Danielle Johnson

Danielle Johnson

  • August 6, 2021

    COVID mandates at school will cause a red wave of angry parents

    I live in a purple area (the suburbs, outside Chicago), so it's a good barometer of the mood of the country at large.  And from what I can tell, people are waking up to the authoritative nature of today's Democrat party. It's...

  • July 16, 2021

    A 'rainbow dildo butt monkey' to help children read

    What motivated you to read as a child?  Was it a rainbow-colored monkey, with a fake penis and bare butt, gyrating around the library?  No?  Well, weren't you deprived. I briefly heard of this disgusting display f...

  • July 13, 2021

    Liberals do have more mental health issues

    When I see an article titled "Over 50% of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue, Are We Worried Yet?," I'm going to read it.  Mostly out of curiosity — is there something to the long-standing joke...