David L. Hunter

David L. Hunter

  • March 22, 2016

    Obama's Chicken Little fascism

    Truth be told, chickens really do roost together.  Specifically, I refer to Donald Trump's “no respect” stooge, Mr. Obama, and the communist duo of ruling dictators, the brutal Castro brothers.  For 55 years, since...

  • March 18, 2016

    Obama's true-life 'nanny' state

    As past is prologue, flash back to February of 2008.  Way back then – even before Mr. Obama's first election – Michelle Obama said of her hubby, "Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uni...

  • March 2, 2016

    ‘Nice’ losers, nasty winners in 2016

    The presidential candidate of Midwestern nostalgia, Ohio governor John Kasich, is a nice man. Unfortunately, the 2016 election cycle is a meat-grinder: equal parts unpredictability and contentiousness, not decency. Therefore, “nice guy” c...

  • February 26, 2016

    Liberal columnist shocked, shocked that George Washington owned slaves

    In Courtland Milloy's "Washington's birthday got spotlight right: On his slaves," the intrepid race-scribbler fails to practice the ancient wisdom in the Latin phrase De mortuis nihil nisi bonum – "of the dead [say] nothi...

  • February 19, 2016

    Stephen King's worst political fear

    In the topsy-turvy soap opera that is the 2016 presidential contest, who is the candidate who gives prolific novelist Stephen King the heebie-jeebies?  It’s not crypt-keeper lookalike Socialist Bernie “90% tax rate” Sanders....

  • February 16, 2016

    Islam and socialism creepily similar

    Socialist Bernie Sanders wants to take American backwards to the pre-Colonial times of the Pilgrims circa 1620, where Socialism failed miserably.  Likewise, Democrats want to take America to its 21st-century progressive equivalent, the big-gover...

  • February 13, 2016

    Democrat primaries: Soviet style

    Your name is Hillary Clinton.  You run for president.  Six different dead-locked precincts tossing tie-breaking coins all fall your way.  Per Las Vegas odds makers, six consecutive appearances of heads-or-tails is a statistical probabi...

  • February 11, 2016

    Trump: Maybe Citizen Kane, but not Lonesome Rhodes

    Marc Fisher’s Washington Post comparison of Donald Trump to 1957s A Face in the Crowd fictional movie character Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes, an anti-hero played brilliantly by Andy Griffith, is a superficial one at best. University of P...

  • January 22, 2016

    W-a-l-m-a-r-t does not spell welfare

    Apparently the liberal MSM and politicians confuse the name Walmart with the concept of welfare.  The first is a publicly traded retailer with stockholders that expect the company to remain profitable.  The second is a government-spons...

  • December 18, 2015

    Paul Ryan: Democrats' beard

    With enabling Republican chumps acting precisely with the fiscal abandon of Democrats, what's the difference?  Who needs any of them? In Paul Ryan's acceptance speech as new House speaker, he said: "But let's be fra...

  • December 8, 2015

    Bleeding-heart WaPo treatment of illegal alien leaves a bit out

    Heaven forbid The Washington Post show a smidgen of the same bleeding-heart compassion to the victims of convicted felons instead of criminal perpetrators. Profiled subject Rodolfo Padilla's first lawlessness from age 10 permitted him the enjo...

  • December 4, 2015

    University social engineering is getting insane

    Straight shooter Dr. Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, has proclaimed: "This is not a day care.  This is a university!"  A sensible position disseminated on Fox and Friends.  Dr. Piper should "sch...

  • December 1, 2015

    Promoting further distrust of the police

    Where else but America could a person continually write utter claptrap in a nationally recognized newspaper and be a highly paid columnist? Lonnae O'Neal's most recent column on Chicago completely ignores the 8 murdered, 20 wounded over th...

  • November 17, 2015

    No Trayvon outcry for Tayshawn

    The November 2 execution-style vengeance killing of nine-year old Chicago resident Tayshawn Lee has been completely ignored by the Black Lives Matter movement.  Likewise, Lee's tragic death remains unacknowledged by so-called ...

  • October 27, 2015

    Clinton's testimony: lies and alibis

    The congressional Benghazi hearings were inconsequential because they merely affirmed the open secret that Mrs. Clinton is a liar – the word that Americans most closely associate with her.  She was technically “in charge” as se...

  • October 24, 2015

    Blowing dollars: politicians' choicest drug

    Will the schizophrenic man who has theoretically been “in charge” as president (but is apparently not responsible for anything, ever) please step forward for his psychotropic medication?  Once again, Mr. Obama single-mindedly po...

  • October 13, 2015

    Progressives stuck in 1963

    Perpetually stuck in a time warp, progressives habitually misconstrue the societal dynamics of 1963 with those of 2015 – the legitimate Civil Rights movement with illegitimate Occupy movement rabble-rousing and more recently Black Lives Ma...

  • September 26, 2015

    Distrust Obama and a pope of 'firsts'

    Beware bright and shiny leaders à la Barack Obama circa 2007: charming, wide-smiling, seemingly "regular guys" who talk in ambiguous and veiled phrases like "the fundamental transformation of America" that the foo...

  • September 7, 2015

    Democrats' victimization playbook: exploit black rage, white guilt

    Regardless of one's melanin levels, the simple truth is that anyone with the wrong mind-set can raise a hand in violence or wield a firearm to commit homicide.  As guns and bullets are neutral, inanimate objects -- color blind...

  • August 16, 2015

    When government agencies screw up, lip service is all citizens get

    The EPA, now forever synonymous with the putrid, toxic heavy-metal orange sludge mixture of arsenic, mercury and lead (among others) now flooding into the Animas (meaning: “soul” or “life”) River has reached a new low: it...

  • July 31, 2015

    To Orrin Hatch: Action matters, not name-calling

    One thing is crystal clear about establishment figure Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch: his 39 years in office have made him a true creature of the institution and champion of the status quo, completely insulated and out of touch from the real life problem...

  • July 28, 2015

    Hillary channels Margaret Sanger

    Whenever I write about Democrats and their politics, I feel very much like Alice (on an acid trip) down the rabbit hole in an Orwellian parallel universe that puts Louis Carroll’s dystopian “Wonderland” to shame.  She who will ...

  • June 18, 2015

    Being black is always beautiful in America

    The purely positive "black is beautiful" cultural movement started in America in the 1960s.  Fully flowering in the 1970s, it needs to be brought back in place of the more divisive and strident slogans in use today like "no j...

  • June 9, 2015

    Besmirching the party of Lincoln

    For six years now and counting, whenever Democrats can't run on issues or their one-size-fits-all mainstay ideas of bigger government bureaucracies, tax-and-spend, and the Obama wrinkle of wealth redistribution (à la Obamacare), ...

  • June 7, 2015

    The hard truth of Kerry's pink bicycle optics

    For a hard-left, progressive administration obsessed with the politics of optics – the appearance of seeming "tough" over the substance of actually being tough (à la President Reagan) – Mr. Obama and h...

  • June 6, 2015

    All living presidents more favorable than Obama

    With the favorability rating rebound of George W. Bush to 52%, new polling indicates that Barack Obama is officially America's worst modern, living president – a title richly deserved.  Given Mr. Obama's soup-to-nuts dome...

  • June 3, 2015

    What's in a name? A future president?

    Am I the only one?  With the 2016 election cycle starting to gear up, the prospect of another Bush/Clinton White House contest, this time between a wife and a son and brother of former presidents, makes my skin crawl.  If memory s...

  • May 29, 2015

    Sanders's charade

    In the American sense of the word, there is nothing “independent” about Vermont senator Bernie Sanders – an outspoken advocate of bigger government, higher taxes, and further income redistribution à la Obama.  As an avow...

  • May 28, 2015

    Sharpton 'Big Apple' family values

    As a minister, Al Sharpton should recognize Matthew 7:16, in which it is written: "Ye shall know them by their fruits."  To utilize a more colloquial expression for laymen: "one is evaluated by the results of his or her actions....

  • May 23, 2015

    Let Boys be Boys

    There are certain biological imperatives that make boys be boys. Boys are naturally drawn to the healthy, distinctively male "white hat" cowboy-lawman archetype that has made the Western genre highly popular in America for de...

  • April 6, 2015

    What Truman knew: The presidency's a big job

    Seventy years ago this month, Harry S. Truman was thrust into the presidency upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Did a hand-wringing press make excuses for the newly minted vice president when FDR's untimely death foisted presid...

  • April 4, 2015

    Political correctness shreds the Constitution

    To borrow a catchphrase from a famous American leader who claims Orwellian transparency but practices its opposite, “Let me [actually] be clear”: modern-day “political correctness” is word-burning censorship, in direct violati...

  • April 2, 2015

    Obama: Betrayal of the black community

    It is ironic that blacks fared far better under Bill Clinton – touted by author Toni Morrison and the left as America's first black president – than under Mr. Obama, whose polarizing words, actions, and policies have caused irreparabl...

  • March 28, 2015

    Hillary Clinton: Empty skirt for president

    Like the self-obsessed, attention-grabbing character played by Gloria Swanson in 1950’s Sunset Boulevard, Mrs. Clinton is ready for her close-up: the White House or bust.  To the cheers of gathered mainstream media journalists who are supp...

  • March 20, 2015

    Under Obama, Secret Service Misconduct the Norm

    Why has the Secret Service culture degenerated into a south Florida fraternity of irresponsible party-boys?  Some highlights over the years: reality star wannabes Tareq and Michaele Salahi party crashed Mr. Obama's first state dinner...

  • March 13, 2015

    Obama whitewashes Selma, ignores Lincoln

    Mr. Obama's political priorities are quite interesting: he is Johnny-on-the-spot regarding Selma when it comes to commemorating the 50th anniversary of the civil rights march, but he specifically declined participation in the recent 150...

  • March 11, 2015

    Do black lives really matter?

    Why hasn't Jamiel "Jas" Shaw II, 17, a standout Los Angeles student-athlete, gunned down for the color of his skin and the red of his Spiderman backpack, received a scintilla of the mainstream media attention paid to Trayvon Martin?...

  • August 21, 2014

    The Education of Howard Stern: Will More Liberal Jews Follow?

    Howard Stern, the always controversial and brassy shock jock of millions on terrestrial and satellite radio with his risqué words and actions, is shocked.  Hardly a conservative purveyor of anything, recently he said to a caller on his pr...

  • August 16, 2014

    Richard Nixon was no Barack Obama

    Like the antithesis of Jacob Marley's ghost, wrapped in chains and dutifully dragging his sins in lockboxes behind him, the Left -- once again -- has trotted out their perennial conservative go-to bogeyman, Richard Nixon, just in time to com...