David  Bueche

David Bueche

  • May 23, 2009

    Water Boarding: The View from the Moral High Ground

    Is water boarding torture?An interesting question, however the wording is somewhat binary.  When you think about it, there is a continuum of unpleasant experience that you can subject someone to when seeking to elicit cooperation, extract valuab...

  • August 17, 2008

    Lights Out: EMP Warfare

    Remember that guy that you made fun of because he got all caught up in the Y2K scare and wasted his money on water purification equipment, dried food and backup generators?  Turns out he may be having the last laugh.Last month, the Commission to...

  • July 30, 2008

    It Can't Get Any Worse?

    Idling behind a Lexus this morning I saw the latest bit of agitprop from the Obama campaign  -- a "Got Hope?" bumper sticker.  The first question that popped into my mind was, "How bad can it be if you're driving an ES 350?...

  • July 27, 2008

    Obama the Postmodern Candidate

    Barack Obama has earned his place in history as the first postmodern candidate for president. He belongs to the deconstructionist school; his "texts" have no fixed meaning. He is able to take varying positions and claim consistency. Senator...

  • June 18, 2008

    The Unity Weapon

    Next time you hear a liberal politician speaking, check your watch and count the seconds until you hear a call for unity.  The problem -- we're told -- is that we are divided, and consequently, more interested in fighting than in solving problem...

  • April 22, 2008

    Earth First! (People Later)

    I drove by a Protestant church recently that had the following moral exhortation on their lawn marquee:"Saving the world, one light-bulb at a time."Wow!  Talk about a test of faith.  Don't think you're going to slide through ...

  • April 20, 2008

    Imagine a Free Tibet!

    I don't know what the "Free Tibet" bumper sticker crowd must be thinking these days,  but I can assure you it most certainly doesn't involve the 101st Airborne, tanks, guns, or any of that other "culture of violence" stu...