Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews

  • December 21, 2021

    Authoritarian Variants and Mutations

    It’s ‘go time’ once again in America – time for the unvaccinated to roll up their sleeves...not to get an injection, but to fight against a new ‘variant’ of political and medical hysteria.  Unlike the COVID va...

  • December 6, 2021

    How many in the federal government are vaxxed?

    Although released a week or two ago, I've found myself several times returning to the federal employee vaccine compliance numbers released by the White House Briefing Room.  Looking at those numbers, some things just aren't adding u...

  • November 11, 2021

    Veterans' Day Feels a Little Different This Year

    Veterans' Day this year will definitely feel different to me — in both good and bad ways.  As a veteran, one of my favorite days of the year is November 11, when I get to pull out and wear my old threadbare 82nd Airborne...

  • November 7, 2021

    Going on the Offense

    We are indeed in the most interesting of times -- times that call upon us, as freedom-loving Americans, to rise to our moment in history and to fight to save the freedoms and rights that were won for us across the years through the blood and treasure...

  • October 29, 2021

    Leftist rule will not last forever

    It is interesting to see the images of people beginning to stand up for liberty and freedom.  I listen intently to the stories of those who have been willing to sacrifice everything to preserve our way of life.  The rising is begi...

  • October 24, 2021

    Americans will defeat our domestic enemies by remembering David and Goliath

    It really is amazing how quickly the complacency of the best of times can lead a nation to its worst of times.  Apparently, it seems to take right around nine months, which is just about the same amount of time it takes for someone conceive...

  • October 24, 2021

    Resistance with a side of fries

    It would seem that a grassroots, grass-fed, Animal-Style resistance to tyranny has begun in America — and it just may end up being the special of the day. They — whoever "they" are — have rightly said that the way to a ...

  • October 21, 2021

    Corporations Pull Out the Long Knives for Their Employees

    By now, it has become painfully clear that many big businesses no longer side with employees or customers and have eagerly embraced the left's ideas.  They are now active and willing participants in the destruction of America. This i...

  • October 18, 2021

    Federal Employees Should Not Give Up Just Yet

    Federal employees have been given until November 22 to be fully vaccinated.  Information on how the mandate would be implemented was slow in coming and is still not very clear to most employees or to the HR personnel tasked with carrying out the...