David J. Rusin

David J. Rusin

  • May 1, 2011

    May Christians Preach Outside a Philadelphia Mosque?

    Law enforcement scrutiny, detainment by police, and a court date to answer trumped-up charges: these are the consequences of preaching Christianity to Muslims not only throughout much of the Islamic world, but sometimes even in America as well.The mo...

  • November 29, 2008

    Legendary Songwriter Now Marches to an Islamist Tune

    Music and real estate mogul Kenny Gamble, alternatively known as Luqman Abdul Haqq, is one of the most powerful men in Philadelphia -- and also among the most controversial. His effort to revitalize dilapidated South Philly neighborhoods stands at th...

  • August 3, 2008

    Fear Stalks Muslim Apostates in the West

    Persuading Western Muslim leaders to repudiate Shari'a-sanctioned violence against apostates can be a frustrating exercise, as Prince Charles discovered in 2004. Troubled by the treatment of Muslims who convert to Christianity in Islamic nations, the...

  • May 11, 2008

    A Schism over Shari'a in the Church of England

    The debate over the trajectory of the Western sociopolitical system and its strained relations with Islam is the most pivotal of our time, as approaches decided upon today will impact billions not yet born. Two prelates in the ever more fractious Chu...

  • August 30, 2007

    The Art of (the Long) War

    The technology of war may change, but the nature of war is immutable. Wisdom passed down from the ancient masters can therefore provide powerful insights into the chief ideological, political, and military challenge of the twenty-first century.Compos...

  • March 1, 2007

    Machiavelli and the Mullahs

    Machiavelli could offer President Bush what he needs most at this pivotal juncture: a philosophical blueprint for confronting the Iranian nuclear threat and successfully prosecuting the broader war against radical Islam.A leading figure of the Renais...

  • January 2, 2007

    A Conspiracy of Ignorance

    As a student of human nature, Benjamin Franklin knew that the demands of confidentiality are often little match for the gossip instinct. "Three may keep a secret," he wryly noted, "if two of them are dead." How much more difficult...