Dan Joppich

Dan Joppich

  • May 4, 2021

    What does Joe Biden's six trillion dollars actually look like?

    People — and by people, I mean the Democrats in Washington and their compliant media — have been throwing around the word "trillion" as if it were no big deal.  I'm sorry — it is a very big number and a very ...

  • June 15, 2020

    A Trump October surprise vaccine?

    Dr. Zeke Emanuel, a member of Joe Biden's Public Health Advisory Committee, has gone full Adam Schiff with an opinion piece in the New York Times that plays out a scenario where President Trump rushes a COVID-19 vaccine to mar...

  • September 2, 2019

    Tom Steyer’s tax disclosure is transparent as mud

    Tom Steyer, Democrat for President, is confused by the word transparency. He sets up a website titled Transparency that contains ten years of his tax returns -- except it doesn’t. It contains ten years of parts of tax returns that he wants us t...

  • June 2, 2019

    The best laid plans of mice and Muellers

    As they say, the best laid plans of mice and men often go painfully awry.  Robert Mueller is learning that the hard way as he now slithers back into the swamp from whence he came. Let us follow the multi-year course of Mueller...

  • November 24, 2018

    Paying for Medicare for All

    When asked how the Democrats will pay for Medicare for All, the "honest" answer from the DNC CEO, Seema Nanda, was that they didn't know. This isn't actually truthful, because they know what it will take to pay for this mo...

  • August 5, 2018

    When will the Democrats throw out that old broken record?

    Jobs numbers last week didn't meet expectations but were still positive, even before factoring in the reality that we are running out of employees to fill all the available jobs.  In their official response, the Democratic lea...

  • July 29, 2018

    The Russians hacked my computer, and Trump is doing nothing

    Several weeks ago, Russians tried unsuccessfully to hack my computer, and Trump did nothing. When I went into my emails, there was an official-looking email from Microsoft telling me that my service was going to be canceled if I didn't cl...

  • March 12, 2018

    Talking about aging porn stars

    While Trump moves forward with his pledge of making America great again reality and not just letters on a red hat, all the leftist media want to talk about is some aging porn star trying to revive her stripper career, some sort of tax apocalypse...

  • February 4, 2018

    Trump tax savings and a river in Egypt

    Taking their cues from Nancy Pelosi and CNN, leftist Democrats are in denial. I had the opportunity this week to tell a friend of mine, who is a devout leftist, the results of the Trump tax plan on my employees' take-home pay. His respo...

  • June 2, 2017

    The termites are scurrying to the shadows

    Kathy Griffin didn't act alone when she posted that picture of herself with a bloodied disembodied Trump head, and now her cohorts are scurrying to the shadows like termites. There were likely hundreds of people involved, starting with the pho...

  • May 29, 2017

    Hacksaw Ridge: No snowflakes here

    The movie Hacksaw Ridge was snubbed by Hollywood in favor of La La Land, but it's the perfect way to contemplate what Memorial Day is really about.  Unless you're a snowflake, that is. Recently, my wife and I were watch...

  • December 20, 2016

    The college bowl explains why Hillary Clinton lost

    The excuses for why Hillary lost are many, but like in football, if you fumble on your opponent's two-yard line, maybe you don't deserve to win. Consider the University of Michigan vs. The Ohio State University football game Thanksgiving w...

  • December 17, 2016

    Hillary has gone full Jake Blues

    Hillary has more excuses for why she didn't win the election than Jake Blues.  Who can forget that classic scene in the Blues Brothers movie where John Belushi character is staring down a machine gun in a sewer and he tries to explain to his...

  • October 6, 2016

    Hillary’s friends pay ‘hypothetical’ taxes

    The Clintons and Obamas have no bigger supporter and friend than Warren Buffett, and while Hillary is quick to label Trump a tax cheat, he’s a rank amateur compared to folks that donate to her coffers. Looking through Warren Buffett’s ...

  • September 18, 2016

    Washington's Endgame: First Your Guns, Then Your Cash?

    People don't even think of the American dollar much.  Punch a few buttons on an ATM, and twenties appear from a drawer.  We don't think much beyond what cash dollars in our pockets can buy at a particular moment.  In reality, c...

  • September 16, 2016

    If everybody is making so much more money, why does the economy still suck?

    The Census Bureau reported an unprecedented increase in household income in the last year, but it just doesn't pass the smell test.  Is it possible that the Obama administration is trying to stack the deck for Hillary?  Liberal media ou...

  • September 7, 2016

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar exposes Democrat Party's racist past

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did the unthinkable on NPR last week on Steve Inskeep's show, Morning Addition.  He said what everyone on the left is thinking and gave insight into the true Progressive culture.  He said that if somebody isn't g...

  • August 27, 2016

    A tale of two movies

    One of the silliest movies ever to hit the theatres is coming out this weekend.  It’s a movie based on Obama’s and Michelle’s first date.  My only interest in this movie is to see if it exceeds the box office success of Di...

  • July 29, 2016

    A Speech for the Ages Analyzed

    Michelle Obama gave a speech at the DNC convention that her adoring media and minions described as remarkable, memorable, a speech for the ages, an absolute home run, and Reagan-esque, among countless more proclamations and platitudes. The first l...

  • July 24, 2016

    The RNC Convention through Mainstream Media Eyes

    I’m one of those rare few who don’t believe in paying for television or radio, so most of my updates on the RNC convention came via network news, public television, public radio and a smattering of Liberal-leaning websites. Since it...

  • July 10, 2016

    The bar for POTUS is set low indeed

    Apparently, the bar for being president of the United States is set extremely low these days.  Bill Clinton just had to wipe the occasional stain off a dress or tie.  Obama just has to talk passionately and recite big words as they scroll a...

  • June 7, 2016

    New liberal agenda on full display at Trump-less Miss USA pageant

    Yes, I watched the Miss U.S.A. pageant with my daughters. I’m man enough to admit it -- I hope without coming off as metro-sexual although my kids did buy me pajamas identical to Pajama Boy’s. Not unexpectedly, given the new ownership,...

  • May 29, 2016

    Title IX language: Hope on the transgender bathroom issue

    President Obama is famous for saying that words matter. Sometimes the smallest words matter the most. Especially when they carry the full weight of the Constitution on them. Title IX’s implementation rule as passed by Congress and signed int...

  • March 24, 2016

    Obama the Blind Prez meets Omar the Blind Sheik

    In Belgium, in France, and around the world, the reality that Islam is not a religion of peace is playing out in their streets, but Obama and Western European leaders choose to remain blind. Andrew McCarthy, in his speech “Islam – Fact...

  • March 6, 2016

    Why exactly should we vote for a candidate?

    If I am a true conservative or liberal Progressive, I should not feel as though I need to settle for the person that is least likely to lose. Did we vote for Reagan on a platform of "at least he might not lose"?  Did Progressives vo...

  • January 14, 2016

    You too can be as smart as a Nobel Prize winner

    When evaluating Obama’s statements regarding the economy, Nobel Prize Winning Economist and Self-Professed Smarter Than Everyone Else Liberal Hack Dr. Paul Krugman said in his New York Times blog, “[J]ob growth since ObamaCare went into f...

  • August 23, 2015

    America the Place vs. America the Idea

    On NPR news last week there were two reports coming out of Greece that I had trouble reconciling. The first was Greece’s $85 billion bailout resulting in the Greek PM stepping down. Greece isn’t just broke, it’s broken. And yet...

  • May 23, 2015

    Next Time You See a Soldier in the Airport, Say Thank You

    I’m a woos. A wimp. I admit it. A private fresh out of boot camp has more courage in his pinkie fingernail than I do in my entire being.   I could never imagine putting myself in harm’s way for my country the way our young men and...

  • March 29, 2015

    'My problem with Cruz is that he's very, very smart'

    If establishment pundits can’t deny a Republican’s intelligence, then they have to claim his intelligence is a problem. The other day, NPR’s Robert Siegel assembled his usual suspects from the New York Times, Washington Post and ...

  • January 10, 2015

    Why Liberals and the Media Can't Use the 'Terrorist' Label

    After reading multiple articles and watching insane interviews of supposed experts trying to blame the victims in France for the barbaric acts committed against them by religious fanatics, I couldn’t help but try to come up with some sort of ex...

  • October 31, 2014

    MAYDAY.us video contest's unexpected winner

    The results are in.  I received my e-mail today: “Thanks for voting in the #MAYDAYin30 video contest.” I had been waiting to find out because I voted for my favorite a couple weeks ago, and I was curious how it fared. Mayday.us...

  • July 3, 2014

    Welcome to the End of Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

    When the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” passed, the end of doctor-patient confidentiality was predictable -- but we could not have expected it to happen this soon. ObamaCare, with the aid of hospitals, insurers, banks, ...

  • June 27, 2014

    Obama's Incredible Shrinking Economy

    From MSNBC.com, of all places: "Ouch: U.S. Economy Shrunk Almost 3 Percent" Highlights include: Gross domestic product fell by 2.9 percent, the worst performance in five years. There hasn't been a larger difference between t...

  • April 1, 2014

    Healthcare.gov Is Who's on Third

    My last-ditch effort to sign up for ObamaCare became a scene out of an Abbott and Costello skit. As a self-employed person, I was one of the millions who received a cancelation notification from my insurer last year.  Come October I tried my ...

  • November 14, 2013

    The Figures are In!

    Obama's operatives in the White House and the media will be going out of their way to put lipstick on this piggy, but no matter what shade you use, that swine is still painfully ugly. The long-awaited figures show that 26,794 people "bought" health ...

  • October 4, 2013

    The IPCC needs Obama's team of spin masters to survive their latest report

    Obama's spin machine has come to POTUS's rescue many times. Now they need to come to the rescue of the International Panel on Climate Change. The global cooling deniers at the IPCC need just that kind of spin given the fact that they can't reconci...

  • September 12, 2013

    Obama shows us what he's made of

    Usually, dudes like to puff and flex and show off their man-toys in an attempt to promote their virility and manliness. Not Obama. When he threw down the gauntlet in front of Assad and Congress a couple weeks ago, Obama wasted no time showing just...

  • July 7, 2013

    Liberal Hypocrisy, Krugman-Style

    Nobel laureate Paul Krugman's blog is titled "The Conscience of a Liberal."  Apparently, a liberal like Krugman has no conscience -- otherwise, he would recognize his own blatant hypocrisy. He must be a super-smart economist if he can pack so ...

  • March 2, 2013

    Many Questions, No Answers

    Earlier this week the usually compliant press had the audacity to question Jay Carney about Obama's Chi-town mafia's selling quarterly access to the highest official in the land for $500,000. Apparently expecting the question, Mr. Carney read a prepa...

  • February 23, 2013

    CBO gives Obama's stimulus an F

    The Congressional Budget Office issued its quarterly report yesterday to the sound of crickets from the mainstream media (find it here). Why would this report be Liberal Kryptonite? Because way back on page 8 we learn the lasting legacy of Obama's an...

  • December 13, 2012

    Obama: We need to make more widgets

    I'm reminded of the old accountant's joke - Controller:  Boss. We're losing money on every widget we're making! Boss:  Well then we'll have to make more widgets. Anybody in business knows that just because your revenue is up doesn't ...

  • November 17, 2012

    Compromising with Obama

    The Republicans need to realize that compromising with Obama is a battle that they just cannot win. Obama has his Chicago spin machine controlling the messaging and he has the adoring Liberal media in his back pocket. When it comes to taxes, Obama's ...

  • September 15, 2012

    Just the facts please

    In all fairness, I vow to be an impartial, independent fact checker. First Mitt Romney. This week Governor Romney was caught shaking hands with a supporter and saying "Good morning". Now while it was technically still morning it was 11:30, and as yo...

  • September 14, 2012

    Obama can run from the press but he can't hide

    Romney met with reporters and took loaded questions from the media and responded to all of their queries before he left. This is something he has done many times over the last several months but this time it was a little different. As reported h...

  • September 7, 2012

    Fact checking the fact checkers

    Fact checkers have been getting a lot of attention recently as the line between fact checking and personal interpretation have become more blurred. I first noticed this in the results of the "fact checking" of Ryan's acceptance speech. In every c...

  • September 2, 2012

    You're a Racist and You Didn't Even Know It

    This week the Progressive Leftist media, in an attempt to further distract voters from Obama's economic and jobs record, has continued to add new layers to the Republican=Racist claim. They've now included the words "golf" and "Chicago" to their ...

  • July 29, 2012

    Our Perfect Date, Thanks to Obama

    Our perfect evening together couldn't have been a success without our President. "If you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own...If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help... S...

  • June 7, 2012

    Survivor 2012: Wisconsin

    Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is the first governor in history to survive a recall. He didn't just win, he trounced the labor unions yet again. I mean, the Democrat union stooge. Sorry, that would be the Democrat contender. Walker ran on a platform...

  • April 19, 2012

    Zimmerman's media lynching continues

    In this racially charged case, a man charged with the crime of defending himself is being tried, found guilty and strung up by the media. Figuratively. Second degree murder charges were leveled based on the prosecutor claiming that the accused, ...

  • February 19, 2012

    Obama for Pope?

    You may wonder what Obama will do when he is no longer President of the United States. I think he will run for Pope. We've read about how Obama has declared himself one of the greatest four presidents in history and about how the Liberal media has la...

  • February 11, 2012

    The Republicans in Michigan are getting it done. Why can't Obama?

    Michigan's Republican Governor, Rick Snyder, didn't just balance the budget. He's putting $130,000,000 into a rainy day fund. Maybe Obama, Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats should take notice. Snyder inherited a Michigan economy that was bleedi...

  • December 9, 2011

    American Taxpayers getting off easy

    American Taxpayers getting off easy. That's the headline from The Bottom Line on msnbc.com Senior Producer, John W. Schoen. "As the GOP presidential candidates rally around the battle cry of the need to cut Americans' taxes, there's fresh evidence o...

  • December 3, 2011

    I Don't Feel Like I'm Getting Off Easy

    The liberal media would have us believe that the GOP candidates are clueless and that compared to the rest of the developed world, when it comes to taxes, we have it easy. "American Taxpayers getting off easy." That's the headline from "The Botto...

  • November 2, 2011

    Obama Gets a Failing Grade on Education

    This from a Huffington Post article - 2011 National Math, Reading Test Scores Show Sluggish Growth: On the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress, administered every two years, average scores in fourth and eighth-grade math increased slight...

  • October 18, 2011

    Pew Study Results: Obama is the Victim of Negative Press

    Sometimes you see a headline that just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This is one of those times. Imagine anybody believing that Obama is a victim of the press. In an AP report on a Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism study picked up by m...

  • September 27, 2011

    The Do-Nothing Democrats

    "Pass this bill now." Obama is still repeating this slogan ad nauseum. The problem is that after more than two weeks, still no bill has hit the floor for a vote in the Democrat-controlled Senate. So who's to blame for his bill not being passed yet? ...

  • September 14, 2011

    A Muni Tax Plan that Only Makes Sense in Wonderland

    Obama wants to tax municipal bonds in order to raise money to fund the proposed infrastructure bank and school building projects, which will then provide funds to municipalities that will no longer be able to afford to raise money for infrastructur...

  • September 11, 2011

    Obama's Vapor Legislation

    Obama's new campaign catch phrase is "Pass This Bill!" He said some variation of "pass this jobs bill" 16 times in his campaign speech before the joint session Thursday and he's repeating it ad naussium in stump speeches since. This is a little di...

  • June 6, 2011

    Krugman says Medicare is 'sustainable'

    According to Nobel laureate economist and ultra-left columnist Paul Krugman, Medicare in its current form is sustainable. That is as long as you make some major changes to it. Super-Smart Ultra-Liberal Nobel laureate NY Times columnist economist Paul...