Dan Backer

Dan Backer

  • How the Left wages lawfare

    November 4, 2024

    How the Left wages lawfare

    The Trump-deranged Left is throwing everything they can at Republicans to see what sticks. No one is immune, even if you’re the world’s richest man. Elon Musk is now the subject of bogus partisan lawsuits in Pennsylvania simp...

  • October 21, 2022

    Which costs more and scares you less: Halloween or the 2022 elections?

    Many Americans will spend October stoking fear and building tension, with no shortage of blood-curdling screams.  Then there's Halloween. Over a two-year period, more than $9 billion will be spent on Elections 2022. ...

  • October 21, 2022

    Which costs more and scares you less: Halloween or campaign spending?

    Many Americans will spend October stoking fear and building tension, with no shortage of blood-curdling screams. Then there’s Halloween. Over a two-year period, more than $9 billion will be spent on Election 2022. Money will be thrown at Ame...

  • August 12, 2022

    Fascists are defined by tactics, not ideology

    Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were technically on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but both were unabashed in their embrace of fascism. Millions of innocents died at the hands of their ideology — whether "far left" or ...