Dan Wells

Dan Wells

  • September 26, 2022

    The 3 Strategies Dems Will Use to Win the Midterms

    Were the American people watching while smug Democrats weathered the talk of a GOP takeover of Congress?  It was certainly noticeable to those who were paying attention.  A GOP landslide is still possible, maybe even likely, but D...

  • December 17, 2020

    What the American Aristocracy Has Wrought

    Over the centuries, the world has always been governed by self-serving aristocracies — rich, privileged rulers whose edicts wear down their populaces.  Truly democratic elections are not common, because that would impede the aristocra...

  • November 10, 2020

    The Darkness Where Democracy Dies

    For many on the eve of what would be Joe Biden’s dubious ascendancy, it seems the Washington Post slogan, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” truly describes the times. We are being asked to trust the Democratic officials in four heavi...

  • June 23, 2020

    Democrats Hope COVID-19 Will Carry Joe Biden

    There is no history of 21st-century America that will not include analysis of the COVID-19 shutdowns.  Maybe a few will be truthful about their primary purpose: to separate President Trump from his supporters. Anyone who is paying attent...