Dan Riehl

Dan Riehl

  • December 16, 2008

    Will the Bailout actually cripple the Big 3?

    The currently proposed car maker loan / bailout program could actually cripple the very same businesses government is trying to help. Briefly think this through. Two articles published yesterday are worth pondering.Bill Kristol criticizes the Ri...

  • September 18, 2008

    Will mandates work for flex fuel?

    As the Federal government considers significant new mandates on an already struggling automobile industry, problems loom. Legislation has been introduced in both the House and the Senate mandating that by 2012 fifty percent of vehicles sold by A...

  • August 27, 2008

    Obama Will Hit A Homerun With His Speech -- But Not Score

    As things stand today, the campaign of still prospective Democratic nominee Barack Obama may well go down in History as one of the worst ever waged. Remember that when media talking heads and DNC spin doctors get around to suggesting a...

  • August 25, 2008

    Democrats behaving like children

    Once again, the Democrats are in the process of behaving like children come convention time. Memeorandum captures a slew of stories on bickering between the Clinton and Obama camps. This is neither new, nor unexpected. They will offer excuses for thi...