David Keltz

David Keltz

  • April 25, 2021

    Without Howard Cosell, Who Will Tell It Like It Is?

    Anyone who grew up watching sports in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s certainly remembers Howard Cosell, the legendary ABC sportscaster, who died twenty-six years ago this week, on April 23, 1995 at the age of 77. The Jewish lawyer turned broadcaster fr...

  • October 28, 2020

    A Time for Choosing

    Fifty-six years ago this week, Ronald Reagan endorsed the Republican senator Barry Goldwater for president of the United States, during his famous “A Time For Choosing” speech on October 27th, 1964. Although Goldwater did not win in ...

  • October 17, 2020

    How The Mainstream Media Covered For Joe Biden

    Before Twitter decided that removing “harmful" content need only apply to articles that expose the corruption of Joe Biden or anyone affiliated with the Democratic Party, the mainstream media was already doing the bidding for Big Tech. ...

  • October 9, 2020

    Pence Walks Away from the Debate a Clear Winner

    It's not hard to see why Kamala Harris was polling at close to zero percent before she dropped out of the presidential race last December.  She is deeply dishonest, lacks sincerity, and makes Hillary Clinton seem likeable.  She refused ...

  • October 4, 2020

    Down Goes Biden

    Has there ever been a presidential nominee who looked more overmatched by his opponent?  Contrary to what the pundits in the mainstream media would have you believe, President Donald Trump obliterated Joe Biden in the presidential debate on Tues...

  • September 30, 2020

    Mike Pence's Superb Coronavirus Response

    Ever since President Donald Trump tapped Vice-President Mike Pence to lead the White House Coronavirus Task Force at the end of February, he has presided over more than 340 briefings including 35 governors’ briefings, with over 156,000 state, l...

  • September 28, 2020

    Joe Biden’s History Of Race Baiting

    On July 2, 1986, many years before the ever-frail and stumbling Joe Biden lost control of his mental capacity to deliver coherent sentences, Biden spoke at the 77th Annual NAACP Convention.  In that commencement address, he did not forget the lo...

  • September 19, 2020

    Two Weeks of Loud Silence at this Year's US Open

    Although the location of the U.S. Open has changed over time, it has been played in some form or another every year since 1881.  While change is nothing new for the tournament, one constant has always remained: there have always been fans in the...

  • September 12, 2020

    Who Will Tell the Truth About Joe Biden?

    The inability of the mainstream media to accurately cover any of Joe Biden’s foibles is truly astonishing. If it was not already obvious by now, there is simply nothing Biden can say or do, no matter how incoherent, offensive, or alarming that ...

  • August 27, 2020

    The Democrats Attack the Country; the Republicans Attack the Democrats

    Last week, we watched as Joe Biden and his increasingly radical party outlined their dark perception of the country. They offered few policies and no solutions.  Their message boiled down to America is evil and rotten to the core, and ...

  • August 20, 2020

    Kamala’s Lies

    Last week when Joe Biden officially announced Kamala Harris as his running mate on August 12, 2020, Harris made what amounted to one of the most dishonest speeches by a vice presidential candidate in recent memory.  "This is a moment o...

  • August 15, 2020

    Jonathan Karl Fails

    In Jonathan Karl’s recent book, Front Row at The Trump Show, the ABC news White House correspondent has a public service announcement for his fellow White House colleagues to heed, and for the rest of the mainstream media to follow.  ...

  • July 29, 2020

    President Trump’s Handling of The Virus Was Not a Failure

    Do facts matter anymore?  Has such intense and unabashed hatred of President Donald Trump caused Democrat leaders to lose any semblance of sanity and let slip all grasp of reality, or are they fully aware of their mendacity, to promulgate a fals...

  • July 18, 2020

    The Veil Has Dropped from the Mainstream Media

    The last few months have represented a microcosm of just how destructive the mainstream media and their accomplices in the Democratic Party are.  Their masks may cover their faces when they are seen in public, but their veils have been full...

  • July 9, 2020

    The Media and 2020: Deja vu All Over Again

    Some things never change for the mainstream media.  After being blindsided by the results of the 2016 election, the New York Times and other media outlets professed that they would make a concerted effort to be more introspective.  They cla...