Dave Smithee

Dave Smithee

  • November 6, 2008

    Opportunities of an Obama Presidency

    The cyclical nature of human wisdom is well documented in both secular histories, and the biblical record. Blessing, Discontent, Rebellion, Suffering, Penitence, Restoration. Wash, rinse, repeat.  As ancient Israel whined to have monarchs rule o...

  • September 26, 2008

    A Look at Celebrity Economics

    There are economic reasons why Hollywood celebrities skew toward the lunatic left. As surely as moths to a porch light, the heated campaign has drawn out the loudest elements of the Hollywood left.  Courageously vocalizing opinions in lockstep w...

  • September 11, 2008

    Palin and the Left's Comprehension Gap

    "If you know yourself and know your enemy, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."-Sun Tzu, 490 BC."I can't believe I'm losing to this idiot."-John Kerry, 2004.It's always been true, but as the Palin mayhem demonstrate...