David Gibberman

David Gibberman

  • March 16, 2010

    Obama: You will see 'premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent' under Obamacare

    When House Speaker Pelosi said that ObamaCare will allow Americans to realize their dream of being an artist, photographer, or writer without having to work a day job to have health insurance, some of us wondered whether ObamaCare also will cover oth...

  • November 3, 2009

    Should Iran Worry that We'd Nuke Them If They Nuked Us?

    As President Obama continues to play Charlie Brown to Iran's Lucy and flops each time he tries to kick the nuclear football away, we need to ask two questions. (1) Should Iranian leaders be afraid that President Obama would nuke Iran if Iran nuked th...

  • September 7, 2009

    Why Should We Want Politicians To Redesign Our Healthcare?

    The first question we should be asking in the healthcare debate is: Why should anyone think that politicians would do a better job redesigning our healthcare than the free market?After all, politicians have helped create the problems (healthcare cost...

  • July 13, 2009

    What Ricci Says About Sotomayor - and Obama

    Ricci v. DeStefano, a lawsuit brought by New Haven, Connecticut firefighters after the city scrapped promotion exams they had passed, says disturbing things about Judge Sotomayor -- and President Obama. Many people have been concerned about Judge Sot...

  • June 4, 2009

    The Mega-Supreme Court?

    We may need more than 1,000 Supreme Court justices if we expect justices to decide cases the way President Obama wants -- by drawing on their "empathy" and "heart."As President Obama said when talking about Justice David Souter's ...

  • May 15, 2009

    The Cost of Free Government Health Care

    Proponents of government-run health care like to point out that countries with such a system spend a smaller percentage of their gross domestic product on health care than the United States. What they don't like to mention is how those savings are ac...

  • March 10, 2008

    In Defense of Celebrities

    I never thought that anyone would have to defend celebrities. But I've noticed an increasing disconnect between what we know must be true about celebrities and how they're portrayed in the media.For example, we know that most celebrities are committe...