Dan Scott

Dan Scott

  • July 9, 2007

    Magical Thinking on Energy Policy

    A recent article from the French news agency AFP  highlights the international concern over US gasoline refining.  The lack of refining capacity in the US is beginning to affect the world oil markets.  While US holiday driving season w...

  • May 31, 2007

    Annual Budget Deficit Goes Up

    Despite the approximately $95 billion increase in tax receipts to the last quarter of 2006, the government still managed to increase the annual budget deficit by almost $96 billion during this same period.   It should have decreased and thi...

  • May 23, 2007

    The Immigration Bill Sells Out the Poor

    The immigration debate so far has focused on trying to make legal that which is illegal, in the name of being fair to the very people who care little of legality.  We are told that someone needs to pick our food from the farm fields and do jobs ...

  • April 12, 2007

    Missing headlines (a continuing series)

    "Budget deficit continues sharp decline."  You probably haven't heard that the budget deficit is down sharply, and that federal tax revenues are soaring in the wake of the Bush tax cuts fostering increased economic activity (aka, ...

  • March 22, 2007

    Gore and excess energy comsumption

    Al Gore testified before a Senate Committee on global warming and blamed Mankind as its cause.  His proposal: raise energy taxes.  Regardless of the reality of global warming, I for one believe this is an excellent idea.  Yes, let's ra...

  • November 7, 2006

    Comments From Senate Dems Worth Considering

    When you vote today, if there is a Senate race in your state, consider the following words of members of the party which hopes to take over majority control of that body. On Marriage The rabid reactionary religious right has rarely looked more ridic...

  • October 20, 2006

    Suppression of the Vote

    Democrats love to charge that Republicans try to suppress the vote. But apparently there is an attempt going on to suppress the voter turnout this November 7th election day, and it isn't the Republicans doing it. Some people in the media and pol...