, 2012

    Harry Belafonte: Good for Nothing

    Imagine building a career on a song as stupid as Harry Belafonte's 1956 song, "Day-O  (The Banana Boat Song)."    Belafonte, imagining himself sympathetic to ignorant laborers, sang the simpleminded "Day-O."  It was a pro-commun...

  • December 12, 2012

    The Minority Is the Majority under Obama

    It's Sunday afternoon in New York City and I am at the St. Regis Hotel for tea and sandwiches with my wife, Lauren.  A woman is playing the harp.  When I look up and see paintings near the ceiling I feel that I am in the Sistine Chapel....

  • November 19, 2012

    Obama Is Passive-Aggressive toward Israel

    In Obama's speech in Cairo, he wanted to put daylight between America and Israel so that he could create brotherhood between Muslims and Americans.  Rah, rah -- he is a big Arab-supporter.  Doesn't he realize that courting Muslims leaves Is...

  • November 15, 2012

    The Democrats Are Not Good Losers, but They Are Fine and Dandy Winners

    I am sitting in my office at Gleason's Gym on Saturday morning about 8:00.  I am waiting for my student, the Judge.  That's not just a nickname.  He is a judge.  I have been teaching him boxing for fifteen years. The last few days...

  • November 13, 2012

    Obama's Teary-Eyed Speech

    Being a narcissist -- and knowing how it has wracked me with mania and distorted my judgment so that I have no sense of being other-directed except in how it reflects on myself -- I can't help but be dismayed by the blossoming of Obama's narcissism w...

  • November 10, 2012

    At the Dentist after the Election

    I am sitting in the dentist's office waiting for my appointment.  He is a good dentist, but this is never a pleasant experience.  When he examines my tooth, he tells me that instead of extracting it, he will put in a new, shiny gold crown....

  • November 3, 2012

    Number-One Loser

    I am staring at my television watching endless gas lines around New York.  I remember the seventies, when there were long lines at the gas stations.  I lived in the suburbs.  I remember fights breaking out.  I was in my twenties, ...

  • October 20, 2012

    Binders Full of Women?

    When Romney said "binders full of women," he was talking about how he planned to improve the jobs of women in Massachusetts under his governance.  In fact, he did improve the status of women in the state.  Democrats make fun of the phrase "...

  • October 12, 2012

    What Biden Really Knows about the 47%

    In the vice presidential debate, Paul Ryan defended Romney's comment that forty-seven percent of the people don't pay taxes and are takers.  He said that "[t]he vice president surely knows ... that sometimes the words don't come out of your mout...

  • October 11, 2012

    Civility Returns to Gleason's Gym

    There has been a hush of civility in Gleason's Gym ever since Obama flubbed the debate.  The crowd of liberals no longer feels so cocky, so puffed up, so ready to defend Obama or tease me about how I could vote for Romney. It's as if the inflate...

  • September 30, 2012

    Obama's Divisiveness Knocks Me out at Gleason's Gym

    More often than not it's the girls who frustrate you the most -- in politics and in the ring. Hard Knocks comes into my office at Gleason's Gym for her boxing lesson.  She's a fiftyish gal -- pretty, but she's had some wear and tear.  She l...

  • September 29, 2012

    Education: I Did It My Way

    Self-loving Obama tells the people that we need more money for education.  He doesn't consider that any positive results of this won't kick in for years and that we are currently sixteen trillion dollars in debt.  Blowing money on schools i...

  • September 25, 2012

    Blame It on the Rain

    Some people say that Obama is not responsible for the bad economy or the conflagration of the Middle East.  Or Fast and Furious. They sing , "Gotta blame it on something / Blame it on the rain."  Like Milli Vanilli, they're lip-synching for...

  • September 22, 2012

    Gleason's Gym after Chris Stevens was Killed in Libya

    Irish is doing sit-ups outside my office.  He left me a few months ago in order to go over to another trainer -- Sing Sing.  Sing Sing trained John Duddy, who is Irish, and my Irish student was impressed.  I call him Sing Sing because ...

  • September 15, 2012

    Another Friday at Gleason's

    It's Friday, and I am showing up at Gleason's Gym at eight o'clock am for a full day of teaching.  I am looking forward to meeting my oldest student, the Judge.  For the first time in fifteen years, we arrive at the same time.  Hail an...

  • September 8, 2012

    Friendship Trumps Politics

    I show up at 8:00 Saturday morning at Gleason's Gym.  The whole way on the subway, I am thinking about criticizing my student, the Judge, for his voting for Obama.  It's a reprehensible thing for a Jew to do.  And the Judge is a big Je...

  • August 25, 2012

    Obama Is God, I Guess

    The problem with the Affordable Care Act is the Affordable Care Act itself.  Obama has already taken seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars from Medicare to put into his pet law.  He has transferred seniors' money to the indifferent pock...

  • August 21, 2012

    Don't Dismiss ID

    The fact that liberals could even suggest something so stupid, naïve, and deceptive as that you don't need ID to vote is ridiculous.  It is only in the age of Obama that people have become so confused and contradictory as to suggest that ID is n...

  • August 18, 2012

    Romney's Tax Returns Don't Matter

    When Obama tripped into his office, he promised to improve the economy.  Instead he rushed into the bank-busting Affordable Care Act.  Then he backed the EPA in all their ludicrous, expensive, sophomoric green energy plans.  I can imag...

  • August 17, 2012

    Obama Ain't No Ralph Waldo Emerson

    One of the most influential essays on American life is Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self-Reliance."  It was published in 1842, and it became the bedrock of American philosophy.  Emerson celebrated  the unique genius and the inconsistencies o...

  • August 16, 2012

    Doddering Biden in Virginia

    I've hung out with tons of blacks in my pro boxing career, my rap career, and my federal bid.  I love blacks -- their sense of humor and their warmth.  They've failed here, they've failed there.  So have I.  We are all human. ...

  • August 9, 2012

    My Boxing Lesson with Global Warming Bill

    My student "Bill" is a treat.  He smiles the length of an ear of corn.  He is energetic, like ethanol should be. He is also a big global warming fan.  He has replaced God with carbon dioxide.  He has a million reasons for glaciers...

  • August 4, 2012

    Trainers in Front of Gleason's Entrance

    I'm walking up the block to Gleason's Gym.  I've been doing this for thirty years.  Well, not exactly.  I used to be dropped off by a chauffeured Rolls-Royce.  I was a liberal, millionaire socialist.   When I was rich, I...

  • July 19, 2012

    We Are Not As Rich As Obama

    I am middle class.  Neither Barack Obama's net worth of eleven million dollars nor Mitt Romney's worth of two hundred and fifty million dollars relates to me. They share an interplanetary tune that is remote from my hearing aid.  My poverty...

  • July 17, 2012

    Obama, the Storyteller

    In the New York Post, in the Washington Post, on the Charlie Rose show, and elsewhere, Obama claims that his biggest mistake as president has been neglecting to "tell a story to the American people."  It is typical of Obama to announce what he d...

  • June 15, 2012

    Gone With The Wind

    Obama has attended 153 fundraisers since he announced his run for reelection.  He is raising the funds to travel to them from our taxes.  He throws in a pseudo real event like a visit to the WTC site to justify his expenditures.  Hey, ...

  • June 11, 2012

    Giving a Self-Hating Jew a Boxing Lesson

    We are in my office at Gleason's Gym, getting ready for Ari's boxing lesson.  Ari tells me that he hates Israeli right-wingers.  He thinks the Palestinians should kill them.  He seems to have forgotten that he himself is Israeli. ...

  • June 6, 2012

    Sarah Jessica and Anna Throw a Party

    Sarah Jessica Parker is inviting people to go to her house on 6-14 for a fundraising dinner for Obama.  She says he ended the war in Iraq.  Oops, he was against the surge and the war would have dribbled on forever.  She is proud that O...

  • June 4, 2012

    The Return

    Jason hasn't been at Gleason's Gym in six years.  He and his wife moved to San Diego.  Now they're in town trailing a three year old son -- Winston.  They all look great.  I love getting in touch with my past, especially when yest...

  • May 27, 2012

    War or Thaw?

    Leon Panetta  and Barack Obama have decided to kiss the battleship butts of the radical environmentalists and spend millions on alternative biofuels and unproven green technology. Imagine...the Obama crew wants to defend our nation against envir...

  • May 20, 2012

    Why I Don't Give to Beggars

    In school they teach you to be generous to other people.  Why?  I can see being kind to friends and family, but why go out of your way for strangers?  Why feel compelled to waste your efforts and savings on people when you do not know ...

  • May 12, 2012

    Afternoon Workout

    I'm working the mitts with Barbara, my boxing student.  She's a rich woman who is slumming in boxing but doesn't admit it because she is a liberal who wants to identify with poor people. She's hitting pretty good.  I tell her to go for more...

  • May 8, 2012

    Capital Punishment At Gleason's Boxing Gym

    Luke tells me that he is against capital punishment.  He has just fought five hard rounds with Dmitri. "I don't think you know yourself very well," I say.  "You just tried to kill Dimitri." "No, I didn't," he says.  He is Irish sociali...

  • April 30, 2012

    On Self-Hating Jews

    I am at Gleason's Gym.  Where else would I be on a Saturday morning?  I am teaching Bruce.  We've been working together for years. He tells me, "There are too many self-hating Jews." Bruce doesn't know that he is a self-hating Jew...

  • April 29, 2012

    Tennis And Politics

    I'm meeting with my little tennis group at Sutton East in Manhattan.  About fifteen years ago when we formed, our group was mostly middle aged.  People came and went and now our foursome consists of Jack (90 years old), Ben Gitlow (89 years...

  • April 18, 2012

    Lydia and Abortion

    Lydia shows up for her boxing lesson at my home away from home, Gleason's Boxing Gym.  The name Lydia cracks me up.  It reminds me of Groucho Marx's song from "The Circus." She's a nice kid, in her twenties. Somehow she mentions Romney and ...

  • April 16, 2012

    I Hardly Know Myself

    On April 8th my wife and I went to lunch at the St. Regis.  It is my favorite restaurant.  It is elegant.  It is swell.  A harpist serenades the not-so-young, well-coiffed people in the room.   My wife said to me in her ...

  • April 9, 2012

    Brooklyn Environmentalism

    The Japanese cashier at Peas and Pickles in Brooklyn asks me if I need a bag.  I say, "What do you think -- I plan to juggle my sushi, Gatorade and miso soup? Of course I need a bag." "If you care about the environment you won't use a plast...

  • April 3, 2012

    Obama and Pre-existing Conditions

    When I received my insurance license back in 1976, we were all taught that the financial viability of insurance companies was based on the exclusion of pre-existing conditions.  Otherwise people could get away without buying insurance for decade...

  • April 1, 2012

    Liberal Arrogance

    Why do liberals feel superior to me?  They call me a right winger and assume I am stupid.  I have a Ph.D., hundreds of publications and built a multi-million dollar insurance business in the 80's.  I have been ranked in three sports - ...

  • March 27, 2012

    The Ignorance of Democrats

    Charles, a friend of mine at Gleason's Gym, says that the failing economy is not Obama's fault but Bush's fault.  Yet it is not a matter of fault.  It's a failure to correct.  Obama was elected to correct the economy.  He failed....

  • March 19, 2012

    The Lack of Voter ID Cards is a Failure of Identity

    Obama's lack of insistence on voter identification is a psychological, philosophical and political position as much as a pragmatic issue of garnering illegal alien votes.  Obama's administration doesn't care about voter ID because ID cards are i...

  • February 3, 2012

    Let the Poor and Middle Class Pay Their Fair Share

    President Obama said in the Rose Garden, "If we're going to make spending cuts, many of which we wouldn't make if we weren't facing such large budget deficits, then it's only right that we ask everyone to pay their fair share." Obama is positing the ...

  • January 29, 2012

    The Broken Window Theory of Crime Applied to Broken Marriages

    The Broken Window theory of crime suggests that not attending to small infractions leads to an avalanche of larger crimes.  If broken windows are not repaired, vandals will continue to smash them. All well and good, and I agree.  Crime ag...

  • January 6, 2012

    Obama is Undercutting our Jewish Future

    I'm hanging out at Gleason's boxing Gym giving a few lessons here and there.  I chat with Tommy  Gallagher, a well-known manager and promoter. He says, "If Jews vote for Obama again I'm finished with all my Jewish friends." I'm a Jew. ...

  • December 3, 2011

    Social Justice and the Occupiers

    It seemed recently that whenever I turned on the television there was an anchorman asking some longhaired hippy at Zuccotti Park why he is protesting. I laugh when the grunge says he wants social justice. Social what? The grunge is the same arrested ...

  • November 14, 2011

    Joe Frazier is to George W. Bush as Mohamed Ali is to Barack Obama

    Joe Frazier is to George Bush as Mohamed Ali is to Barack Obama.  Joe Frazier was blue collar, earnest, honest and came to fight.  Ali used the fight arena as a platform to show off his ideas.  Ideas?  The man barely made it throu...

  • November 1, 2011

    How I Fell out of Love with Islam

    Believe it or not I considered becoming a Moslem before 9-11.  I was in a federal joint for two years for tax evasion.  I used to attend Black Moslem classes.  There was wisdom and a calm demeanor to the Moslems.  I liked them bac...

  • October 25, 2011

    Obama's foolish Libya war

    Gaddafi said that he was the revolution when he took over from the original establishment.  If the naïve advocates for change throughout the world, think that he was such a monster, what do they think the new revolutionaries will be when they ta...

  • October 19, 2011

    OWS are groupies

    The OWS protestors are nothing but groupies. They don't care that rap stars rake it in, and Susan Sarandon earns millions of dollars a film.  After all, rappers and actors are stars -- like Obama is a rock star.  Lefties are groupies....

  • September 19, 2011

    Obama and the kids at Gleason's Gym

    I teach boxing at Gleason's Gym.  A strange profession for a Ph.D. in literature and the former CEO of insurance brokerage companies.  I like it.  It roots my ankles to the canvas.  It gives me balance. Strangely enough while the ...

  • September 17, 2011

    Petty jealousy of the rich

    How often have I heard from sallow, begrudging liberals that the gap between the rich and poor has gotten too great. Of course, these complainers are usually not really poor.  They just identify with poverty that is not their own. They have more...

  • September 11, 2011

    Why I Became A Republican On 9/11

    Some of my friends disappeared into a mushroom cloud on 9/11. Many more who I wish were my friends also died.  The fallen left me here among the apologist Democrats. I felt that the best of us died on that day.  I was forced to listen to th...

  • May 19, 2011

    An Incandescent Bulb In Obama's Head

    Obama is sucked in by nearlt every utopian idea that floats across his desk.  He backs cap and trade, green chimeras and restricting drilling.  He is a proponent of spending fortunes on high speed rail and electric plug-in cars.Obama is Don...