David Catron

David Catron

  • March 20, 2009

    Obama Stiffs Poor and Minority Seniors

    One of Barack Obama's most frequently repeated campaign promises was that his health care reforms would allow Americans to keep their current insurance coverage if they so desired. Like much of his campaign rhetoric, however, that pledge turns out to...

  • March 2, 2009

    Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme

    The First Lady helped create a notorious program that dumped poor patients on community hospitals, yet the national media ignore the story. Imagine if her husband were a Republican.The University of Chicago Medical Center has received a good dea...

  • January 6, 2009

    Pay-to-Play Politics, the SEIU and Obamacare

    The Governor of Illinois, for all his well-documented faults, has performed at least one valuable public service. He has made it clear to the meanest intelligence that our new President-elect emerged from a hopelessly corrupt political culture. Barac...

  • November 18, 2008

    Which Obama Will We Get On Health Care?

    The President-elect was for single-payer before he was against it.On June 30, 2003, Illinois state senator Barack Obama spoke to a gathering of AFL-CIO officials and declared his unequivocal support for a government takeover of our medical delivery s...