Daniel Tauber

Daniel Tauber

  • February 6, 2009

    Palestinian Death Sentences Symbolize a Return to Arafat

    On the eve of former U.S. Senator George Mitchell's mission to Israel as U.S. envoy in the aftermath of Israel's recent anti-terror Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, a Palestinian Authority military court in Hebron sentenced a former member of the Palesti...

  • December 5, 2008

    The U.N.'s 'Greatest Failure'

    Genocide in Darfur (300-400,000 killed and 2.5 million displaced), aids in Africa (just under 24 million infected with HIV and 1.6 million dead), the Rwandan Genocide  (800,000-1,000,000 killed), Communist China (1.3 billion living under a total...

  • November 20, 2008

    Is Israel a Banana Republic?

    Is the State of Israel a banana republic? The Israeli Left seems to think so. After Barack Obama's victory in the U.S. Presidential Elections, the Israeli political parties Kadima and Labor were quick to argue that Likud Chairman Benjamin Netany...

  • November 9, 2008

    George W. Bush: Political Punching Bag

    There was a time when people prayed for President Bush. But watching Oliver Stone's W., you would never know it.Perhaps expecting anything else was naïve. I ultimately saw the movie only after glancing at a review in The National Review by Tom H...